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The Rock as Shazam/Captain Marvel?

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  • Goblin19
    I think he could pull off either. Obviously, he looks a lot like Black Adam to begin with. I'm pretty sure he could pull off the Shazam part, as well.

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  • Evel KMego
    Sounds interesting!

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  • kingdom warrior
    I'd rather see Warburton play the Part but I really don't mind if the Rock landed the Part I really enjoyed him as a wrestler and Liked him in the few movies I've seen him in. He would defo make a Great Black Adam!

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  • joshvox
    Originally posted by The Toyroom
    Patrick Warburton would be perfect!
    That would be my pick as well.

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  • The Toyroom
    Originally posted by thunderbolt
    Somewhere I read a bit from the scriptwriter and he stated that the old Fawcett CM stuff didn't interest him as reference material, but the current Trials of Shazam did.

    And Patrick Warburton would be perfect! Physically looks the part, always has that perpetual squint and has voiced Superman on several occassions. Plus, he was The Tick!

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  • thunderbolt
    Somewhere I read a bit from the scriptwriter and he stated that the old Fawcett CM stuff didn't interest him as reference material, but the current Trials of Shazam did. Hopefully the project will change scripters a few times before it happens. The Rock should be ok, but I'd rather see Ptrick Warburton or Bruce Campbell.

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  • Comic Book Geek
    If DC movie history holds true, five more names will be attached to the roll before the movie is made 12 years from now. Maybe Rock's son can play the roll then.

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  • joshvox
    Well, I'm glad you guys are semi-digging the possiblitly, but the rock just gets on my nerves, so if he is attached, I'll probably pass on seeing it in the theater. He can act? I have never, ever seen any proof of that lol.

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    While I do think he'd make a better Black Adam, I can take the Rock as the big red cheese. He has a boyish, humorous charm about him that suits CM. Plus he's obviously built like Super Heroes are drawn. Plus, he can actually act, which helps.


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  • Hector
    I like this proposed casting, The Rock is extremely likeable, has the chiseled look, has good acting skills (especially for an action-oriented actor), can pull off both being serious or humorous, and has an established fan base, I think it will work.

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  • Cosmicman
    This makes me happy and scares me at that same time!

    I saw this and this makes me happy and scares me at that same time! ...

    I am happy because Captain Marvel is a classic hero I want to see in the movies for once and I like "The Rock."

    What scares me is I can see producers sticking Rock in some kind of black leather outfit and blue jeans with some kind of lighting bolt necklace or some crap calling himself Captain Marvel.

    I hope they do this right and don't mess it up but you know they will.

    Oh god. Think positive.
    Last edited by Cosmicman; May 10, '07, 11:50 AM. Reason: because I am idiot who can't spell

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  • Hulk
    I do think he would make a better Black Adam looks wise, but I think he has the chops to pull off the character of Captain Marvel. We have certainly put up with enough actors that don't quite fit into the comic book mold looks wise, like Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, so I could live with this. He hasn't been a wrestler in well over a couple of years either, he really is concentrating on the acting.

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  • palitoy
    You know, as much as I want to hate this I can't. The guy seems pretty likable and might be able to pull it off. I'm not a wrestling fan, I am just going by seeing him on SNL once.

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  • The Toyroom
    The Rock might have the tongue in cheek sense of humor for the role but I'm not sure he's "square" enough to be a "gee WHIZ" kind of Cap. That's one of the cool parts about Captain Marvel...without that he's often nothing better than a Superman clone. Something DC doesn't always seem to get...the Captain Marvel/Shazam universe doesn't always need to be played straight.
    It's that little bit of whimsy that makes it unique.

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  • toys2cool
    I think he'll look good,he has a great body and he's a good actor as well

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