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Justice League SPOILERS thread

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  • enyawd72
    Maker of Monsters!
    • Oct 1, 2009
    • 7904

    I thought it was OK...not great, not even really good. It just didn't gel for me. Not once did I have that total geek out moment like I did in the first Avengers movie...and I feel like I should have. I thought Steppenwolf was a terrible villain...he lacked the charisma that Loki brought to the Avengers. He just never felt like a threat, and I wasn't even clear on his motivation. The three cubes or boxes? I can't even what's that tell you? They seemed like a ripoff of the Cosmic Cube. It was like someone said, Hey! Avengers only had ONE cube, so we'll have THREE!

    There were a few funny bits and good action sequences but overall the film just didn't hold my attention. At no point did I really care what was happening. By the time Superman appeared I actually found myself thinking...oh good, it shouldn't be much longer til it's over, and I truly can't believe I felt that way. I really think they put the cart before the horse. I wish they'd done origin films first for all the new characters. When I first saw Avengers it was a great was a huge payoff. The characters felt like old they felt like strangers. The more I think about it, the more I really want to see a Super Friends movie, and this just wasn't it.


    • PNGwynne
      Master of Fowl Play
      • Jun 5, 2008
      • 19484

      Originally posted by enyawd72
      I thought it was OK...not great, not even really good. It just didn't gel for me....There were a few funny bits and good action sequences but overall the film just didn't hold my attention. At no point did I really care what was happening. By the time Superman appeared I actually found myself thinking...oh good, it shouldn't be much longer til it's over, and I truly can't believe I felt that way.
      Somehow, I can--I would have been surprised if you had liked it. I surprised myself in liking it as much as I did. I went into this film expecting dreck and found it surprisingly decent. IMO you went in hoping for something good and didn't find it. No, of course it's not Avengers--that ship has passed for DC. But, I also think you're a bit biased towards Marvel. The Mother Boxes are straight from the comics. I agree, though that Steppenwolf was shallow and the narrative/exposition could have had more finesse. An Apokolips prologue scene between Darkseid and Steppenwolf would have helped immensely.
      Last edited by PNGwynne; Nov 18, '17, 8:48 PM.
      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


      • rchatlin
        Talkative Member
        • Jun 24, 2001
        • 5766

        Originally posted by PNGwynne
        .... I wish I could see Cavell in a traditional Super-suit *sigh*.


        • enyawd72
          Maker of Monsters!
          • Oct 1, 2009
          • 7904

          Originally posted by PNGwynne
          Somehow, I can--I would have been surprised if you had liked it. I surprised myself in liking it as much as I did. I went into this film expecting dreck and found it surprisingly decent. IMO you went in hoping for something good and didn't find it. No, of course it's not Avengers--that ship has passed for DC. But, I also think you're a bit biased towards Marvel. The Mother Boxes are straight from the comics. I agree, though that Steppenwolf was shallow and the narrative/exposition could have had more finesse. An Apokolips prologue scene between Darkseid and Steppenwolf would have helped immensely.
          No Marvel bias here...three of my top 10 favorite shows are Gotham, Flash and Legends. You'd have to pay me to watch Shield, and I've still never seen Daredevil. I didn't know anything about the Mother Boxes being from the comics. I do know I kept wishing Steppenwolf looked like his Super Powers figure though...LOL.

          Cyborg was the most glaring example of what was wrong with least for me. I didn't get to know or care about Victor Stone before his accident, so there was just no emotional connection. Imagine how Robocop would've sucked had they cut out all the Murphy scenes. The Flash was another huge letdown. He was so out of character. He acted more like Kid Flash than Barry Allen. IDK...if they do more films maybe they'll grow on me in time.


          • Goblin19
            Talkative Member
            • May 2, 2002
            • 6110

            Character development is probably my biggest complaint, too. Either do solo movies first or make this movie longer, focusing on the new members.


            • enyawd72
              Maker of Monsters!
              • Oct 1, 2009
              • 7904

              The box office returns have been dismal, so I think the writing's on the wall. I honestly don't know what they can do at this point other than make more Wonder Woman movies. I expect we're going to hear some major announcements soon with films being cancelled, just like Universal's failed monster mash.


              • thunderbolt
                Hi Ernie!!!
                • Feb 15, 2004
                • 34211

                96 million is dismal for one weekend? World Wide is 281 million, not too bad.
                there is a downward trend from BvS to SS to WW to JL on opening weekends which should give the WB suits some sort of message.
                Last edited by thunderbolt; Nov 19, '17, 8:35 PM.
                You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32564

                  Enjoyed it. Say what you will but it's the first time that Cavill got to play Superman.

                  I really enjoyed the movie.

                  I basically expected to like it more than MoS and especially BvS...but that's it. It far exceeded those expectations for me.

                  It didn't try to erase the bad taste of MoS and BvS, but addressed the problems IN STORY, and then moved on.

                  Can I admit I think I liked it more than Thor: Ragnarok? I liked both, but Thor 3 was just TOO goofy in places for me. Way too much heavy stuff being glossed over for a laugh.

                  I don't want Snyder's brooding naval gazing either, but I think JL struck a nice balance.

                  Was it perfect? No. I'm still not crazy about this Aquaman, but he was what I expected. Cyborg reminded me enough of the early Wolfman/Perez version to work for me. Flash had some great moments, and reminded me of JLU's Wally West a lot. Gal Gadot just kills it as Wonder Woman. She's the rock this movie is built on.

                  If Affleck's Batman was like this from the get-go, I'd have no problem with his turn in the cowl. This was a very JLU-like Batman. You could hear most of his dialog coming in Kevin Conroy's voice.

                  Totally agree with Brian that Henry Cavill was FINALLY freed from his mopey chains and allowed to shine as SUPERMAN. The Man of Steel FINALLY returned to the big screen for the first time in 30 YEARS!!!

                  Steppenwolf was fine. Not the best villain, but not the worst. The threat was big enough for the League and the backstory was a nice treat.

                  Yeah, I really liked it, and I want to see it again.



                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    Not a big Avengers movies fan myself...they were boring to me, not bothering to buy their Blu-rays. The Ultron one was as bad as Batman v Superman. And Iron Man 3 is still the worst big budget superhero movie I’ve ever seen. Next to that, the horrid Spider-Man 3.

                    Not hating on Marvel though, as Captain America: The Winter a brilliant movie. One of the best superhero flicks of all times. Deadpool rules too. Logan was fantastic. And I’m a sucker for the X-Men movies, especially the ones with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. Thor Ragnarok was tons of fun. Then you have the best Marvel movie ever (to me), Guardians of the Galaxy.

                    The Dark Knight is awesome.

                    Having said all that, despite its on screen flaws, no other superhero gives me as much goosebumps as Superman.

                    Crossing my fingers for a Henry Cavill movie homage to the late great Christopher Reeve.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32564

                      ^Hector, there is definitely the spirit of Reeve's Superman in this film. And one scene in particular is very similar to one in Superman: The Movie...only in reverse.



                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        I can’t wait!

                        I’m free to go this coming Tuesday...I’ll definitely check it out...


                        • Earth 2 Chris
                          Verbose Member
                          • Mar 7, 2004
                          • 32564

                          As a huge Superman fan, I don't think you'll be disappointed.



                          • Boywonder0
                            Persistent Member
                            • Dec 29, 2007
                            • 2411

                            ^^^^ What he said! Great movie! Screw haters from Marvel!


                            • Hedji
                              Citizen of Gotham
                              • Nov 17, 2012
                              • 7246

                              I'll try to be as positive as I can.


                              Let's get this out of the way first. I think we can ALL agree this is leaps and bounds better than Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad.

                              The humor was a welcome touch. The mid credit sequence was fun. The promise of building a Hall of Justice was nice. The scene with the Amazons trying to get the box away from Steppenwolf was the most thrilling scene in the film. (both a nice surprise, but a real glaring problem)

                              And now, I'm straining to think of positive things to celebrate. Everything Enywad72 said in his post was read from my mind. I wanted to love this. I got no chills. I got no feels. When I heard Elfman was going to utilize the Batman and Williams' Superman themes in the score, I was ready for those moments where the film gives you permission to stand out of your seat and cheer. I was incredibly disappointed that those theme quotes were barely there, unresolved, and buried under an incredibly noisy sound mix. We all knew Supes was coming back. I wanted the John Williams ostinato to build to a crescendo and for my heart to soar. We finally got the Superfriends on screen, and I didn't care. They didn't reach the kid inside me, and that kid isn't buried very deep.

                              Aside from the mid credit sequence with Flash and Superman, there still is very little joy in any of this.

                              I will have to agree to disagree with some very lovely members here with whom I deeply respect.... Cavill needs to go. I know they just brought him back from the dead, but he just seems so cold. He definitely plays Superman as an Alien. He's got a chilly distance to his performance, even when he's supposed to be personable. I feel nothing between him and Lois Lane.

                              And then they want to go back to the well of Jesse Eisenberg? Because his Luthor was received so well?

                              Why do 3 out of the 6 Superheroes have to be shown drinking hard liquor? My theater was full of little kids. Batman drinks milk.

                              The problem is this is all built on Snyder's foundation. And it's like something unmentionable that is stuck on your shoe. No matter how you try to wipe it off, you can still smell it.

                              I hope they hard reboot for the next one. We are likely losing Affleck. I wouldn't miss Cavill either.

                              Cyborg was a downer. What a difficult to like character. Odd that his dad Miles Dyson is still working for Cyberdyne and using future Alien technology to advance his science. Was Cyborg Danny, the little boy we saw playing with the remote control car in Terminator 2?

                              J.K. Simmons' Commisioner Gordon looked oddly a lot like Alan Napier's Alfred from 1966 Batman. Why didn't he show his huge biceps? He could've been the 7th member.

                              Hey, didn't early posters say "Unite the Seven" ? Who was the 7th member of the team?

                              They made the "you talk to fish?" joke twice. It was only funny once. Did I miss it or did Aquaman not interact with any sea life at all? (He swam past a whale) Can't we please see him in some beautiful, colorful underwater scenes interacting with some manatees and colorful reefs and schools of fish, or swimming with some sharks?

                              Make a Superfriends movie. It is what everyone wants, but doesn't know it. Doesn't have to be campy or silly, but they are overthinking this.

                              I can see why it will appeal to some folks, and I really wanted to give it a chance, but this was not what I want.


                              • Mego Milk
                                Custom Mego Maker
                                • Jun 3, 2007
                                • 2843

                                I really like this movie.

