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Suicide Squad reviews...not looking good...

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  • jacoblb
    Persistent Member
    • May 7, 2009
    • 1131

    Suicide Squad was okay. I can't imagine I'd have enough interest to revisit with another viewing. Even if only to look at Margot Robbie. Joker was the biggest let down for me besides an unpolished script. At this point, with so many past efforts I don't think DC will ever top Marvel goodness. My wife's favorite superhero is Wonder Woman and she's not excited about the upcoming movie and still not pleased with Gal Gadot. The slo-mo fighting scenes from WW's trailer don't impress me any more than the SS slow motion action scenes.
    But then, I'm a bit of a comic book snob, as I'm not digging the popular DCU shows too. Flash is their best, Supergirl appears to be undermined by Superman when her show resumes on the CW, Gotham...well, I never finished season 1, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow are unbearable for me to watch anymore. So, yeah, pretty much in that order from left to right as far as quality TV shows.
    Hopefully Geoff Johns' promotion will fix things wrong with the DCU cinematic universe, I have no way to know if he's the best candidate for the Hollywood job, but someone thought so. I'd prefer he wrote quality comics and function as a consultant, ensuring the spirit of the characters from the pages of comic books are evoked on screen. He didn't seem to either have the power or the wherewithal to make a difference on the past DCU films, if we get more of the same, no thanks. I know he worked for Donner, but it seems to me his best trait is that of solely being a comic book writer. It's impossible to successfully juggle 3 huge jobs like that. He can't be overseeing the publishing house, deal with talent and in-house drama, various TV outlets, and still be expected to lead extraordinarily well flagship movies that can compete with Marvel's success.


    • monitor_ep
      Talkative Member
      • May 11, 2013
      • 7544

      Well WB put a nail in the coffin of SS, they are now going to let Gotham use Killer Croc and Harley Quinn.
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      • enyawd72
        Maker of Monsters!
        • Oct 1, 2009
        • 7904

        Originally posted by monitor_ep
        Well WB put a nail in the coffin of SS, they are now going to let Gotham use Killer Croc and Harley Quinn.
        How can they use Harley Quinn? She wouldn't exist without the Joker first. Sounds like they're either going to have to introduce the real Joker or rewrite her origin completely, and if so, she won't be the same Harley Quinn, so what's the point?

        Geez why can't DC get it together?


        • hedrap
          Permanent Member
          • Feb 10, 2009
          • 4825

          The Untouchables are/were Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Joker.

          When you go back to the post-MOS overhaul and that original plan of a truly connected DCU...if they just had the backbone to tell Snyder and Affleck "agree or go", this spinout wouldn't be happening.

          The most aggravating part are the lost possibilities. If Cavill was on Supergirl, the audience curiosity as to how he's alive would be the perfect opening to the multiverse, allowing Welling and even Dean Cain to drop in. Mixing Superman's live-action history would move him back into being something bigger than any character. From there it expands outward.


          • huedell
            Museum Ball Eater
            • Dec 31, 2003
            • 11069

            Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
            I meant DC COMICS trappings. As for the heroes, they act more heroic here than in their previous theatrical excursion this year.
            That is encouraging. Sincerely, it means a lot to me to hear that.

            Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
            Well, go see it, and decide for yourself. It's all subjective, of course. I thought he was trying way too hard to be edgy and scary, and he never convinced me of either. Hipster-doofus Joker was how he really came off, to me. But as long as he's with Robie's Harley, I can tolerate him. But your mileage may vary.
            Well, no doubt Robbie nails it, and indeed that may be (along with minimal screentime to actually make a judgement) what's distracting from a potentially broader-judged-by critics lacking performance from Leto being reported with gusto.

            Originally posted by hedrap
            The most aggravating part are the lost possibilities. If Cavill was on Supergirl, the audience curiosity as to how he's alive would be the perfect opening to the multiverse, allowing Welling and even Dean Cain to drop in. Mixing Superman's live-action history would move him back into being something bigger than any character. From there it expands outward.
            That is TOO awesome. Stop torturing me with your great ideas, hedrap!
            Last edited by huedell; Aug 8, '16, 11:44 PM.
            "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


            • thunderbolt
              Hi Ernie!!!
              • Feb 15, 2004
              • 34211

              Originally posted by monitor_ep
              Well WB put a nail in the coffin of SS, they are now going to let Gotham use Killer Croc and Harley Quinn.
              I thought Croc was one of the freaks getting off the bus? With Joker/Jerome inspired crimes happening on Gotham, Harley's a possibility . Deadshot, Boomerang, Waller and the Squad have already been on Arrow and or Flash, so this doesn't really spell WB giving up on the movie franchise.
              Last edited by thunderbolt; Aug 9, '16, 3:44 AM.
              You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32564

                With the money Suicide Squad hauled in, and that opening weekend record, I don't think they've given up. They're just wising up to different versions existing simultaneously, hence Superman on Supergirl. I bet now they wish Gotham actually had Batman in it. I know I do. I'd watch it.

                Of course, SS could collapse this weekend. But word of mouth is much better than expected, so who knows? It's the end of summer with not much competition on the way, so it may coast out on top.



                • Brown Bear
                  Still Old School
                  • Feb 14, 2008
                  • 7058

                  This movie has offered nothing that excites me. That Joker looks like a teenage pimp. Easy pass for me.
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                  • monitor_ep
                    Talkative Member
                    • May 11, 2013
                    • 7544

                    The Arrowverse Suicide Squad was set to get there own show, but when WB decided to do a movie they had to stop showing them.

                    I do not understand why, in the DC Multiverse they cannot have both.
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                    Comic Books in the Media

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                    • samurainoir
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Dec 26, 2006
                      • 18758

                      This movie is an absolute mess. With that said, I found it an entertaining mess. Performances are great, it's got a very slick watchable style. Story has plot holes you can drive trucks through and editing is really horrible whatever they went through prior to release, it didn't work.

                      I get why it's got such low critical score, but high audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Twenty year ago I would have likely loved this film, and the primary young adult audience decked out in Hot Topic gear seems to have really enjoyed it in the suburban theatre I attended.

                      But we also live in a world where Guardians of the Galaxy has set such a high standard on the group of misfits comic book movie, that this film seems overcrowded and most of the characters under-baked. The action scenes were incomprehensibly strung together, likely to hide how terrible the effects were on the creatures they were fighting. For me, the novelty aspects were fun, but didn't sustain me.

                      Here's hoping the success of this films will spawn a BETTER film for the sequel. Particularly with Geoff Johns taking more control of the DC Cinematic Universe starting with Wonder Woman.
                      My store in the MEGO MALL!



                      • Earth 2 Chris
                        Verbose Member
                        • Mar 7, 2004
                        • 32564

                        ^Pretty much my take. I had to reset my brain to 80s action movies my buddies and I would rent, and I was fine. It's like a Cannon movie with a budget. A fun Cannon movie, not the really unwatchable ones.

                        But it's no Guardians. That spark of genuine fun and creativity in every aspect of that production is missing in SS. It's just a fun action flick distraction.

                        The CGI was a bit weak, but honestly the creatures were more convincing than Doomsday in BvS. These were essentially new characters (yeah, I know Enchantress is from the comics, but her look is VASTLY different), and they looked better than Doomsday, a character that everyone has a visual grasp on. Another damnation for BvS.



                        • samurainoir
                          Eloquent Member
                          • Dec 26, 2006
                          • 18758

                          Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                          ^Pretty much my take. I had to reset my brain to 80s action movies my buddies and I would rent, and I was fine. It's like a Cannon movie with a budget. A fun Cannon movie, not the really unwatchable ones.
                          YES!!!! that is the perfect comparison.
                          My store in the MEGO MALL!



                          • palitoy
                            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                            • Jun 16, 2001
                            • 59275

                            I watched the RedLetter media take on this before I saw it, which i never do but even their take on it was largely wishy washy. I just gotta go see this for myself I guess.

                            My son tapped out on this one, leery of my Harley Quinn loving daughter coming along....
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                            • hedrap
                              Permanent Member
                              • Feb 10, 2009
                              • 4825

                              Batman '66 is great fun, is that what people wanted from Suicide Squad?

                              "Fun" is actually what made this movie a incoherent. Dirty Dozen, the entire idea behind Squad, has very little purposeful fun, and Dozen is a masterpiece. Marvel Fun is melodrama, which is hard to avoid with superheroes, but it can be made where action has consequences. That's the strength of Star Wars, Trek and Spielberg when done right. As we see now, studios avoid consequence because it will spoil the feeling of fun the audience will have and talk about that via social media. So we get Jedi or Voyage Home instead of Empire or Khan.

                              Magnificent Seven comes out in September. Makes an interesting bookend to Squad.


                              • Earth 2 Chris
                                Verbose Member
                                • Mar 7, 2004
                                • 32564

                                YES!!!! that is the perfect comparison.
                                I might have come to that since I watched that Electric Boogaloo documentary a month ago on Netflix.

                                My son tapped out on this one, leery of my Harley Quinn loving daughter coming along....
                                Hmm...yeah. Harley is pretty sexed up in this film, beyond what you've seen in the trailers. There's no more skin, but she does do some...suggestive things. Probably not much worse than the Arkham games, but if she's just going by BTAS and the Super Hero Girls series, then it may be a bit too much for her age, in my opinion. We didn't take Dani, for instance. Of course she's a bit younger, but...

                                Without being too spoilery, the abusive angle of the Joker/Harley relationship from the animated series ISN'T in this movie, so it's hard to say where to come down on that one.


