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Very early reaction to Batman v Superman screening

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  • Boywonder0
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 29, 2007
    • 2411

    Hector, Thanks for the review. One more thing... Please tell me any mention/cameo about Robin in the movie is NOT the Carrie Kelly Robin? Who was Jena Malone in the movie then?


    • mego maniac mark
      Career Member
      • Aug 3, 2010
      • 922

      Good thing Snyder was not there at same time. He could of ...
      A) gotten a big bear hug of great gratitude, or
      B) choked out in front of cheering critics.
      mego's befo ho's


      • Hector
        el Hombre de Acero
        • May 19, 2003
        • 31852

        Originally posted by Boywonder0
        Hector, Thanks for the review. One more thing... Please tell me any mention/cameo about Robin in the movie is NOT the Carrie Kelly Robin? Who was Jena Malone in the movie then?
        Holy crap, I'm still up, lol.

        I swear...sleep time now, ha...

        My very last post for now...promise.

        To answer your question...would be to spoiled it...I don't wanna do I'll shoot you a PM.

        Ok, good night everyone!


        • hedrap
          Permanent Member
          • Feb 10, 2009
          • 4825

          A lot of the hate for BvS, coming from the industry critics, is personal.

          Like Bay, they don't like Snyder but they've not had a real opportunity to go after him until now. Snyder falls between Miller/Ditko ideologically, but unlike Bay, he's not overt about...but he also not a one-man company. Its been brewing since 300, but it's coming out now, especially in the Twitter feeds.

          Edit: I'm glad you liked it Hec.


          • Bronxboykev
            Permanent Member
            • Mar 7, 2011
            • 3013

            I think Hector's Review was right on point... Definitely not as bad as the critics are saying but not Great Either.

            I liked it, My Brother Hated it

            It started slow, Probably could have been shorter by a half hour or 45 mins. I think the Story Lead into the Climax could have been done better, but they definitely made the tie in to the Justice league movie.
            I'm not grading Superman and Lois because they already have a footing in the DC Universe.
            I do think according to how this Movie Played out the Wonder Woman Movie should have been released first. It might have helped the beginning tie in.
            Affleck Batman A+
            Gail Gadot Wonder Woman A+++++ If I could go higher I would.
            Jeremy Irons Alfred A
            Jesse Eisenberg Lex Luthor B+... Only because I do not like what they did with the Lex character It was an interesting take on the character but don't think it was a good portrayal of him, Maybe a Spoiler (But More resembled another Dastardly Foe)
            The Cameos I guess you can call them
            Aquaman- When I heard who the Actor was I was like Blah he's not Aquaman, But I LOVED what I saw!!!
            Cybor Defenitly a Frankenstein vibe going on there.
            Flash- Didn't like the casting in the beginning still don't like it from the cameo.

            I would see it again.


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              My long lost brother from another mother. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

              The following video is both funny and sad.

              You do feel for Affleck, as he put his life and soul to the project...but I also couldn't help but chuckle at this...



              • enyawd72
                Maker of Monsters!
                • Oct 1, 2009
                • 7904

                Just got back from seeing it...liked it but didn't love it.

                Thought Affleck and Cavill were both fantastic. Wonder Woman felt like a second tier character to me...not even as important to the story as Black Widow in the Marvel movies. Since she's supposed to be one of the big three, I expected more. Hopefully she'll blossom in the next installment.
                Loved the thematic elements explored regarding Superman's place in the world. Lex Luthor wasn't as annoying as I thought he would be, but still felt miscast, as did Aquaman, and the Flash was downright horrible. They need Grant Gustin, period.
                The film definitely has some shining moments, but the ending kind of ruined it for me. I give it a 6.5 out of 10.


                • YoungOnce
                  Career Member
                  • Aug 29, 2007
                  • 966

                  I just saw it too. I liked it a lot. I didn't have huge expectations going in, maybe because of the bad reviews, so I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. For one thing, the DC movie universe is just going to be tonally different from the Marvel universe. Maybe WB feels like they need to create that distance to stand out, I don't know. So if you want that more comic-books, happy-go-lucky feel, you will be disappointed in this movie. It is a darker view of what the world would be like with superheroes. The tone of Man of Steel is continued here.

                  So for me, Marvel has the market cornered on the four-color, feel-good superhero flicks. And I love them too. I guess I don't mind that the DC movie-verse is attempting to be something else. My own opinion is that this movie and Man of Steel feels more grounded in the real world. They seem to make it a central issue how the world around the heroes reacts to their presence. I tell you, this universe feels like the Bruce Willis character from "Unbreakable" would fit right in... It's all a little dark, gritty and a somber pall seems to hang over it all.

                  I'm not going to spoil anything... The movie has very few lighter moments. But still, it was just super cool to see Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman up on the screen. My inner twelve-year old was geeking out.


                  • palitoy
                    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                    • Jun 16, 2001
                    • 59275

                    Just got back from seeing it, I think the hate on RT is over the top personally but it's not a masterpiece by any stretch.

                    Won't spoil anything that you haven't seen in the commercials.

                    I liked Affleck as Batman, Gadot is good as WW but a little wooden as Diana. Some wonderful action scenes, nice easter eggs and I appreciated the l'il JL stuff tossed in. Jeremy Irons is fun (which the film needs way more of)

                    My big problem is all they're all such downers. They're all the same character, Bleaky McBleakpants. The conflict, it isn't there because everybody is dour. Cavill is a good actor, I like him but they write him like such an Emo Superman. He should have a dead bird on his chest.

                    Always hated Doomsday, a crappy gimmick from the 90s comics sales craze and pretty much a macguffin/video game boss here. You don't know why he exists either, you're just told to accept in a "Joel Schumacher" esque style. The movie lingers in the first half on every little thing but glosses over this? I didn't like it.

                    Eisenberg is the worst Lex Luthor ever, he's a third rate Joker.

                    I liked it, it's OK but it didn't hit me in the feels. I'm such an easy mark too....
                    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                    • huedell
                      Museum Ball Eater
                      • Dec 31, 2003
                      • 11069

                      I agree with everything in the Hector review... including the sentiment regarding the "Yay Bats! Boo Supes!" type theatre audience kid... altho, to be fair, this 15 year old kid son friend of mine & I, having just seen the movie mused that some of those type kids might feel differently at the film's ending. Yes, the humor was sparse (best funny moment being the meeting of two iconic DC characters... one major character and one minor), and, yes, I prefer lighter toned superhero movies, and, yes, I think the dark-tone-lover Nolan fans are reaping what they've sown for better or worse, BUT I am proud to be a DC fan (if not worried for DC's for DC's future post-BvsS) with seeing this new movie. This was pretty solid movie. An improvement on Man Of Steel. Indeed, Snyder had no choice but make this version of Superman more "Supermany" than Cavill's previous outing, but, I ascribe that more to DC's awesome panthenon of archetypal characters than Nolan and Snyder's (admirable enough) contributions.
                      "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        Oh, thanks, Hue...


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Originally posted by enyawd72
                          Just got back from seeing it...liked it but didn't love it.

                          Thought Affleck and Cavill were both fantastic. Wonder Woman felt like a second tier character to me...not even as important to the story as Black Widow in the Marvel movies. Since she's supposed to be one of the big three, I expected more. Hopefully she'll blossom in the next installment.
                          Loved the thematic elements explored regarding Superman's place in the world. Lex Luthor wasn't as annoying as I thought he would be, but still felt miscast, as did Aquaman, and the Flash was downright horrible. They need Grant Gustin, period.
                          The film definitely has some shining moments, but the ending kind of ruined it for me. I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
                          I'm actually ecstatic you gave it a 6.5 out of 10...I thought for sure you were going to say -0 out of I'll take it...



                          • PNGwynne
                            Master of Fowl Play
                            • Jun 5, 2008
                            • 19484

                            Hec, I'm interested in your description of the boy in the audience cheering Batman on. The Aquashrine noted, "This movie, and by extension Warner Bros., just really doesn't like Superman."

                            What say ye?

                            BTW, Aquashrine seemed to like Momoa's Aquaman.
                            WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                            • enyawd72
                              Maker of Monsters!
                              • Oct 1, 2009
                              • 7904

                              Originally posted by Hector
                              I'm actually ecstatic you gave it a 6.5 out of 10...I thought for sure you were going to say -0 out of I'll take it...

                              IDK why you would think that...I have no bias. I love DC...heck, my two favorite TV series right now are Gotham and Flash. By comparison, I haven't watched a single episode of SHIELD since the end of season one.
                              I do prefer the lighter "comic" tone of the MCU, but I thought BvS was a solid entry in the DCU. My biggest complaint would be the handling of WW. Her presence had zero bearing on the story. It would have been virtually the same film had she been left out completely.


                              • hedrap
                                Permanent Member
                                • Feb 10, 2009
                                • 4825

                                I have to see it again...I don't know how I'll make it through as second viewings have become laborious...

                                ...but it's very, very Injustice. Way more than even I expected. Eisenberg was the Riddler, and I'm guessing why is because Wayne's motivation was originally written for Luthor.

                                The most fascinating thing to me was Snyder's WSJ interview, where he recognized "everyone" is committed to the multiverse. That's really huge, cause it means Grant Gustin does exist but in a parallel world
                       does Welling...

                                Now, they've claimed to have pushed Darkseid back from being the main villain of JL and Roven has said Batman is the focus of bringing the team together. So...if it's not Darkseid...and movies are apart of the multiverse...

                                ...are they doing a Crisis variant?

                                That would rival Infinity.

