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flash Season 3

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32567

    I'm not seeing any dip in quality, but the characters don't seem to be learning from mistakes and moving forward. The whole Flashpoint thing should have been a two-episode gimmick and that's it, because now it's a crutch they can just lean on when they want to suddenly have fun-loving Cisco to be surly, or jumpstart Katelin into Killer Frost.

    I really want to see Barry learn from this mistake, and never again make it. If they do that in the long game, I can accept it. If by season's end he's another Flash in that mess in his past...GRRR.



    • Makernaut
      Persistent Member
      • Jul 22, 2015
      • 1552

      MIB41's "viewer fatigue" statement would best describe my feelings, at this point in time. However, I can't fully disagree with any of the other statements on this page. I may not be put off to the degree that some of you are, but I get where you all are coming from.

      The only real bright spot remains as it always has for me with this show, and that is Gustin. The kid's great in this role and that needs to not be wasted. They need to find the fun and loose all the darkness that comes with constantly revisiting his Mom's death and this multi-world, multi-timeline stuff needs to be occasional and only when it can be interesting. Quit experimenting with alternate versions of the same people and just make them more interesting when and where they. Try growing them through good storylines instead of being lazy. "What If?" kind of stories are one-dimensional and don't work well because you aren't really getting to know the characters over the long-haul. These aren't the same characters around Barry that we started with. Same names and actors, but they aren't the same versions of themselves we started with.


      • Hector
        el Hombre de Acero
        • May 19, 2003
        • 31852

        You are right on Gustin Grant, perfectly cast as Barry Allen/Flash. He does some stupid things, but the guy is so darn likable.

        I also like the lady scientist...Danielle Panabaker as Dr. Caitlin Snow, she's a nice affable character.

        Harrison Wells can be brilliant at times...if he finally lets go of his constant daughter protection mode, he should be fine.

        Joe West is hot and cold with me.

        Iris, Cisco, and Wally...get on my friggin nerves.


        • johnnystorm
          Hot Child in the City
          • Jul 3, 2008
          • 4293

          The problem is the producers insist on loading these shows with regulars. Too many characters= too many stories they have to address.
          The original Flash show had Barry, Tina, & Julio. Leaving plenty of time for fighting bad guys.


          • johnnystorm
            Hot Child in the City
            • Jul 3, 2008
            • 4293

            Ok, Barry & Iris on the couch made my skin crawl. Hey you two! Didn't you used to watch cartoons on that couch? You know, back when you were kids and brother & sister? Even dull witted Joe threw up his usual pizza a wee bit!

            Wally got to go talk to Jesse in the other room this week. They also said "powers" a few times.

            Selecting a new Wells at random was the stupidest thing yet. Like we needed a 4th version. At least this one is hipster fun, 'cause he has a nifty cool hat. This won't end well.

            Why is the villain called The Top? Because Count Vertigo is already an Arrow villain. And what a lame introduction to Mirror Master, arguably the 2nd greatest Rogue (after Captain Cold). Expected more.

            Barry stuck in the mirror was dumb too. What good are his Powers (yeah, I said it) if he needs four people to save him. Flash-Fact: Barry Allen of the comics would have known some minor science fact that he'd use to free himself.

            Alltogether the worst episode this season.


            • emeraldknight47
              Talkative Member
              • Jun 20, 2011
              • 5212

              Originally posted by johnnystorm
              Ok, Barry & Iris on the couch made my skin crawl. Hey you two! Didn't you used to watch cartoons on that couch? You know, back when you were kids and brother & sister? Even dull witted Joe threw up his usual pizza a wee bit!

              Wally got to go talk to Jesse in the other room this week. They also said "powers" a few times.

              Selecting a new Wells at random was the stupidest thing yet. Like we needed a 4th version. At least this one is hipster fun, 'cause he has a nifty cool hat. This won't end well.

              Why is the villain called The Top? Because Count Vertigo is already an Arrow villain. And what a lame introduction to Mirror Master, arguably the 2nd greatest Rogue (after Captain Cold). Expected more.

              Barry stuck in the mirror was dumb too. What good are his Powers (yeah, I said it) if he needs four people to save him. Flash-Fact: Barry Allen of the comics would have known some minor science fact that he'd use to free himself.

              Alltogether the worst episode this season.
              Even WORSE than last week's? Man, has someone suddenly decided to just sabotage the CW/DCverse because it seems an awful lot like it's imploding...
              sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


              • MIB41
                Eloquent Member
                • Sep 25, 2005
                • 15632

                Well here's the weekly ratings chart for this season. Hopefully they can get Barry out of his emotional diaper and get on with stronger material.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32567

                  This one had high and low points for me. I liked Mirror Master's gimmicks, and the mention of the Earth-Two Mirror Master who has the secret ID of the 2nd version from the comics, and the Mirror Guns. I liked Barry figuring out how to trap Mirror Master on his own at the end, after I griped about him NOT getting out of mirror without help earlier. I liked Jesse getting a win in too.

                  But yeah, the producers painted themselves into a corner with Barry and Iris early on, and now this unnatural Greg/Marcia dynamic is really hard to watch. When Joe thinks of both of them as his kids...that's just icky. With Flashpoint, they could have fixed this. What if Henry wasn't in prison all those years, but he and Joe became friends as they tried to solve Nora's murder? Barry could be close to Iris without being adopted siblings, thus building a more natural romance. This makes Luke and Leia look downright quaint.

                  The Wells thing was just plain stupid. After being taken in by a fake, evil versions of Harrison Wells AND Jay Garrick, they just go looking for ANOTHER Harrison Wells, assuming he's a "good guy"? These people are supposed to be geniuses.

                  I think the stress of running 4 big shows is REALLY showing on all fronts this season. I sure hope they pull out of this slump.



                  • Nostalgiabuff
                    Muddling through
                    • Oct 4, 2008
                    • 11318

                    the hipster Harrison is going to get old really fast


                    • Hector
                      el Hombre de Acero
                      • May 19, 2003
                      • 31852

                      Jesus, yet another lame and annoying "let me talk to him/her in private moment" scene...this time the Kid Dumbo Wannabe Flash...and Jesse Quick, or whatever her name is...

                      Barry and Iris making out, ugh...reminds me of Woody Allen and his adopted daughter, again...ugh...

                      Multiple for research if he's good or bad...ugh...

                      Cisco creating and building brand new technology in mere seconds...ugh...

                      The only good thing about this episode was seeing Snart again...that was about it.

                      You know what? I now officially like Legends of Tommorow more, it's a much more fun show.

                      This Flash millennial angst has probably reached the end of the road with me...


                      Last edited by Hector; Oct 30, '16, 5:02 PM.


                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        ...and I have always had a problem with the baddies being held prisoners at Star Labs.

                        This is friggin highly illegal...I don't care how evil these villains are...Barry and his gang have absolutely ZERO authority to hold these metahumans in these horrid glass cubicles (without toilets I might add).

                        Since when are they the law? Was this some kinda Supreme Court ruling that I'm not aware about?

                        Sorry, but Joe and his police department have no authority on this matter either.

                        I'm all for fantastical scenarios, I can accept Barry's speed, Metahumans, time travel, Cisco's off the roof genius, etc...but silly crap like having their own prison and incestual relationships (I don't care if Barry and Iris are not biological siblings, he was adopted by her dad, and grew up together, then they start a romantic relationship, that's gross)...that's where I draw the line...

                        Joe does get on my nerves too...but in this case, he's right to be grossed out. And I hate how Barry and Iris act like it's no big deal...

                        One more time...ugh...


                        • sprytel
                          Talkative Member
                          • Jun 26, 2009
                          • 6556

                          The prisoners are no longer being held in Star Labs. They have metahuman cells in the Central City prisons now... although they look similar.

                          But I completely agree on the Iris and Barry thing. Especially since the Flashpoint timeline gave us a chance to reset! If Barry didn't grow up with Iris, then it wouldn't be creepy. It would have been the one good reason to screw up the timeline (yet again). But no, all this time and they still don't understand why "Joe is my surrogate father, Wally is the brother I never had, and Iris... man I wish I could hit that..." is just plain gross.


                          • The Bat
                            Batman Fanatic
                            • Jul 14, 2002
                            • 13412

                            From what I'm reading from you guys...sounds like I bailed on this show at the right time. At least we got two good season's out of it.


                            • palitoy
                              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                              • Jun 16, 2001
                              • 59280

                              Kind of bummed Shade was such a dull throwaway villain , he's a character that has been done so well in things like Starman.
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                              • megowgsh
                                Customego HoF Curator
                                • Nov 19, 2003
                                • 7420

                                ^^^I am so with you. Such a disappointing episode in a very disappointing season, in my opinion.
                                Check out ALL my customs at

