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Very early reaction to Batman v Superman screening

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32567

    Doomsday was the worst CGI creature I've seen in a movie of this caliber in a LONG time. Someone should have called WETA since they were ripping off their Orcs.



    • enyawd72
      Maker of Monsters!
      • Oct 1, 2009
      • 7904

      I haven't heard anything good from anyone I know that's seen it. I think I actually liked it more than most of my friends.
      I'm betting it's really gonna tank this weekend. Bad word of mouth is gonna sink it.

      I thought last night's episode of Supergirl with the Flash was better than BvS. Silver Banshee was freaking awesome looking.


      • PNGwynne
        Master of Fowl Play
        • Jun 5, 2008
        • 19485

        I think "average filmgoers", which surely WB must want to attract, are scratching their heads in confusion at this offering. I can't tell you how many folks have commented to me (granted, as they know I'm a "fan"), "Why are Superman and Batman fighting, they should be friends?"

        The fans, gamers, and kids may be willing to sit through this film, but I doubt is has broad appeal or box-office legs.

        And I'm not even discussing the aesthetics of it, because I've not seen it.
        WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


        • enyawd72
          Maker of Monsters!
          • Oct 1, 2009
          • 7904

          The biggest problem with the film overall is still the tone. It's just too dark, bleak, and depressing to be a summer blockbuster. People go to these kinds of movies to have FUN, and this movie was a 2 1/2 hour funeral with superheroes in it.

          I can't even wrap my head around the fact there's a movie with Batman and Superman in it that kids can't watch. That right there is just all kinds of wrong.


          • TrekStar
            Trek or Treat
            • Jan 20, 2011
            • 8382

            I have not seen BvS yet, kind of bummed I didn't get the chance opening weekend, but with a lot of negative
            responses from critics about it, I'll either skip it and get in on blue-ray which will most likely have extra features and
            deleted scenes or go see it when the excitement dies down, which looks like it already has, too bad, this film was
            hyped up for months only to get a 50-50 review.


            • hedrap
              Permanent Member
              • Feb 10, 2009
              • 4825

              I just saw it again. It is honestly more confusing the second time because once you know the beats you can watch for the story arcs. I'll write about it in the spoiler thread.


              • mego maniac mark
                Career Member
                • Aug 3, 2010
                • 922

                I saw it twice this week. First in 3D IMAX , then in a traditional format.
                Overall I liked it both times, but have some similar issues most did. I loved Affleck, Irons and all the Bat stuff.
                Cavil is just a perfect superman , unfortunately is not written well.
                Gadot was awesome , a beautiful woman who is hard to take your eyes off. When she appears in costume, it's a big grin moment.
                Eisenberg was not my cup of tea.
                The rest of supporting cast was good, minus Flash. He looks like some skater wise *** punk.

                I don't want to spoil anything but would definitely recommend the movie just because it looks great on screen. It won't go down as the greatest super hero movie ever, but it is not as bad as it is being advertised either.
                mego's befo ho's


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32567

                  The Flash looks like he came out of an SNL skit to me. It was almost like putting Garret Morris in a Marvel movie as the REAL Ant-Man.



                  • kerowack
                    Career Member
                    • Feb 27, 2008
                    • 637

                    Eisenberg was as distracting and obnoxious as jar jar binks.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32567

                      ^"Meesa got a plan that don't make no sense!"



                      • libby 1957dog
                        Persistent Member
                        • Sep 3, 2009
                        • 1344

                        hands up i loved the film ,and see where and why a lot of people are disgruntled about it ,but not too go full tinfoil hat on this but here's a post and video from a guy who loathed the movie on the sideshow boards
                        ,myself i was more of the thoughts of scathing reviews equals more disney points ,which in turn could mean more access to on set trips interviews and early news and viewings, the lifeblood of the internet blogger slash critic ,the enemy of my enemy is my friend or the hater and decrier of my competitor's product is my friend lol ,
                        his post in full below

                        "also the conspiracy guys might have been absolutely right about the bias in critics,
                        even though i despise the movie, this video made me wonder if the critics were just being rude because they were not given presents or trips to mumbai and stuff.

                        It looks like there really was some conspiracy going on because WB has not be the nicest to critics in the past and have not spent as much on making critics happy as other studios have

                        I cant believe i am saying all of this, but wow, she made me wonder about it. i mean, trips to Dubai for good reviews by other studios, that's like a legit proven bribe.
                        it's like critics always expect to be catered to and WB wont play ball. "

                        and the video

                        i dont want or expect this to change anyones opinion on the film but is food for though about the "pay for play" that possibly goes on in the review game and the rotten tomatoes thing


                        • libby 1957dog
                          Persistent Member
                          • Sep 3, 2009
                          • 1344

                          double video post
                          Last edited by libby 1957dog; Mar 31, '16, 5:14 AM. Reason: double post of video


                          • libby 1957dog
                            Persistent Member
                            • Sep 3, 2009
                            • 1344

                            and in other news lol
                            anyone get the art book ,mine just arrived from amazon uk ,just over £20 delivered ,
                            looks good ,we may be getting more lois investigative reporter and lois and clark home life ,

                            stumpy wally's apartment ?

                            batman designs

                            the bat cowl in the art looks a little like the one in the zack london work shop picture other than the exposed nose


                            tried to rotate the pictures but pbuckets playing up


                            • Earth 2 Chris
                              Verbose Member
                              • Mar 7, 2004
                              • 32567

                              ^Bram Stoker's Dracula!

                              For a lively discussion on the film, the Fire and Water Network folks (including my wife Cindy and myself) have released our round table discussion. The good, the bad, and the even worse!

                              Hosted by Rob Kelly (The Aquaman Shrine) and The Irredeemable Shag (Firestorm Fan), THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST focuses on DC's King of the Seven Seas and the Nuclear Man!



                              • enyawd72
                                Maker of Monsters!
                                • Oct 1, 2009
                                • 7904

                                That picture of Batman's cowl with no nose...why do these costume designers always do crap like that?

