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The Batman Main Trailer

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  • enyawd72
    Maker of Monsters!
    • Oct 1, 2009
    • 7904

    Originally posted by drquest

    Also Gotham is such a dreary place, who would want to live there?
    Guess you've never been to Cleveland.


    • drquest
      • Apr 17, 2012
      • 3763

      Originally posted by enyawd72
      Guess you've never been to Cleveland.
      Haha... I have and many times... But I'm from Illinois, so well, that speaks for itself
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      • mego maniac mark
        Career Member
        • Aug 3, 2010
        • 922

        Looks great to me. Some of the shots look amazing. The upside down view of him walking towards penguin , cape flowing was beautiful.
        mego's befo ho's


        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          Yes, definitely ^^^^^^

          I find the cinematography simply gorgeous.

          Is it just me, but with that look, vibe, and soundtrack…does anybody get an almost Blade Runner feel to it?


          • sprytel
            Talkative Member
            • Jun 26, 2009
            • 6557

            Originally posted by PNGwynne
            To me, there are theatrics to superheroes--they wear costumes and have personas after all--and this is especially true of Batman. If you retain that but strip it from his villains, what's "the point"?
            Exactly! Burton's Batman movies got that part... his movies were fantastical and mythic and splashy. Burton's Penguin was not a particular comic accurate portrayal, admittedly... but still, his villains are all these big, bombastic forces of nature.

            In many places, this Batman looks like they took the script of some previously written hard-boiled crime movie and just reskinned the main character as Batman. In some of those scenes of the trailer, I half expect Gordon to turn to him and be "dude, why are you dressed like that?"


            • PNGwynne
              Master of Fowl Play
              • Jun 5, 2008
              • 19487

              Yes. A world of superheroes presupposes that such people can exist and are tolerated/embraced as social elements, for good or ill. Certain aspects of "law and order" are bent or ignored because those people exist. In the real world, Wayne would get therapy, fund private security, start aggressive drug rehab, education, and employment programs. But no, he dresses up to fight other people who dress up.

              The minute one says, "We can't do Penguin, he's too passe or too silly", the whole thing starts to crumble. I at least expect to see some dapper eccentricity--heck, I've seen real mobsters and pimps with that. And the fact that Penguin exists at all as a successful force confronting Batman proves that he's formidable, because readers have been told ad nausuem that Batman himself is incredibly prepared and formidable.

              I'm not saying I need top hats and monocles, but going too far in the other direction to compensate for deficits that don't really exist disappoints me. It's lazy.

              Sorry, I'll always defend Cobblepot, he's a great counterpoint to Batman, as the best bat-foes are.
              WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32582

                It looks good for another stab at overly gritty, darkety-dark Batman. I think the Nolan films were probably the final word on that for me. I would have liked to have seen a different approach. This is basically the same approach by different people. I'm still interested in seeing it. I do like the muscle car Batmobile. Not sold on Pattinson yet.

                As I've gotten older, I need less realism in my "no-way-is-this-realistic" super hero films. I guess I don't want them to take themselves too seriously. It's why I love the MCU so much. Even the most serious of those films knows they are a heightened version of the real world, and fully embrace that.



                • MIB41
                  Eloquent Member
                  • Sep 25, 2005
                  • 15632

                  I feel the Batman origin tale has reached the point of oversaturation. We barely get to know any of these actors in the role before they're replaced with new ones going through the same rinse and repeat cycle. Add in the multiple timelines out there, its really getting chaotic. Ben Affleck in the Snyderverse, Keaton back in the Flash, and now this one. Hopefully this new Bruce Wayne doesn't have a trigger issue with his mothers name. (;


                  • Jrfjr126rock
                    Veteran Member
                    • Feb 23, 2008
                    • 356

                    I think it looks great... I think it will be more supernatural moving forward I think this is just the beginning. One of the things I didn't like about the Dark Knight movies is that it didn't have that comic appeal to it because they focused on too much realism.


                    • MRP
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jul 19, 2016
                      • 2090

                      I am sure I will see this movie at some point and be thoroughly engrossed by it in the moment when I do. But there's little there in the trailer that actually gets me excited for this movie. The actual glimpses of the portrayal of Batman left me cold. The movie's visuals look good, to be certain, and it looks to be a well-shot movie with good cinematography, but I really only notice that stuff about movies when the story and the character portrayals fail to capture me. And if the best thing about a movie trailer or a movie is a car, then there has been a serious failure of storytelling ad character development/portrayal in it from where I sit. I didn't dislike this. It just didn't move the needle of my anticipation for this movie at all.

                      "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                      • TrekStar
                        Trek or Treat
                        • Jan 20, 2011
                        • 8387

                        Does the sun ever come out in Gotham city? sure this looks pretty good, but to me it’s just another of the many Batman movies showing darkness, rain, kick arse fighting scenes, explosions, destruction and new actors taking over the same characters.

                        But hey it’s Batman, and if they didn’t show all the above mentioned, it would probably be a lame boring box office flop.

                        I think it would be neat if they maybe get Burt Ward and or Julie Newmar to make a cameo appearance in one of these movies before they die. Newmar is almost 90 and Ward is like 76
                        Last edited by TrekStar; Oct 18, '21, 8:17 PM.


                        • jwyblejr
                          galactic yo-yo
                          • Apr 6, 2006
                          • 11146

                          Originally posted by drquest
                          Trailer seems fine to me I guess. IMO it appears we've told all of the Batman stories that can be told.

                          Also Gotham is such a dreary place, who would want to live there?
                          Someone who lives in Bludhaven?


                          • Megotastrophe
                            Permanent Member
                            • Jun 29, 2018
                            • 2773

                            I was thinking Baltimore was a good argument for living in Gotham.


                            • The Bat
                              Batman Fanatic
                              • Jul 14, 2002
                              • 13412

                              I don't about this movie. I think the only way I could watch it, is if I think of it as an "ElseWorlds" Batman movie.


                              • monitor_ep
                                Talkative Member
                                • May 11, 2013
                                • 7572

                                Hate this version of Riddler. I do not understand why DC keeps release angry Batman version. This version is not what the comic books are, in fact the comics are more Batman Family and that is what I would love to see at the theater instead of angst/angry/****ed off at the world Batman.

                                Yes I will watch this (thanks to HBO Max) but not as much as other movies.
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