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Flash Season 4 thread

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  • The Bat
    Batman Fanatic
    • Jul 14, 2002
    • 13412

    Originally posted by emeraldknight47
    if anyone should be leading the current team, it should be Wells of Earth Two.
    Yes, I couldn't agree more!


    • bleit1701
      Career Member
      • Jan 1, 2009
      • 837

      I was hoping for a cool red black suit for Ralph. One cool thing is the actress that played Prank was the same one who played her on the the 90's Flash opposite Mark Hamill.
      Better late than never.....


      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32582

        ^...and she barely aged!



        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59292

          I really enjoyed it, the boy (whom i bribed) tapped out mid way, Dibney ain't working for him.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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          • Madcap70
            • Dec 4, 2017
            • 55

            Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
            ^...and she barely aged!

            In a great way..........


            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32582

              This week's episode wasn't bad, but Barry continues to be written so stupidly, that anything bad that befalls him, he deserves. Freeing Big Sir and running him off to China, but NOT getting his own self out so he can protect the innocent as the Flash? What kind of double-standard is that?

              I think Barry is now my least favorite character on the show. Well, him and Iris. After all, "they're" the Flash.



              • Makernaut
                Persistent Member
                • Jul 22, 2015
                • 1552

                It wasn't any conscious decision on my part, but somewhere along the line, I just quit tuning in and I don't know when it occurred. I know I haven't seen any of this Seasons episodes. I was a pretty big fan for the first two seasons, but at some point, I just became "Meh" and I guess that was it for me.


                • johnnystorm
                  Hot Child in the City
                  • Jul 3, 2008
                  • 4293

                  The show just wanders mid story too much. I seriously wish they would do away with these season long plots and just do one or two episode stories. I'd rather see Flash fight the Rogues Gallery than try to figure out this Thinker's masterplan. Give Killer Frost, Ralph, and Vibe a solo ep to fill in.
                  I about choked when the warden called Amunet or whatever her name is. First, no surprise he's a bad guy , he's been so over the top he was practically wearing a henchman tshirt like the new Figures Toys! But Katie Sackoff's villain is just so bad I really want her to go away. Terrible acting, she's so much better than this role.
                  Next we get a completely needless sub-plot with Joe and his suddenly telepathic wife. Why are they still part of the show? Harry seems to be frustrated, probably because he's the smartest guy on the team and no one ever tells him he's "The Flash" too.
                  So if I shrink a car, it no longer weighs the same? I didn't get that.
                  And why does Barry leave lightning trails sometimes but not others? Can you only see them on video camera? No one noticed them in the courtroom or when he cheated at pudding poker. And now Mr. Straight Justice, who lectures everyone on morals, frees a convict because his team met a guy who kinda looks like him and because his dad helped him? Why is Barry a forensic guy when of course he can rely only on his feelings.
                  God, the writers are idiots.
                  Last edited by johnnystorm; Feb 2, '18, 5:43 PM.


                  • Earth 2 Chris
                    Verbose Member
                    • Mar 7, 2004
                    • 32582

                    ^ Good points all.

                    I really like the actors. I like the concepts. But yeah, the writing is often times just...bad. I don't expect high-art, but I expect competency even in the most outlandish of situations. It's just lazy.



                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32582

                      Much better episode this week. Barry actually used his brain, and nice resolution to the trial storyline. Now, they need to have the police REALLY try to dig into what happened to Devoe. Like, if that body WASN'T Devoe...then whose body was it? I hope they just don't stupidly drop it, but...they probably will.



                      • johnnystorm
                        Hot Child in the City
                        • Jul 3, 2008
                        • 4293

                        Oh, I completely believe they will never bring up any further investigation into "Devoe" showing up alive in court. The judge doesn't really question it...MRS. DEVOE DOESN'T ARGUE IT...Barry freed immediatly. All the cops, coroner, funeral home etc were wrong about the dead body. Of course, Barry IS the only forensics guy in the CCPD since Julian left.
                        I honestly believe whatever plan the writers had for the Thinker has long since derailed. The jumping bodies thing is just weird, as was Thinker/Hazard coming on to the wife, wine and all. The Mechanic obviously is headed to betrayal of her hubby, and it's apparent that whatever scheme they originally plotted has changed and she is no longer a part of it. Why kill all the new villains. Why is Amunet still a part of this show? Ugh.
                        Also this shapeshifting thing of did he change his skin color? Sorry that doesn't seem correct...even Plastic Man retained his red/yellow/flesh color scheme when in a shape disguise. But hey, Killer Frost is handing out the pep talks now.
                        And oh. BTW, Cecile's mind reading powers were a convienent deux ex machina to make the team aware of the warden's treachery. Bet they fade away now. Sloppy.
                        Next episode- Golden Age baddie The Fiddler reinvented as a country music cowgirl. Could be ok. A fiddler is more at home in country music, as he was in the GA he was really more The Violinist.


                        • C.H.O.A.M.
                          learning all the time
                          • Sep 15, 2010
                          • 1081

                          ^ hilarious and true.
                          I also thought it ridiculous that forensics expert Barry "I have no argument for why I shouldn't go to prison and I won't leave unless you idiots clear me" Allen lets himself be released after Dibney's performance convinces the judge (and the less than overjoyed wife) that Devoe is still alive.


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32582

                            ^Good point. It's all falling apart now. It was semi-satisfying at the time, because I didn't see it coming. But yeah...they didn't think anything through. AGAIN.



                            • sprytel
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 26, 2009
                              • 6557

                              Which would all be excusable if the series embraced the "Don't think too hard, just have fun with it" vibe of Legends.

                              But this season isn't all bad. I like the fact that the bad guy wasn't another speedster. I actually think "OG" Devoe was a great foil for the Flash (the other actors don't sell the character nearly as well). I like the addition of Dibney, and the effort to have a little more fun. I still think this season is an improvement over the past few seasons, and that they are trying to slowly go in the right direction. They just can't seem to help themselves from these epic/terrible/epicly terrible attempts at melodrama. The prison stuff made no sense (logically or based on what we know of the character) other than to sideline Barry and let the rest of the team fight bad guys for a couple of episodes.


                              • johnnystorm
                                Hot Child in the City
                                • Jul 3, 2008
                                • 4293

                                Agreed. It would have been just as easy to trap the Flash in another dimension or on another Earth than to stage the whole murder plot. I think the writers just decided they liked the Trial of the Flash as a title and contrived some way to fit it in.
                                Yes, this season has been more fun..I complain because the stupidity is sometimes overwhelming, but Ralph has been a great addition. The use of Killer Frost is welcome too. Even the villains have been better, as you say, and mainly because they don't have speed powers.
                                Last edited by johnnystorm; Feb 9, '18, 10:58 PM.

