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Superman & Lois (reaction)

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Ok, I finally gave in and watched the first episode...


    I was pleasantly surprised.

    While I still have to get used to Tyler Hoechlin as Superman a bit more, he’s earnest, kind, caring, and even flawed. He gives depth to the character. He’s a good actor too. The Lois Lane actress is pretty good too. I like her a lot more than Amy Adams.

    I was actually shocked as to how good the special-effects were. These are near big budget movie quality. They make the Supergirl show look like a Sid and Marty Krofft Saturday morning kids show in comparison.

    I even like the introduction of the teen sons. Having said that, I rolled up my eyes when they first discovered that their pop is Superman and reacted the way did did. I guarantee you 99% of teens would’ve said; HOLY SHIAT, OUR DAD IS FRIGGIN SUPERMAN, HOW AWESOME IS THAT???”

    Anyway, yes, I liked it. Yes, I’ll keep watching.

    And yes, I’m eating crow right now...

    P.S. One warning though. If they bring in the Arrowverse crap into this series, I’m out. I don’t want to see Supergirl show up and telling Superman’s kids that she’s stronger, faster, better, smarter, and blah, blah, blah than their father. I swear, I will smash my flatscreen, I swear...



    • monitor_ep
      Talkative Member
      • May 11, 2013
      • 7546

      Well this season there are no crossovers. That is what there insurance company told them. But next season you can beat they are going to go big since they are saving the extra money this year.
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      • Hector
        el Hombre de Acero
        • May 19, 2003
        • 31852

        I’ll stick around until the crossovers start, then I’ll move on...


        • monitor_ep
          Talkative Member
          • May 11, 2013
          • 7546

          Welcome to the dark side
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          • monitor_ep
            Talkative Member
            • May 11, 2013
            • 7546

            Superman & Lois ep 4 Haywire

            Tonight episode leans more towards the classic Superman #166 where one son has powers and the other doesn't. The non-powered son get jealous.

            Jonathan is no longer top dog at school or the football team so he is starting to get jealous. Also we get another comic book villain. Thaddeus Killgrave another evil scientist. The real reason Morgan Edge wants to take over Smallville is revealed.

            This show is on its own path from the rest of the Arrowverse and that is a good thing. It seems to follow Black Lightning in that they are dealing with family and powers.
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            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32564

              Still enjoying the show, but since I watch this with my family, I really don't appreciate them casually showing VERY underage kids (14-15, they aren't driving) going to parties and drinking beer. I know it happens, but the fact that neither Lois or Clark keep close tabs on their kids and let this happen, and then the show doesn't admonish the characters at all is a problem for me. In the pilot at least there was a huge fracas when the kids were drinking (when Jordan first displayed his powers). Here, the "freak of the week" has issues, but he doesn't really disturb the party. Clark shows up as Superman to help the boys, but we never see them get dressed down or punished for going to a party with alcohol.

              I know this makes me sound like an old fuddy dud fart, but I watch this with my 13 year old, and I don't want her thinking that's okay because a Superman show says it is.



              • sprytel
                Talkative Member
                • Jun 26, 2009
                • 6556

                I haven't watched this show yet, but I found that same thing troubling in Black Lightning (before I gave up on that show)... if I remember correctly, the high school age daughter was smoking pot... but like you said, it was never really addressed or even shown as problematic. And that was on a show where the central storyline was about how a new drug was destroying the community. It seemed to lack a certain level of self-awareness and it is just plain lazy writing.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32564

                  ^I dropped out early on Black Lightning, just because of time commitment issues, but that's distressing to hear as well. What's even worse is my local CW is mostly full of PSAs about teen-targeted anti-smoking, vaping, drinking, etc....and then the shows come back from the commercial break and condone it. Sigh.



                  • powersthatbe
                    Persistent Member
                    • Sep 27, 2010
                    • 1968

                    they did it on gotham where bruce was 16 and was partying and drinking.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32564

                      ^Nice. Geez. Remember when Superman used to fight Nick O Tine?

                      Now he'd catch his kids smoking and drinking, and he probably wouldn't even take away their cell phones.



                      • monitor_ep
                        Talkative Member
                        • May 11, 2013
                        • 7546

                        Oh man tonight reveal was epic!!!

                        Visit my wiki site:

                        Comic Books in the Media

                        To view my custom works of both JLU and Megos go to:

                        Monitor_EP Deviantart page

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                        • The Bat
                          Batman Fanatic
                          • Jul 14, 2002
                          • 13412

                          Originally posted by Hector
                          Ok, I finally gave in and watched the first episode...


                          I was pleasantly surprised.

                          While I still have to get used to Tyler Hoechlin as Superman a bit more, he’s earnest, kind, caring, and even flawed. He gives depth to the character. He’s a good actor too. The Lois Lane actress is pretty good too. I like her a lot more than Amy Adams.

                          I was actually shocked as to how good the special-effects were. These are near big budget movie quality. They make the Supergirl show look like a Sid and Marty Krofft Saturday morning kids show in comparison.

                          I even like the introduction of the teen sons. Having said that, I rolled up my eyes when they first discovered that their pop is Superman and reacted the way did did. I guarantee you 99% of teens would’ve said; HOLY SHIAT, OUR DAD IS FRIGGIN SUPERMAN, HOW AWESOME IS THAT???”

                          Anyway, yes, I liked it. Yes, I’ll keep watching.

                          And yes, I’m eating crow right now...

                          P.S. One warning though. If they bring in the Arrowverse crap into this series, I’m out. I don’t want to see Supergirl show up and telling Superman’s kids that she’s stronger, faster, better, smarter, and blah, blah, blah than their father. I swear, I will smash my flatscreen, I swear...
                          Hey Hector, saw this thread and knew I had to check in with ya. You and I were of the same mind about Tyler Hoechlin's Superman. I also intended to boycott this show, but started hearing great things about it...from all the right people. And damn...I have to admit it's pretty good. Tyler Hoechlin isn't my ideal Superman, I much prefer Tom Welling & Henry Cavil. Maybe they just didn't treat in right on that CRAP Supergirl show? But on this show he plays the character honestly and he's quite likeable. The show also isn't loaded with agenda driven identity politics...unlike the rest of the garbage that CW puts out. It's quite refreshing and I intend to keep watching.

                          Cheers my friend.


                          • Wee67
                            Museum Correspondent
                            • Apr 2, 2002
                            • 10591

                            Originally posted by The Bat
                            Tyler Hoechlin isn't my ideal Superman, I much prefer Tom Welling & Henry Cavil. Maybe they just didn't treat in right on that CRAP Supergirl show? But on this show he plays the character honestly and he's quite likeable.
                            I had the same reaction to this show's Superman. He seems sincere and struggles with balancing being a father and THE superhero. I will admit, though, I worry the plotlines around the kids are becoming very CW. I hope this doesn't ultimately kill it for me like Arrow or the Flash.
                            WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


                            • The Bat
                              Batman Fanatic
                              • Jul 14, 2002
                              • 13412

                              Originally posted by Wee67
                              I had the same reaction to this show's Superman. He seems sincere and struggles with balancing being a father and THE superhero. I will admit, though, I worry the plotlines around the kids are becoming very CW. I hope this doesn't ultimately kill it for me like Arrow or the Flash.
                              I agree on both counts. Hopefully, it won't go down that dark path. The Flash I stopped watching in the 2nd season, Arrow I hung on until the 5th. Supergirl however, I found unwatchable right from the beginning.


                              • PNGwynne
                                Master of Fowl Play
                                • Jun 5, 2008
                                • 19484

                                I think Hoechlin is great in this show, I'm enjoying is so far.
                                WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.

