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Man of Steel review - WITH SPOILERS

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  • libby 1957dog
    Persistent Member
    • Sep 3, 2009
    • 1344

    i thought this was a pretty interesting read


    • megojim
      Permanent Member
      • Oct 13, 2001
      • 3630

      I say this not being a huge Superman fan . . . . finally saw this last night . . . . a good action flick but nothing monunmental for me. I didn't elevate this character for me nor did it deminish him. the Human element of the film was very well done and for that, this one could grow on me . . . . .
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      1 Corinthians 9:24 - Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!


      • MIB41
        Eloquent Member
        • Sep 25, 2005
        • 15632

        Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
        Heck, George Reeves' Superman took out a couple that had discovered his secret identity. He took them to an icy mountain top and left them there while he went looking for food and shelter for them. While he was gone, they conveniently fell to their deaths...!!!!

        That's pretty funny. Yeah, when it comes to personal accountability steeming from consequences of what you do (or don't do), I think Superman deals from a pretty weak hand. So that moral code is just window dressing at best.


        • MIB41
          Eloquent Member
          • Sep 25, 2005
          • 15632

          Originally posted by libby 1957dog
          i thought this was a pretty interesting read
          Interesting that I didn't see the most obvious criticisms talked about, which were Jonathan's death and the law of physics regarding the black hole and how it closed. It's pretty funny seeing skyscrapers pulled from their foundations while little petite, Lois continues falling away from the vortex. That's not nit-picking. That's just a complete lapse of reasoning.


          • Brue
            User without title
            • Sep 29, 2005
            • 4243

            It was not a sattelite superman took down - it was a spy drone.

            There was WAY too much inner city destruction - even a young naive Superman would know this. Odds are he himself killed or mamned dozens of people as he blasted through buildings. No, they were not all abandoned.

            Killing Zod was fine. The no kill rule itself is naive. As a veteran I can tell you I didn't have any friends who wanted to kill anyone - sometimes people are shooting at you. -or worse, your friends. (Full disclaimer: I never personally saw combat and I was a medic during Desert Storm). I have a very hard no kill rule myself but believe me if the choice is between a clear bad guy and innocents and I can do it...

            Besides the no kill rule we have Lois knowing Clark's secret - it always bothered me that she didn't know - The leading investigative report for a great metropolitan newspaer who can't figure out the guy sitting across from her is Superman? She should know - it makes her more believeable and more integral.

            As for her getting on the Alien ship -that is so Lois Lane! If the General told her should couldn't she would have gone anyway.


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              I had absolutely no problem whatsoever Supes snapping Zod's neck, no problem had to be done...Zod was about to disintegrate that poor family.

              What was Superman supposed to do? Hug him and make up?

              Obviously containing him would've been impossible at that particular moment...he had to do what he did...was a necessary evil in a way.

              I dug that moment, like Znyder said...that's what establishes the character of Superman, the no kill rule...Supes agonized killing Zod...that tragic event is what made Superman, Superman.


              • madmarva
                Talkative Member
                • Jul 7, 2007
                • 6445

                I do like that characters like Superman and Batman and I believe Spider-man have a no killing code, but I would bet those codes came out of the 50s self-censorship of comics that arose because of Wertham's accusations.

                But from westerns and cop and PI shows on TV and films dealing with similar subjects on the silver screen, few Fictional American "heroes" have had the no-killing code. Of course the Lone Ranger shot guys in the hand, but Matt Dillon gunned down a poor shmoe in just about every episode of Gunsmoke, hence the title I guess. But characters like Tarzan, Flash Gordon, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, the Star Trek characters kill for the greater good often, and still retain the hero tag.

                But I do see why some fans of the character are bothered by Superman's snap decision, and I probably would be too, if I didn't feel like it would be addressed more in subsequent films. It is part of the character's core, imo.

                Chris, I agree with you on Alan Moore's final Superman story about Supes quitting in that fashion, but I think Moore was using Weisinger-like Superman logic in formulating the plot.As editor, Weisinger and his writers built a ton of silver-age Superman stories around similar simplistic plot points, and it kind of showed why a reboot might have been needed, and possibly why it worked really well under Byrne, Wolfman, Ordway and Jurgens for a decade. I didn't like the mullet, but that crew never lost me until they went with the red and blue electric Superman thing.

                In reading Superman and Batman, particularly following the post-crisis reboots, I just figure Lois lane and Commissioner Gordon were just playing along or choosing not to acknowledge what they knew. The whole Lois attempting to prove Clark is Superman plots went out the door in the early 70s if not earlier.
                Last edited by madmarva; Jun 20, '13, 1:18 PM.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32567

                  I was thinking the same thing: how the "no kill" hero is basically a convention of the comics. I believe the DC characters abstaining from lethal force predates the Wertham era by a decade. DC/National decided to take the high road with their comics not long after Batman got rolling, which is why he dropped the gun and picked up Robin. They hired a board of psychologists to review their books, including Wonder Woman creator, Williman Moulton Marston. They probably feared a Wertham situation may arise, they were just ahead of the curve. It's all the more ironic when you factor in that Harry Donnenfeld made his fortune on racy and violent pulps, and supposedly had ties to the mob.

                  I give Snyder credit for giving the film a memorable end. So many of these super hero flicks just kind of peter out. The epic battle just kind of fizzles to an end, and it's usually telegraphed a mile away. I don't think anyone saw the Zod resolution coming, and within the context, it worked and made sense.

                  Chris, I agree with you on Alan Moore's final Superman story about Supes quitting in that fashion, but I think Moore was using Weisinger-like Superman logic in formulating the plot.As editor, Weisinger and his writers built a ton of silver-age Superman stories around similar simplistic plot points, and it kind of showed why a reboot might have been needed, and possibly why it worked really well under Byrne, Wolfman, Ordway and Jurgens for a decade. I didn't like the mullet, but that crew never lost me until they went with the red and blue electric Superman thing.
                  Agreed on Moore. I love the story, but even as a kid I didn't buy Superman abandoning Earth like that. And yes, those post-reboot Superman books sure were good. I think they lost some steam after Mullet Supes came back, but I stayed with them through the first phase of Electric Boogaloo.



                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    OK, I'm finally back on my desktop, lol.

                    Here's my take on the movie.

                    I'll start with 7 (lucky number) things I didn't like about the movie, none are major, just little bugs, nothing big (except for #1, SEARS and countless other advertisements throughout the film):

                    1. The bloody advertising. When I saw that giant SEARS sign, I wanted Superman to destroy it, for one thing, I hate SEARS, the store is well past its prime, it's not going to last more than five years, aside from fridges and tools, the store blows, it has the worst customer service in the world, when you return something, they make you go through might hate Walmart, but at least when you return stuff there, there are no questions asked. SEARS can fall into a black hole for all I care. There were countless others, but the SEARS one bothered me the most, it was just display at the wrong time...and it was such in your face.

                    2. The Pa Kent self-sacrifice. Look, I like Kevin Costner as an actor, but he was a tad annoying to me. He was like mother Theresa on steroids, lol. Ok, ok, we get it, you want to protect your alien son at all costs, damn the children in the bus, let them all drown. The dog/tornado scene was one that I'd like to forget. Please, first off, screw the dog, he was already old, let him fly to Dorothy and the Emerald City, he'd be fine with the Munchkins. Second, I just didn't buy Clark obeying the back off shrug from Pa...the way I saw Clark, he would've said "damn the secret, I'm saving my dad from instant death" just didn't work for me.

                    3. Lois Lane. Amy Adams was so-so. She's a solid actress, but when Ma Kent (Diane Lane) turns out to be the hotter chick, something is wrong here, lol.

                    4. Perry White. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever him being Black, I think it's kinda cool if you change up supporting characters a bit...but Larry Fishburne came across as a humorless, boring, and uninteresting Perry White...there was zero gravitas with this character...he was more like that angry stereotypical Black police Captain who's always scolding Starsky & Hutch, Eddie Murphy & Nick Nolte (in 48 Hours), and countless other people in other movies and TV shows. Same goes to that Black General. What's up with these angry humorless Black roles in movies nowadays?

                    5. The non-reaction of the invading Kryptonians when they first displayed their powers. Where they used to this already? I mean, yes, they were technologically super advanced. But they've never been on Earth before. Yes, they knew coming in that they would be physically vastly superior to humans. But you'd think that they would still be in wondrous amazement at how powerful they had become...they didn't even react when they started flying on their own. What I loved about Superman 2, Zod and company were amazed at their new found powers...not so in the Man of Steel.

                    6. The female soldier at the end who says Superman is kinda hot. That didn't fit with the tone of the movie at all. In that split instant, it kinda felt like one of those Spring Brake movies, lol.

                    7. I didn't care much for the indigenous flying creatures on Krypton. With all that technology...why the need for airborne have hovering gravity-defying mechanical contraptions that can take you anywhere. Felt kinda like Lord of the Rings to me, lol.

                    OK...end of on to the GOOD stuff!

                    7 things I LOVED about the movie:

                    1. Superman himself. Wow, Henry Cavill totally blew me away! Some people say he was brooding and understated, perhaps in a way, yes, but I dug that aspect...the man is an alien trying to be accepted, he's conflicted...he's just unsure how people will react to him. This was his first rodeo, and he passed with flying colors. His suit was a non-issue, after bickering back and forth here for months about the suit having no trunks, that it was too scuba diving-looking, too dark, cape too long, yadda, yadda, really complimented the alien aspect of the film...I didn't even noticed his "package" at all, lol. The dude is ripped like nobody's business, he makes all previous Superman's look like skinny wimps, this dude looks like a man of steel. The long cape made him look more regal and the flying sequences more elegant. Cavill's face is chiseled in stone, he really looks like the comic book Supes...the filmmakers did a great thing by not going with yet another Chris Reeve offense to Brandon Routh, who I actually like, but he was just that, a Reeve clone. Cavill's acting was perhaps a bit low-keyed at times (I think it was needed for this first film, I think he's gonna lighten up in the sequel, especially as Clark Kent). Great casting, Cavill was awesome.

                    2. General Zod. Michael Shannon was great. Yes, Terence Stamp's Zod was great too, he was more elegant and regal, I really love that role. But while Shannon lacked those qualities, he made up for sheer badness (and some say madness). The guy was ruthless, his Zod was someone who would install fear on everyone, even me, lol. I'm kinda shocked that Superman defeated him, for Zod was the experienced soldier, not Ka-El. In a logical world, I can't see a young man (farmer/fisherman) defeating a seasoned killer like that. I guess Superman's youth prevailed, perhaps Zod was a tad too old, lol. Zod was everyone's worst nightmare...that's why I don't question Superman killing was the only way, it had to be done.

                    3. Jor-El. Russell Crowe's role was understated, but gave a touching and caring performance. I liked him way better than Marlon Brando's...who was only in the movie purely for movie, he never cared about the role, and it showed...Brando came across as arrogant and pompous...the complete opposite of Crowe. I also liked how that character was used...not like the pre-recorded persona of Brando's...but as a interactive working holographic computer...where you can actually converse with him live...that was a display of advanced technology. Very well done. I see Crowe in the sequel, his character is set up to be a regular in the series.

                    4. Faora. Actress Antje Traue was not only a super bad mamma jamma...but she was HOT, super HOT!!! I LOVE this actress! Seriously, I can see her as Wonder Woman. She was deadly awesome, a real killer, fearless, commanding, just as scary as Zod...but much HOTTER, sizzling HOT!!! She was putting some serious hurt on Supes, lol. I can't believe she perished in that black hole, the filmmakers gotta bring her back...and fight Supergirl (I saw that extra pod, it's gotta be Kara's, I'm sure of that). I don't want Faora gone, bring her back now!!!!

                    5. The display of powers. I loved how Znyder/Nolan and company, mixed the action sequences around...meaning...they showed both super fast sequences, where you could hardly see what was going on...and slower-paced ones to appreciate it in more detail. The super fast scenes were obviously there to showcase how fast Superman and his fellow Kryptonians was an effective method...none of that slow-motion crap you see on other countless movies/television...leave that to the Matrix, Six Million Dollar Man, and the Hulk TV show, lol.

                    6. The final battle between Superman and Zod. Wow, wow, wow, and quadruple WOW!!! Many say it was too long...NO WAY...I thought it was too SHORT!!! LOL! It started, then suddenly it ended...I was like, "Oh man, it's already over???" People complained about the fight being fought in the middle of the city...well, Superman had no choice...he had to duke it out there because Zod was there...the whole point for Zod, was to inflict as much damage as he could possible make...and that meant fighting and making his last stand smack in the middle of the city...I'm sure Zod knew it was a tactical advantage to engage Superman he knew of Superman's obvious love for humanity. Some say, well, Superman should've taken the fight outside the city to a vast space of uninhabited space of land. Easier said than just can't dictate where to fight...your opponent is not going to freely just move somewhere can only hurl him so far, Zod wasn't exactly chump change, you know. As I stated in a previous post...Superman had no choice but to end Zod...there was no way to contain him at that instance...Zod was about to kill those people, and it was a reactionary move from Superman, there was not time to play cop...Zod had to go. That was the key moment to the molding of Superman as a no-kill superhero in the could see his agony and pain for killing Zod. Very powerful scene.

                    7. The soundtrack. Nothing is ever going to replace John Williams' Superman theme...but Hanz Zimmer composed a winner as well...I have been humming that new theme non-stop since watching the movie, I can't help myself, lol. Some critics hate both the movie and the soundtrack, I think they are all on crack.

                    So that's pretty much my take, I loved the film, I'm going to watch it again for sure...I missed some things...I also love the reaction of the crowd...they all seemed to love it as well.

                    Man of Steel is already one of my all time favorite movies of all times...certainly up there with Chris Reeve's first two Superman movies, which I dearly love as well.

                    Last edited by Hector; Jun 20, '13, 6:06 PM.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32567

                      I'm glad you liked it Hector. I figured you would, but I was a bit concerned that it took you so long to post. The Sears rant was funny.

                      I liked Adams just fine as Lois, myself. I never mind looking at her, and I thought she played a very spunky Lois. I do think they could have given her a little more screen time, pre-Superman for us to care more about her though.



                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        Thanks, lol.

                        Adams was fine...didn't hate her...I just thought she was a little bland...but like you said, I think both her and Clark will shine in the soon to be Daily Planet scenes.


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          I edited and changed some things...mostly typos, and a couple of sentences that were misplaced, lol.


                          • Brue
                            User without title
                            • Sep 29, 2005
                            • 4243

                            2. The Pa Kent self-sacrifice. Look, I like Kevin Costner as an actor, but he was a tad annoying to me. He was like mother Theresa on steroids, lol. Ok, ok, we get it, you want to protect your alien son at all costs, damn the children in the bus, let them all drown. The dog/tornado scene was one that I'd like to forget. Please, first off, screw the dog, he was already old, let him fly to Dorothy and the Emerald City, he'd be fine with the Munchkins. Second, I just didn't buy Clark obeying the back off shrug from Pa...the way I saw Clark, he would've said "damn the secret, I'm saving my dad from instant death" just didn't work for me.
                            This was the dumbest part of the movie.

                            3. Lois Lane. Amy Adams was so-so. She's a solid actress, but when Ma Kent (Diane Lane) turns out to be the hotter chick, something is wrong here, lol.
                            You're getting too old. Diane Lane is a decent looking woman - not hot. She also stunk up the screen.

                            4. Perry White. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever him being Black, I think it's kinda cool if you change up supporting characters a bit...but Larry Fishburne came across as a humorless, boring, and uninteresting Perry White...there was zero gravitas with this character
                            Agree completely!!!

                            5. The non-reaction of the invading Kryptonians when they first displayed their powers. Where they used to this already? I mean, yes, they were technologically super advanced. But they've never been on Earth before. Yes, they knew coming in that they would be physically vastly superior to humans. But you'd think that they would still be in wondrous amazement at how powerful they had become...they didn't even react when they started flying on their own. What I loved about Superman 2, Zod and company were amazed at their new found powers...not so in the Man of Steel.
                            Zod was surprised by his vision, hearing and flight. And as for the power - since Jorel knew Clark would have it, it would lend that Zod knew too.

                            6. The female soldier at the end who says Superman is kinda hot. That didn't fit with the tone of the movie at all. In that split instant, it kinda felt like one of those Spring Brake movies, lol.

                            Yep that was stupid

                            7. I didn't care much for the indigenous flying creatures on Krypton. With all that technology...why the need for airborne have hovering gravity-defying mechanical contraption that can take you anywhere. Felt kinda Lord of the Rings to me, lol.
                            I liked it

                            1&2. Superman himself. Wow, Henry Cavill totally blew me away! ... Great casting, Cavill was awesome. General Zod. Michael Shannon was great.

                            4. Faora. Actress Antje Traue was not only a super bad mamma jamma...but she was HOT, super HOT!!! I LOVE this actress! Seriously, I can see her as Wonder Woman. She was deadly awesome, a real killer, fearless, commanding, just as scary as Zod...but much HOTTER, sizzling HOT!!! She was putting some serious hurt on Supes, lol. I can't believe she perished in that black hole, the filmmakers gotta bring her back...and fight Supergirl (I saw that extra pod, it's gotta be Kara's, I'm sure of that). I don't want Faora gone, bring her back now!!!!
                            I agree (except the WW part)

                            5. The display of powers. I loved how Znyder/Nolan and company, mixed the action sequences around...meaning...they showed both super fast sequences, where you could hardly see what was going on...and slower-paced ones to appreciate it in more detail. The super fast scenes were obviously there to showcase how fast Superman and his fellow Kryptonians was an effective method...none of that slow-motion crap you see on other countless movies/television...leave that to the Matrix, Six Million Dollar Man, and the Hulk TV show, lol.
                            If they could do away with the unsteady cam thing I would have been happier.

                            6. The final battle between Superman and Zod. Wow, wow, wow, and quadruple WOW!!! Many say it was too long...NO WAY..
                            It was too long and how many people did Superman kill in those scenes?

                            7. The soundtrack.

                            I liked it too!
                            Last edited by Brue; Jun 20, '13, 6:57 PM.


                            • Hector
                              el Hombre de Acero
                              • May 19, 2003
                              • 31852

                              In Man of Steel...Superman fights Zod in the city, right?

                     happens in Superman 2 as well, you know, lol.


                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                Thanks Brue for the the rebuttal, very cool, good to hear you agree with some of my stuff...and the disagreements are appreciated as well, buddy...


