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flash Season 3

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  • johnnystorm
    Hot Child in the City
    • Jul 3, 2008
    • 4293

    You guys called it on Wells for sure!
    I was pretty underwhelmed by the season finale. After months of buildup, the moment arrives and is over before the credits. Then we decide to talk it out instead of fighting. Plenty of opportunities for Savitar to kill Iris and complete the plan he "spent centuries on", but then we go with yet another time meddling plot (those always work out on this show).
    Jay comes back only to (apparently) get knocked out. Wally too, but that one is to be expected. Savitar just fades away.
    The Speed Force has a problem because it's lonely I guess, and Barry just...goes. Meh.
    I have to say this whole mystical/intelligent speed force stuff annoys me. It's an unnecessary and somewhat burdensome addition to the Flash mythos. Seriously, why the need to overcomplicate the origin story is beyond me. Barry gets hit by lightning and chemicals = superspeed. Period. What is so hard for people to deal with? Why does it need all this extra stuff?


    • enyawd72
      Maker of Monsters!
      • Oct 1, 2009
      • 7904

      ^I agree with this. I HATE the speed force. It dilutes the Flash's uniqueness, and it opens the door for waaaaay too many speedsters. Also, why is the "fastest man alive" always being outrun by like, EVERYBODY else? Zoom, Reverse Flash, Kid Flash, Savitar..all faster than Barry at some point.


      • sprytel
        Talkative Member
        • Jun 26, 2009
        • 6556

        *spoilers for the finale... not that it could make it worse*

        Yes, the show didn't seem to know where to go after the big switcheroo reveal.

        Should the doc help Savitar after what he did? Nevermind... not important.
        The whole bit with the philosopher's stone and the light up to heaven... that didn't really go anywhere.
        "Tell Cisco..." No real payoff in that one either.
        All to build to that ending (aka World's Fastest Man, World's Slowest Goodbyes)... which I assume is setting us up for another "reset" once Barry emerges from the Speed Force. Which will mean *none of this* really mattered anyhow.

        Other dumbness:

        H.R. sure took a long time to die. With some medical attention, he might have even been saved. Too bad there was no way to get him to a hospital really quickly...
        Sure, Iris survived the park, but the crisis isn't over. Sativar is out there, H.R. is dead, and Caitlin is still over to the dark side... I know, let's look at future newspaper clippings!
        The Flash is faster than Superman, who as we all know is "faster than a speeding bullet"... or... maybe not.
        I was glad Cisco didn't just build the device the bad guy requested (like Team Flash did repeatedly for Zoom last season)... but apparently all this time he could have made a Speed Force Skeleton Key and instead left Jay trapped in the Speed Force? Weak.
        I actually like where they are going with Caitlin... sort of a morally grey character like Catwoman... but man, Julian just reeked of desperation. The dude is whipped.


        • johnnystorm
          Hot Child in the City
          • Jul 3, 2008
          • 4293

          Oh, exactly on point with HR dying...I said to my wife that Barry could have had him in 50 different ERs around the world in the time it took him to deliver his speech! Ditto the ending, while Barry hugs it out (with eveyone but Jay?), meanwhile the city is being destroyed. They ACTUALLY look at cars being wrecked and not one of them moves to help! Then Barry calmly continues his farewell address, while his Mommy awaits. Seriously dude, therapy would've been great. Didn't Super-Dad Joe ever take that kid for counseling? Really would have been great for him. Could have avoided all this "brother-sister-girlfriend" ickiness too.
          Oh, and I forgot to mention the TOTAL RIDICULOUSNESS of Caitlin destroying the Black Flash in ,like 2 seconds! Too bad Thawne didn't realize that when he was teamed with Captain Cold, it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble since BLACK FLASH WAS THE WHOLE REASON FOR THAWNE'S PLAN ON LEGENDS OF TOMORROW!! And why weren't the Speed Force Guards after Savitar sll season anyway? He was a time remnant. No, they ignored him...yet prior to this they were out chasing every time abberation there was.
          The writers on this show are just getting terrible. It's like they want to get it cancelled before the big screen movie comes around.
          And Julian sucks. Terrible actor, terrible character.
          Last edited by johnnystorm; May 24, '17, 7:39 AM.


          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59268

            I thought it was a good finale but i agree on a lot of the quibbles you guys have (HR could have been saved, Speedforce is lame, Barry's long goodbye) and i'm sort of glad this season is over. I hope the new show runners can put the some new energy into the show, make it fun again. This season was too heavy, like "Arrow heavy" and well, it shouldn't be this dark, it's the Flash.
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            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32562

              Despite the dumbness of some of the things you guys mentioned, which we all called by watching, I felt the end of Savitar was fairly satisfying. Not great, but decent. But then it was way too early, and I knew we had to have a cliffhanger.

              The sentient Speed Force is taking Mark Waid's concept too far. It was much better when it was just a "force", not a collective of prison guards, speed cops, etc. And Barry just instantly being okay with having to spend the rest of eternity there was a bit much. Why didn't Jay offer to go back? That line should have been in there.

              I think if they had built the "Speed Force needs a prisoner" angle into Savitars defeat, and had Barry RUN INTO THE SPEED FORCE, that would have made for a much better, dramatic ending. He could have even run out of his costume, leaving Wally to hold it ala Crisis, vowing to take over as The Flash. We would have ended with the same situation for next season, but a much stronger finale.



              • enyawd72
                Maker of Monsters!
                • Oct 1, 2009
                • 7904

                One of the things I miss most about this show vs. the 90's series is Barry being a forensic scientist and actually using his brain once in a while. I loved that about the 90's version. Bring back the Trickster and make Barry have to THINK to outwit his foe, not just run circles around him. Oh, and please get rid of team Flash and the three other speedsters. It's the FLASH, not Flash and Friends.

                And for crying out loud, WHY does Barry even have a secret identity when like 30 freaking people including all his enemies know who he really is?


                • johnnystorm
                  Hot Child in the City
                  • Jul 3, 2008
                  • 4293

                  Yeah, they may be setting up a partial season with Wally taking over as Flash, maybe mentored by Jay. The Bart Allen mention a few episodes ago could indicate Impulse is coming too.


                  • kept back
                    Persistent Member
                    • Aug 2, 2002
                    • 1203

                    I'm fully expecting next season to be an adaptation of "The Return of Barry Allen" arc from Marc Waid's run. They can't let Barry out of the speed force immediately, but they can't go without Grant on the show for an entire season. Thawne coming as Barry and conflicting with Wally and Jay is their best bet. Plus, they've been a little too adamant that next season's big bad won't be a speedster.
                    Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32562

                      ^That's a great idea! Which means they probably won't do it, but I love it. Perfect time to do it too. The only down side is we saw TWO surly/evil Barrys this season already.



                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11315

                        honestly, all of the superheroes shows are getting tired at this point. enough with season long story arcs


                        • sprytel
                          Talkative Member
                          • Jun 26, 2009
                          • 6556

                          This quote from Grant Gustin makes me optimistic about the upcoming season:

                          That was always the goal for our show was we were going to be the lighter, funnier show. And you know, sometimes storylines just take you where they take you. I think just because of all the time travel that Barry Allen did, and all the repercussions it had, it took us down the “Flashpoint” road, if you will. We really didn’t do “Flashpoint” for long, but we dealt with the repercussions for an entire season. Barry wasn’t only the big bad at the end of the year, but he was kind of the villain of the season because it was his fault that everything happened. So we’re going to get back to our roots a little bit, and because of this experience in the Speed Force, Barry’s able to let go of things and move on, and he’s able to help the team move on, and the show can get back to its original roots where Barry enjoys having these powers and has fun, and the whole team has a little bit more fun.


                          • johnnystorm
                            Hot Child in the City
                            • Jul 3, 2008
                            • 4293

                            My nose is twitching already!!!



                            • Dark Shadow
                              Creature Of The Night
                              • May 14, 2011
                              • 1030

                              Originally posted by sprytel
                              This quote from Grant Gustin makes me optimistic about the upcoming season:
                              That was always the goal for our show was we were going to be the lighter, funnier show. And you know, sometimes storylines just take you where they take you. I think just because of all the time travel that Barry Allen did, and all the repercussions it had, it took us down the “Flashpoint” road, if you will. We really didn’t do “Flashpoint” for long, but we dealt with the repercussions for an entire season. Barry wasn’t only the big bad at the end of the year, but he was kind of the villain of the season because it was his fault that everything happened. So we’re going to get back to our roots a little bit, and because of this experience in the Speed Force, Barry’s able to let go of things and move on, and he’s able to help the team move on, and the show can get back to its original roots where Barry enjoys having these powers and has fun, and the whole team has a little bit more fun.
                              If that's the case, I'd be willing to give the series another shot.


                              • MegoSteve
                                Superman's Pal
                                • Jun 17, 2005
                                • 4135

                                I just finished the season on Netflix and thought it was too heavy. I generally enjoy the show as dumb fun, but there are so many ridiculous elements to it (like their giant headquarters in the middle of the city where all of six people work... who cleans that huge building?) and the seasons have all been repetitive... every single one has been Flash in a season-long battle with a faster villain who is shockingly unmasked as a close ally.

                                I did laugh, though, because I kept thinking an MST3K-style joke whenever Future Barry/Savitar was out of his suit:

                                Grant Gustin IS Keanu Reeve AS the Flash

