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Nervous and Panicky over starting Kindergarten

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32646

    Well, everything went great for Andrew's first day. He was really excited, and he made me real proud by listening to his teacher, recognizing his name in amongst several similar names, and just jumping in and getting situated right of the bat. He didn't even flinch when we said good-bye to him.

    Still hard to believe he's old enough to be doing this though. Man, I feel old.



    • JDeRouen
      Author of Small Things
      • Jun 14, 2001
      • 16568

      Fletcher's first full day of Kindergarten is tomorrow - wish us luck! He's really excited about it, and we got the teacher we wanted (one who used to be a Montessori teacher, and also taught a friend's daughter last year) so I'm (finally!) feeling pretty good about it too.

      For those who don't already know, he's going to the Benton County School of the Arts, a public charter school that admits children via a lottery. As the name suggests, they concentrate on art and music and such, and not so much on sports, which is great since there are plenty of sports activities he can do outside of school. Because they're a charter school they don't get the monetary support from the county like most public schools, and instead rely on grants and donations and volunteerism from the parents.

      Anyway, from what we've seen so far, it seems like it'll be a really nice school for him.
      Order Small Things, my contemporary fantasy novel featuring Megos, at


      • Marvelmania
        A Ray of Sunshine
        • Jun 17, 2001
        • 10392

        Good luck to you both. I'm sure everything will be just fine.


        • mitchedwards
          Mego Preservation Society
          • May 2, 2003
          • 11781

          Hey Joe, tomorrow is also my Daughters first full day of school. Shes done well the 2 1/2 days, but tomorrow is the big day.

          We are not supposed to walk her into school on Fri, so she's a bit nervous about that, but she will do fine.

          Think B.A. Where did you hide the Megos?


          • Goblin19
            Talkative Member
            • May 2, 2002
            • 6119

            I fell somewhat the same way. My oldest boy starts school in about 2 weeks. I'm pretty excited, but I'm a little apprehensive. He did well in preschool, but this is different. Mostly, I'll just miss him being around all the time.

