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Justice League Trailer this Saturday

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  • Boywonder0
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 29, 2007
    • 2411

    I like it! And I don't get so much hate! It's like in order to be socially acceptable or to be "in" people must add on to the hate wave (coming mostly from Marvel fans mostly)... Sad, very sad...


    • libby 1957dog
      Persistent Member
      • Sep 3, 2009
      • 1344



      • Hedji
        Citizen of Gotham
        • Nov 17, 2012
        • 7246

        I want a SuperFRIENDS movie so bad, and have wanted it before I knew who Zach Snyder was. Everyone of all ages and all interests could enjoy a tongue in cheek romp with colorful costumes and a throwback score.


        • drquest
          • Apr 17, 2012
          • 3763

          Can't say I'm seeing much I like with that trailer and I think we saw all of the humor that's in the movie.

          I think the issue I have with the DC movies is the only one that seem like a fit for their universe is Batman. Everything else seems a stretch and looks like they don't belong there. I grew up loving Superman, but I don't love Superman in this DC universe, he doesn't fit there.
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          • Hedji
            Citizen of Gotham
            • Nov 17, 2012
            • 7246

            ^ Nailed it. It's Batman's World; the others are just living in it.


            • hedrap
              Permanent Member
              • Feb 10, 2009
              • 4825

              Originally posted by drquest
              I think the issue I have with the DC movies is the only one that seem like a fit for their universe is Batman. Everything else seems a stretch and looks like they don't belong there.
              I think you called it. It's like they're taking DCU and literally interpreting it to mean "Detective Comics Universe".


              • PNGwynne
                Master of Fowl Play
                • Jun 5, 2008
                • 19484

                Originally posted by Boywonder0
                I like it! And I don't get so much hate! It's like in order to be socially acceptable or to be "in" people must add on to the hate wave (coming mostly from Marvel fans mostly)... Sad, very sad...
                That's not apt. I'm a hardcore DC fan and I have solid reasons for being wary of, and serious misgivings about, this film. I don't hate it, but so far I'm very disappointed.

                On the other hand, I'm very excited for the solo WW film.
                WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                • emeraldknight47
                  Talkative Member
                  • Jun 20, 2011
                  • 5212

                  Originally posted by Hedji
                  ^ Nailed it. It's Batman's World; the others are just living in it.
                  One might also say that, with the exception of the GOTG, the MCU suffers from the same "It's Tony Stark's world; the others are just in it" mentality.
                  sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                  • hedrap
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 10, 2009
                    • 4825

                    Originally posted by emeraldknight47
                    One might also say that, with the exception of the GOTG, the MCU suffers from the same "It's Tony Stark's world; the others are just in it" mentality.
                    That's true. Even though I tired of RDJ around IM3/Ultron, I get why Marvel does it. The first Iron Man set the tone and visual look for the MCU and the other characters are equal enough to fit it because all created by the same group in the same period. It's a natural uniformity DC has never had and always worked to correct. I guess another example is Fox deciding every X-Film must be Deadpool in some form.

                    I think what most of us here can't square, is if you're going to make JL Bat-Centric, why not "hero up" Batman - a Neal Adams/JLU Timm mash - so the other character have an easy transition into his DCU. For example, if they didn't want to make Aquaman a Galahad type, fine. But...what about all the visual crazy things sea life can do, like bioluminescence? That would be a great way to play with his color design. Instead he looks and sounds alot like a WWE guy, Roman Reigns.


                    • MIB41
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Sep 25, 2005
                      • 15631

                      I think its safe to say this film will get beat up by critics because it's about five years late selling the superhero ensemble concept. It's no longer a novelty and people will be asking why there's so little background on the ones that get introduced here. It's going to be another movie where the whole film gets bogged down trying to explain the presence of so many characters without any rationale previously established to explain their sudden harmony for one another. The Avengers comparison will be unavoidable because WB didn't properly set the table for it to look like anything other than a blockbuster wannabe with capes. The fact that so many of the heroes don't remotely look like their comic counterparts will likely become a sticking point for many who see this as another Snyder-CGI-Looks like a video game-project.


                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        I'm more entertained by the fanboy comments on YouTube...DC vs who is richer, Wayne or Stark, lol...


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          BTW...The Avengers was ok...and Avengers 2 sucked donkey private don't get too carried away hating on JL...



                          • hedrap
                            Permanent Member
                            • Feb 10, 2009
                            • 4825

                            Originally posted by MIB41
                            I think its safe to say this film will get beat up by critics because it's about five years late selling the superhero ensemble concept. It's no longer a novelty and people will be asking why there's so little background on the ones that get introduced here. It's going to be another movie where the whole film gets bogged down trying to explain the presence of so many characters without any rationale previously established to explain their sudden harmony for one another.
                            All great points. The one above reminded me of the original pitch to JL as an inversion. The idea, (from Goyer and Nolan), was to not have a "Justice League Assemble" moment as they were all fighting the same enemy but independent of each other. IIRC, it was to play off the dawn of new demigods idea in MOS. JL would end with a league pact, then the solo projects spin out. You can see bits of that with Wonder Woman in BvS, and the bio video files were late inserts Snyder had no hand in, but came from Affleck/Terrio's JL rewrites.


                            • Bruce Banner
                              HULK SMASH!
                              • Apr 3, 2010
                              • 4335

                              I'm still really looking forward to this.

                              More character posters:

                              Last edited by Bruce Banner; Mar 27, '17, 6:05 AM.
                              PUNY HUMANS!


                              • Earth 2 Chris
                                Verbose Member
                                • Mar 7, 2004
                                • 32564

                                BTW...The Avengers was ok...and Avengers 2 sucked donkey private don't get too carried away hating on JL...
                                Be aware may be falling into BvS mode. Don't set yourself up for an epic fall like last time.

                                I don't get the hate for Age of Ultron. I thought it was a good sequel to a great original movie. I didn't have that "GEE WOW" feeling that the first Avengers did...but neither will JL. As George Harrison said in regards to the B-Sharps playing on that rooftop in that classic Simpsons episode "It's been done".


