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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32567

    Well, specifically, he could be The Captain, Roger's 2nd non-Cap identity. And hey, he got his shield from T'Challa in the comics back then too!



    • hedrap
      Permanent Member
      • Feb 10, 2009
      • 4825

      ^I think Chris is right on that one. Russo's loved The Captain storyarc. They originally wanted to do The Captain/Flag Smasher 80's storyline as a Cap sequel to Winter Soldier.


      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32567

        Steve also had longer hair and a beard when his former partners tracked him down after he gave up the shield and uniform.



        • hedrap
          Permanent Member
          • Feb 10, 2009
          • 4825

          ^Didn't that include the "Cap uses Thor's Hammer" moment?


          • Earth 2 Chris
            Verbose Member
            • Mar 7, 2004
            • 32567

            ^Yes indeed it did.



            • Brue
              User without title
              • Sep 29, 2005
              • 4243

              Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
              he is only referred to once, as Captain, by Vision. who he has not seen in a while. I believe it was the director who was quoted as saying that essentially at this point he is Nomad, but that is not specifically ever stated in the movie
              no at one point -I can't remember when - they say his first and last name. maybe when he cam in to Ross's office, maybe when they were charging in Wakanda.

              Oh, Wait you mean he is Steve Rogers but not Captain America. Is the name Captain America important? I guess if he is US agent, that's cool. But it really isn't important
              Last edited by Brue; May 4, '18, 5:44 PM.


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32567

                ^USAgent later wore that costume, but when Steve wore it he was just called "The Captain". While Walker was Captain America. It's confusing, cuz...comics.



                • Brue
                  User without title
                  • Sep 29, 2005
                  • 4243

                  Ughhh! Comics


                  • Nostalgiabuff
                    Muddling through
                    • Oct 4, 2008
                    • 11318

                    here is the article where the Russo's states he is Nomad


                    although obviously they borrow from other themes as well


                    • hedrap
                      Permanent Member
                      • Feb 10, 2009
                      • 4825

                      Saw it again last night. A few things stand out from the first time.

                      I didn't put the Flash Gordon connection together. Having Star-Lord/RDJ reference the movie is a nod they swiped this scene for Loki's death...

                      Then you have the World of The World's '05 lift of street-level view of from the alien ship.

                      The story works until you get to the "I won't kill Gamora/Vision" stuff. If they didn't know the threat level, I could buy it. But, when it's half the population of the's actually really selfish. Besides, Vision should have pointed out that if they didn't kill him, either he or Witch dies automatically.

                      The fight on Titan is well done, but...Strange's portal amputated the big lizard's arm, why not just do that to Thanos?

                      Thor and Strange are my favorite parts. Sad that Marvel can make a better Superman out of Thor than DC can.

                      So is Smart Hulk coming or is Banner going to sacrifice himself and become Savage Hulk? Both are 80's storylines.

                      As for the dead...I think the gimmick is the time gem Strange gave Thanos is actually a gem from an alternate reality. So when Thanos snaps his fingers, he rips reality in two and those that "survived" are caught in his...infinite war reality...and those that "died" are part of another reality which is the one timeline Strange saw Thanos lose.

                      In other words, by something not occurring earlier in the timeline of the MCU reality, there was no way to beat him by that point. I think that explains Thanos line about how he had the chance to "fulfill his destiny" previously but failed. In another reality, Capt Marvel and whoever must have beat him at that earlier defeat.

                      My guess is Strange's Defenders retrieve his time gem, go back to that moment and make sure he is killed off. The battle will be Infinity Thanos trying to stop that reality from happening as it will erase him in the future. The sacrifice of the original Avengers will be holding Thanos at bay, sorta like the Guardian of Forever in Trek.


                      • Earth 2 Chris
                        Verbose Member
                        • Mar 7, 2004
                        • 32567

                        The story works until you get to the "I won't kill Gamora/Vision" stuff. If they didn't know the threat level, I could buy it. But, when it's half the population of the's actually really selfish. Besides, Vision should have pointed out that if they didn't kill him, either he or Witch dies automatically.
                        I've heard several folks bring this up, but I don't get it. Since when do any of these heroes say "just go kill yourself so we can get this over with". That's not in the super hero handbook. There's always another way. And there IS another way, Doctor Strange saw it, and he made sure things would unfold to a certain point to get them there. It just looks bad from here.



                        • phil
                          Persistent Member
                          • May 11, 2007
                          • 2080

                          I saw it again Sunday afternoon and noticed several people near me being happily surprised that so many characters were in the movie. I know not everyone follows these movies as closely as we do but it was interesting to see this reaction. A dad and the several boys with him were b*tching up a storm with complaints when the movie ended calling it the worst movie ever. They really hated the downbeat ending.


                          • Nostalgiabuff
                            Muddling through
                            • Oct 4, 2008
                            • 11318

                            i saw it again on Sunday and there was a birthday party there with little kids, maybe 8-9. I heard several of the kids saying worst movie ending ever. I think that for some people, who don't follow as closely as we do, they don't understand what happened.

                            I heard tonight that James Gunn translated Groots final "I am Groot". he said "Dad" as he died


                            • Gramercyplace
                              Museum Super Collector
                              • Jan 23, 2012
                              • 173

                              Spidey's death scene was particularly heart breaking, even if it is an improbable death. He and Black Panther, as well as the Guardians of the Galaxy, all have movies piling up in the que, so they're obviously surviving the blood bath. As I walked out of the cinema, at many intervals I could hear adults informing kids that this film is only Part 1 of two films. The real ending hasn’t transpired yet!


                              • hedrap
                                Permanent Member
                                • Feb 10, 2009
                                • 4825

                                Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                                I've heard several folks bring this up, but I don't get it. Since when do any of these heroes say "just go kill yourself so we can get this over with". That's not in the super hero handbook. There's always another way. And there IS another way, Doctor Strange saw it, and he made sure things would unfold to a certain point to get them there. It just looks bad from here.

                                Wrath of Khan. Needs of the many...

                                I get your point and what Strange did is going to play out to be that kind of heroic sacrifice. The problem is Thanos was already made to be a quantifiable threat from the first scene. A hero can play the "another way" option when the danger isn't immediate. Jaws, Raiders, Star Wars, Flash Gordon...the threat is on the near horizon, but there's still enough time to work it out.

                                The way Infinity was set up for the audience, is there was no time - in every sense. Thanos could literally rewind time and the heroes knew that. Once you reach that point, a hero makes whatever sacrifice is needed. The Gamorra scene works for the most part, but the Vision Wakanda stuff...Thor would have destroyed Viz at first chance. I mean, they laid out everything he lost at Thanos hands, had Rocket imply Thor was on a suicide mission, and stuck him in the direct path of a star blast. He's not going to waver due to Wanda's love life.

