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Snow White movie

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  • LonnieFisher
    Eloquent Member
    • Jan 19, 2008
    • 10917

    Snow White movie

    The trailer on Youtube has eighty four thousand likes, and one point one million dislikes, with eight point seven million views. Anyone planning on watching the movie?

    Last edited by LonnieFisher; Sep 2, '24, 4:37 PM.
  • Nostalgiabuff
    Muddling through
    • Oct 4, 2008
    • 11404

    looks like a train wreck. i might take a look once it hits Disney+, but i would not spend money to go see it. the live action movies they have done have mostly been terrible


    • Megotastrophe
      Permanent Member
      • Jun 29, 2018
      • 2995

      Between the Collins/ Roberts Mirror Mirror and a Stewart/Theron movies I’m not sure I even care about Snow White. And the Princess movies never really did it for me anyway. Now if they want my old guy money, let’s see a live action Once and Future King or Black Cauldron.


      • Werewolf
        • Jul 14, 2003
        • 14877

        Originally posted by Megotastrophe
        not sure I even care about Snow White. And the Princess movies never really did it for me anyway.
        Thank you for being honest.

        I always have to roll my eyes at the people who have always had a lifelong zero interest in Disney Princesses all of a sudden having a strong opinion on them.

        I love Snow White and Disney Princesses since I was a child. I thought the trailer looked fine and the upcoming dolls for the movie look really good too. I am beyond not caring about trolls manipulating algorithms and review bombing trailers for a movie whose primary target audience is, let's face it, little girls. I will not be drawn into that nonsense.

        I also love the Black Cauldron. Very underrated movie. I'd really like to see them finally add Eilonwy to the Disney Princess line. There is not enough Black Cauldron merch in my opinion.
        You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


        • Megotastrophe
          Permanent Member
          • Jun 29, 2018
          • 2995

          I wasn’t trying to downvote Princess movies just stating my personal preference for the movies where the Princess wasn’t the entire focus. Black Cauldron, Sword in the Stone, Brother Bear. All of thee would make great live action or cgi faked live action like Lion King and Jungle Book.


          • Dannyc
            Museum Super Collector
            • Feb 6, 2023
            • 157

            Does anyone else think that the main actress resembles a young Brooke Adams?


            • palitoy
              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
              • Jun 16, 2001
              • 59642

              I really think the internet is broken. Those dislikes are probably coming from people who have been fed a lot of outrage; it's an industry these days.

              This is a Disney cartoon for families and children. Some adults love Disney Princesses. I work with one; she's a delightful, genuinely happy person.

              I will not see this movie, but that's not because of whatever mildly disguised paranoia people are trying to profit from. It's simply not my thing. I'm not the audience.

              Being angry about something I wouldn't watch sounds pointless.

              PS: I don't think much of this live-action remake stuff either, it's just mining nostalgia but it is show business.
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              • monitor_ep
                Talkative Member
                • May 11, 2013
                • 8405

                For the record, I think these redo Disney movies into CGI/Live Action is just lazy. I loved it when they would rerelease the movie back to the theaters for a new generation.

                Luckly my BF likes to watch the Disney Princess movies at home, so when this movies to Disney+, we will cuddle up on the loveseat and watch it.
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                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59642

                  Originally posted by monitor_ep
                  For the record, I think these redo Disney movies into CGI/Live Action is just lazy. I loved it when they would rerelease the movie back to the theaters for a new generation.
                  Yeah, I wish they'd do more of that sort of thing again.

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                  • Megotastrophe
                    Permanent Member
                    • Jun 29, 2018
                    • 2995

                    Maybe we could get this trend to reverse as well. A full Disney cartoon musical version of John Carter Princess of Mars?


                    • drquest
                      • Apr 17, 2012
                      • 3838

                      Or a cartoon version of the Black Hole, or Something Wicked This Way Comes!
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                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59642

                        Originally posted by drquest
                        Or a cartoon version of the Black Hole, or Something Wicked This Way Comes!
                        Yeah I think both of those have merit.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • palitoy
                          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                          • Jun 16, 2001
                          • 59642

                          Condorman on the other hand, leave it next to "SuperDad"
                          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                          • Werewolf
                            • Jul 14, 2003
                            • 14877

                            Originally posted by palitoy
                            Condorman on the other hand, leave it next to "SuperDad"
                            I finally broke down and ordered the Pal DVD of Condorman because I never could get the US one.
                            You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...

