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what new Disney streaming Marvel shows do you want to see?

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  • C.H.O.A.M.
    learning all the time
    • Sep 15, 2010
    • 1081

    what new Disney streaming Marvel shows do you want to see?

    I know it's way early (and frankly I'm still hoping Disney will let other platforms like netflix produce shows for those marvel characters that don't fit the "house of mouse" like they've hinted) but maybe fan interest will help Disney decide which characters people want to see.

    so, I'd love to see them do an "X-men Hour"
    where the first 30 mins is an old school, '60s era X-men
    and the second 30 mins is an 80's or 90's era X-men (like the excellent fox cartoon)
    both shows will have the look and feel (including era-appropriate special effects and music) of their respective time periods.
    I'm thinking star trek tos type low budget tv vfx for the 1960's version and star trek tng vfx for the later one. imho the lower budget "tv" effects will add period charm to each one, and disney won't have to bankroll a billion dollar movie budget for an hour long streaming show.

    howabout a Dr. Strange show? obviously it would need heavy vfx, but save some money by setting it in NYC and use a cast of unknowns, like a companion series to the movies.

    also, since netflix's Iron Fist sucked the wild winkie let's have them cancel it, pretend it never happened, and let disney do a reboot and DO IT RIGHT
    (maybe even hire the fight choreographers from netflix DD)
  • enyawd72
    Maker of Monsters!
    • Oct 1, 2009
    • 7904

    The ONLY thing I want from Disney is for them to release ALL the 1960's-1990's Marvel cartoons on DVD.

    I need Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends and The Incredible Hulk 1982 in my life again.


    • MRP
      Persistent Member
      • Jul 19, 2016
      • 2084

      How about an Inside The Actor's Studio-like show and a Biography like show featuring prominent creators who have contributed to Marvel over the years (Studio like for the living, Biography like for those who have passed).

      A book club roundtable show where say 2 celebrities, 2 creators and 2-4 lucky fans get together in a room and discuss a prominent Marvel storyline they have all read (say The Coming of Galactus or the Phoenix Saga) complete with images from the comics to highlight specific points they bring up or discuss, and then at the end give info how viewers can get and read the story (digital through comixology or Marvel Unlimited, Comic Shop Locator, online vendors for the trade etc.) to get people interested int he actual comics again.

      Virtual Comic Con Panel shows where a studio audience can interact with creators and or actors from the films of TV is a comic con panel type environment with a moderator and then an audience Q&A period.

      I am all for new animated and live action shows, but I also want content that highlights the comics and the people behind the stories, a way to promote Marvel (or DC on their streaming channel) as a whole not just as something that is an unknown IP farm for movies and TV shows. Stuff that is Marvel specific (or DC specific on their streaming channel) that I absolutely cannot get anywhere else and gives me a reason to plunk down my money every month (and new mediocre or even good animated or live action shows probably won't get me to do so. There's too many streaming channels out there now and specialized streaming channels have to offer more bang for the buck for me to subscribe than a general streaming service would, and new animated or live action shows are not likely to be enough for me. There's enough of that content out there now I can pick and choose what I think is good among it rather than feeling a need to watch any and all genre content because it is scarce as it once was. But then that may just be me.

      "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


      • CrimsonGhost
        Often invisible
        • Jul 18, 2002
        • 3573

        Howard The Duck

        How about a 12 episode adaptation of Secret Wars?

        Something like Marvel Team-Up or Two In One might be fun. Kind of like Batman Brave and the Bold but with either Spidey or The Thing as the main character.

        Heroes for Hire with Power Man and Iron Fist.

        The Defenders with Dr. Strange, Hulk, and Silver Surfer.
        Expectation is the death of discovery.


        • thunderbolt
          Hi Ernie!!!
          • Feb 15, 2004
          • 34211

          Two in One would be more fun, so I'd go for that one.
          You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


          • jwyblejr
            galactic yo-yo
            • Apr 6, 2006
            • 11146

            Some thing with Ka-zar. Seriously,how has he not gotten a series yet?


            • Psykodelik Vampyre
              Museum Patron
              • Jan 22, 2018
              • 109

              +1 on the 60's cartoons! Love seeing the classic art on the big screen with that killer music behind it.


              • C.H.O.A.M.
                learning all the time
                • Sep 15, 2010
                • 1081

                hey team ups and two in one would make great cartoons!


                • knight errant00
                  8 Inch Action Figure
                  • Nov 15, 2005
                  • 1766

                  Moon Knight
                  Blade (Wesley Snipes back for more bloodsucker-slashing action? Sign me up!)
                  Dr. Strange (which I think could get by on an FX budget similar to Supernatural or The X-Files)

                  I love T-Bolt's Two-in-One idea (with Michael Chikliss back as Ben), but I suspect budget would kill it in any live-action format.


                  • thunderbolt
                    Hi Ernie!!!
                    • Feb 15, 2004
                    • 34211

                    Originally posted by knight errant00
                    Moon Knight
                    Blade (Wesley Snipes back for more bloodsucker-slashing action? Sign me up!)
                    Dr. Strange (which I think could get by on an FX budget similar to Supernatural or The X-Files)

                    I love T-Bolt's Two-in-One idea (with Michael Chikliss back as Ben), but I suspect budget would kill it in any live-action format.
                    It'd be a cartoon in the Kirby style. It was more Crimson Ghost's idea, tho.
                    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks

