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The Flash:Rebirth

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  • Bionic Joe
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 10, 2006
    • 1749

    How many of todays kids read comic books? For some time the people i've seen in the comics stores are the ones who read the books 25 years ago,


    • madmarva
      Talkative Member
      • Jul 7, 2007
      • 6445

      I'm an old-timer so Barry Allen has always been my favorite Flash. I hated how his series came to an end with Flash on trail for about two years before the title was canceled. The only redemption was his heroic sacrificial death in Crisis.

      I think Morrison is going to use Barry as a Chirst-like figure in Final Crisis. Barry sacrificed himself to save the world in the original Crisis and he will be resurrected in Final Crisis to lead the good guys to victory over evil Darkseid.

      I may be off base, but it fits.

      If that's what they do then it gives a reason for him to come back from the dead.

      I hope Jay Garrick doesn't die as suggested by others. I don't think DC will kill off Wally either, although Linda and the kids might be something else. The kids are kind of set up to die and early death.


      • BlackKnight
        The DarkSide Customizer
        • Apr 16, 2005
        • 14622

        ^^^^ Isn't one of those Kids the Speedster in Kingdom Come ?
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        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59287

          Wally's been the Flash since I was in high school and with Justice League, it's arguable that he's the now the best known Flash.

          Maybe it's me but I was never bothered with Barry Allen's passing, as much as I am Hal Jordan's (which seemed like an imitation of Allen's) because it was handled well. Plus, Wally put on the same costume so it was a new outlook but asthetically he was the Flash.

          I don't know if the clamouring to have Allen return is as big a deal, just me though.
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          • Airdave817
            Satellite Monitor Duty
            • May 31, 2007
            • 498

            I like what Johns is doing with Green Lantern. I've always been a fan of Hal Jordan. I never liked that after they broke up the Hard-Travellin' Heroes concept they really didn't know what to do with him in the late '70's and 80's. Then when they got him going again in the '90's it was only until he became Parallax.

            Flash: Rebirth should be interesting. I'd like to see the same approach. Focus a little more on Barry Allen and forensics. Work the CSI angle.

            How are they going to work out that he's been dead and gone for over twenty years? Is Iris still around? How's that going to work?

            I don't think it's Martian Manhunter - I'd say Ralph and Sue...
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            • The Toyroom
              The Packaging King
              • Dec 31, 2004
              • 16653

              Originally posted by Airdave817
              How are they going to work out that he's been dead and gone for over twenty years? Is Iris still around? How's that going to work?
              After his trial, Barry/Flash went to live with Iris in the 30th century (she's from the future, remember?) To the general public though, Iris West Allen was killed by Professor Zoom. And Barry Allen I believe was one of the innocent civilians presumed dead during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Iris could be a trickier revival than Barry's but if memory serves her essence inhabited a new body anyway when she popped back into the 30th century after her "death" an explanation may not necessarily be in order.
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              • The Toyroom
                The Packaging King
                • Dec 31, 2004
                • 16653

                Originally posted by BlackKnight
                ^^^^ Isn't one of those Kids the Speedster in Kingdom Come ?
                Wally West's daughter was indeed the Kid Flash of "Kingdom Come". In the spin-off of "The Kingdom" one-shots she had a brother also who looked nothing like the kid who is Wally's son now. He may have had a different name also... I'd have to dig out the issue. His current son is "Jai". But since The Kingdom universe is now a different earth in the multi-verse apparently it's likely that there are 2 versions of Wally's daughter, Iris.
                Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                • ctc
                  Fear the monkeybat!
                  • Aug 16, 2001
                  • 11183

                  >Wally West's daughter was indeed the Kid Flash of "Kingdom Come". In the spin-off of "The Kingdom" one-shots she had a brother also who looked nothing like the kid who is Wally's son now.

                  Hmmmm.... don't two of Barry's descendants become the "Tornado Twins" in the 30th century?

                  Don C.


                  • Earth 2 Chris
                    Verbose Member
                    • Mar 7, 2004
                    • 32571

                    Hmmmm.... don't two of Barry's descendants become the "Tornado Twins" in the 30th century?
                    In current continuity (well as current as it gets since it changes daily), The Tornado Twins were the children of Barry and Iris. Iris got pregnant during Barry's short stay in the 30th Century before he went off to die in the Crisis.



                    • The Toyroom
                      The Packaging King
                      • Dec 31, 2004
                      • 16653

                      Don and Dawn Allen, the Tornado Twins, are Barry's kids...but somewhere down the line doesn't Dawn marry one of the descendants of Eobard Thawne (Professor Zoom, the original Reverse Flash)? Their child is Impulse (Bart Allen). But since the Thawne lineage itself is spun-off from the Allen family tree (Barry's villain brother Colbalt Blue was adopted by the Thawnes) it sounds like there's some in-bredding in the Flash
                      Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                      • Earth 2 Chris
                        Verbose Member
                        • Mar 7, 2004
                        • 32571

                        Yeah, that whole Cobalt Blue thing was Waid's big misstep. It totally screwed things up. The storyline itself wasn't bad but that was just too much to take. It reeked of a Mopee like retcon.



                        • The Toyroom
                          The Packaging King
                          • Dec 31, 2004
                          • 16653

                          ^ They can keep the part about Colbalt Blue being an ancestor of Professor Zoom but ditch the part where he's Barry's brother...that's really the part that doesn't gel. You can still have the irony that half the lineage of Barry's grandson (Bart) is from his arch rival Professor Zoom.
                          Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!

