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Man of Steel review - WITH SPOILERS

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32564

    Man of Steel review - WITH SPOILERS

    Okay, so it looks like even the non-spoiler thread is starting to skate spoilers, so let’s put those here.


    First off, I really dug Krypton. Very alien, but it felt fleshed-out and I could just imagine what was beyond the horizon we saw. A nice combo of various versions over the years, including Byrne’s and even the classic Silver Age comics.

    I was expecting more of a drawn-out affair on Krypton but we jumped right into the action, which I think was a smart move. The pace of the film is fast throughout, but with enough quiet moments to build character and develop plot. Jor-El’s proactive nature reminded me a bit of the portrayal on STAS. And he’s an arse-kicker. Crowe delivers his usual commanding performance, and the scenes with him and Shannon’s maniacally intense Zod were great.

    Jor-El’s death was quite a shocker, and made Lara’s lonely death with Krypton even more tragic than usual.

    When we saw the rocket head toward Kansas, I expected the usual “Kents in the farm truck” scene, so imagine my surprise at us jumping to now with Clark on the fishing boat. Again, I think this was a smart move. No waiting for the lead actor to show up for an hour like in Superman: The Movie. This is where the film begins to fill you in that this isn’t your father’s Superman movie.

    Involving Lois early in the film and with Clark’s discovery of his origins is probably the greatest change to the storyline in the film. BUT, it makes us like and appreciate Lois that much more, and makes their bond so much stronger. Did anyone catch that Clark helps Lois out of the copter when they first meet? I think this was a very subtle nod to Reeve and Kidder.

    Anyone catch that Smallville’s Professor Hamilton was working with this movie’s version?

    If anyone read the prequel comic, you may have noticed one of the sleeper pods was open. I think that was one of the most obvious nods to a sequel featuring a certain Girl of Steel. Having Jor-El basically be a ghost in the ship/fortress was a neat idea. Reminiscent of Brando, but with a more haunting twist.

    Man, he got into the costume quick! Again, no waiting an hour like in the first film or Batman Begins even. The scenes with him learning to fly were fun.

    I liked the flashback scenes fleshing out Clark’s history with the Kents. The actors playing young Clark actually resembled Cavill, which is always a nice touch.

    The tornado scene was gut-wrenching. Kostner’s Jonathan Kent was a man of DEEP convictions, and man did he stick to them! I think it’s interesting to see how Clark was affected by them, and perhaps he learned that sometimes you have to step outside of those beliefs…as he will be forced to do later.

    When Superman came to surrender himself to the military, this is where I totally bought Cavill in the role. He projected his altruism, but also an inner strength that is essential to the character. Lois being taken along for the ride was a surprise, and again a huge departure, showing us THIS Lois was more integral to the story than just a random love interest.

    The battle in Smallville was even more intense than I expected. The damage these beings caused is quite shocking, but just extrapolates what we’ve been seeing in comics for decades onto the big screen. A more experienced Superman would have tried to take the battle away from civilization, but he honestly didn’t have much time. Faora comes across as an evil ice queen, and you really despise her (which is a good thing). You can almost understand Zod’s motivations, but Faora seems to relish in throwing her power around.

    The World Engine was a pretty unique menace, and very much had a Silver Age vibe to it. And they called him SUPERMAN!!! All those naysayers who didn’t think they’d use the name were shut-up here. Back to the world engine, it did have some Brainiac skull ship vibes, didn’t it? Especially the tentacles. Superman powering through the beam was the kind of epic display of power we’ve been wanting to see in a Superman film. Very well done.

    Christopher Meloni’s Colonel Hardy became a likable character, and he had a nice story arc, and a good death, as he stated. It was nice to see the humans play hero in addition to Superman, proving they were worth the loyalty he gave them over the Kryptonians.

    The final battle with Zod was beyond intense. WOW. And the resolution will not doubt be the single most controversial thing in the film. Superman violated his no kill rule. But, as was presented, what choice did he have? I’ve always had a problem with a hero who put his personal code above the welfare of others. To me, it’s more heroic to go against your personal beliefs to insure the safety of others, and Superman did that here. And he is obviously tortured by it. And as for being unprecedented, Superman slayed the pocket universe Zod and crew in Byrne’s run, and he struck a killing blow against Doomsday. And if you go back to the Bronze Age, the Earth-One and Earth-Two Superman killed an inter-dimensional alien in a two-parter in Sueprman Family. I’m not one who likes to see my heroes randomly kill villains, but in this case, I think it was justified. And Clark had to go against his convictions, unlike when he listened to his father, and didn’t save him.

    The wrap up was quite a surprise. I’m glad we got to see classic Clark Kent, and Lois is on the secret and helping him develop his alter ego (much like Smallville). I’m not sure Cavill’s Clark is a convincing disguise, but we only got a tease really. Maybe next time!

    I think Nolan, Goyer and Snyder really thought about how they could rework the Superman story and make it fresh, but still keep almost all the classic elements, and they did a tremendous job.
  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59273

    Thanks for the warning Chris, I avoided your post and will not return to this thread till I see the darn thing.
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    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32564

      Yeah, don't read this until you've seen it. There are some neat surprises throughout the film you really shouldn't spoil for yourself.



      • madmarva
        Talkative Member
        • Jul 7, 2007
        • 6445

        Hey Chris,

        I like your thoughts. The thing about Superman killing Zod in this one is that I don't know that he had established a no-killing code, per se. What I appreciated about Byrne having Superman execute the phantom zone villains is that it actually showed how Superman establish his no-killing code by saying from now on he would find a way to protect without killing, and I'm guessing if there are sequels this might be addressed.

        As you pointed out he gets the suit and boom Zod invades fairly quickly, probably within days. While the Kent's helped ground him as a human, protecting him and teaching him, they weren't necessarily training him to be the Superman, who is the perfect role model right off the bat.

        Even Costner's Jonathan Kent was more conflicted and to a degree morally gray.

        I was really pleased with the movie and how much Superman lore it worked in, but I do think that those who are looking for a very specific version of Superman could be disappointed.


        • Earth 2 Chris
          Verbose Member
          • Mar 7, 2004
          • 32564

          Jonathan being conflicted was certainly something fairly new, but was a more realistic portrayal. And he showed himself to be selfless when the time came, helping to save several people, and his own dog, even.

          Good point on the code against killing. I thought that it might play a part in the sequel as well. As much as I love "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow", I have a hard time believing Superman would deny the world his gifts because he had to violate his moral code. Again, he's putting his own beliefs over the good of others, and I think that makes him LESS heroic than the character who is willing to do something he doesn't think he should to help others.

          Some are going to have a hard time swallowing these changes, but I think they were valid directions to go in, given the story, and none of them felt like cheap moments crafted for shock value.



          • madmarva
            Talkative Member
            • Jul 7, 2007
            • 6445

            I think the general public may be more accepting of the film than ardent Superman fans. I hope in the future films lighten up just a hair, but with the story being told there was no way to work much more humor in the film than it did. And, for those critics that are comparing it to the Avengers, Superman is a different character than Tony Stark and he's not being played by Robert Downy Jr., but who would want that kind of portrayal of Superman.

            The vindication of films like this over critics and reviewers is the box office, hopefully it blows up over the weekend because that's the key to sequels and other DC heroes making to the screen.

            I could see a sequel featuring Luthor coming out against Superman like in the Azzerello Luthor mini series, or for a World's Finest film, have Batman come out of the shadows of Gotham to try and take down the alien menace that is Superman, but after meeting him begin to have a trusted friendship, which could spill into the Justice League.

            Lot of things they can do, but I don't know how they will be able to top the action and scope of this movie, even with Darkseid or Doomsday.
            Last edited by madmarva; Jun 14, '13, 10:32 AM.


            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32564

              ^Yes, yes and yes. Did you notice the LexCorp trucks? My son missed those, and he's usually good at spotting things.

              I think Darkseid would work if they took it offworld, at least through a good chunk of the film. But yeah, they'll have a hard time topping an invasion in another MOS film.



              • madmarva
                Talkative Member
                • Jul 7, 2007
                • 6445

                Yeah, I saw the Lexcorp trucks, did not see the supposed Bruce Wayne and Cyborg references.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32564

                  I missed those as well...if they are indeed there.



                  • hedrap
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 10, 2009
                    • 4825

                    I think the problem with killing Zod, is Supes is oblivious to the devastation building up to that moment.

                    And that is the exact opposite of Superman 2.

                    General Zod: This . . . Superman is nothing of the kind! I've discovered his weakness.
                    Ursa: Yes.
                    General Zod: He cares. He actually cares for these Earth people.
                    Ursa: Like pets?
                    General Zod: I suppose so.
                    Ursa: Sentimental idiot.
                    Hugely important moment in all Superman canon, as it succinctly shows Superman sees himself as the responsible protector.

                    Maybe they're going to tackle this in the sequel. If they think about it, the devastation is prime motivation for Luthor to want to get rid of the guy.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32564

                      I think the amount of destruction is a result of studios thinking they HAVE to do this in movies now. Even in the Star Trek sequel, parts of London and San Fransisco are destroyed. It's a trend in movies much like Superman: The Movie reflected the Irwin Allen disaster movies of the time.



                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59273

                        A GIGANTIC FAVOR TO ASK.

                        PLEASE (said with all sincerity) if you're gonna relay plot points put the word "SPOILERS" and drop down a sentence?

                        I read the feed (cause it's what I'm supposed to do) and I've already seen more than I should. It's impossible to avoid.

                        Thanks for readin', back to sticking my fingers in my ears.

                        PS Chris-you're awesome.
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                        • Goblin19
                          Talkative Member
                          • May 2, 2002
                          • 6110

                          I agree with most of the above comments. I liked it but didn't love it. I found it a bit slow and didn't love all the story specifics, but did like enough of it. Certainly, the second half is fast paced and the action is fantastic. It really captures the powers of Supes. I think the thing I liked best was the build to Supes/Clark finally being able to fight back. That aspect of the story really worked for me.
                          I got tired of the use of Jor El. It was too easy of a way for exposition and problem solving. I was kind of happy when Zod gets rid of him. I liked Lois' role, but found Zod taking her aboard more of a plot device to involve her than a believable scenario. I also thought the tornado was too melodramatic and obvious though I did like the parallels netween Jonathan and Jor El's convictions.


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32564

                            PS Chris-you're awesome.
                            You finally noticed!

                            But seriously, I like a BIG SPOILER warning. I inadvertently read a huge spoiler about this movie in the MOS Pictures thread, and I then went into Internet Silence mode with it from then on.



                            • palitoy
                              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                              • Jun 16, 2001
                              • 59273

                              Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                              You finally noticed!

                              But seriously, I like a BIG SPOILER warning. I inadvertently read a huge spoiler about this movie in the MOS Pictures thread, and I then went into Internet Silence mode with it from then on.

                              Ever since reading the ending to the "Sixth Sense" and not going, I've been cautious. Didn't know squat about Iron Man 3, Star Trek and I want to know even less about this one. I like to be a clean slate.
                              Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                              Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:

