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New BTS Images Of Nicholas Cage In Costume As SUPERMAN

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  • libby 1957dog
    Persistent Member
    • Sep 3, 2009
    • 1345

    New BTS Images Of Nicholas Cage In Costume As SUPERMAN i could sorta see it work back in the mid1990s ,sure is a lot better than any of the previous pics ive seen for that canceled production
  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32582

    I think the lack of the long hair helps, although it really does look like Nic Cage in a Superman suit. The guy was just all wrong for the part.



    • MIB41
      Eloquent Member
      • Sep 25, 2005
      • 15632

      As long as I live, I will NEVER understand why studios have put this guy in hero-oriented films. He doesn't have the presence, personality, or acting chops that suggest a role in this genre. And none of these recent hero/action films have earned a dime. With regards to the Superman premise, all I can say is thank GOD that never happened. He looks like a Green Acres outcast on Halloween night.


      • knight errant00
        8 Inch Action Figure
        • Nov 15, 2005
        • 1766

        I wish Cavill's suit looked more like that.

        And by "more like that", I mean belt, trunks, and no scales all over.


        • ctc
          Fear the monkeybat!
          • Aug 16, 2001
          • 11183


          It's the codpiece that kills it for me.

          From the short "Home Economics Story" from episode 317.

          Don C.


          • Bruce Banner
            HULK SMASH!
            • Apr 3, 2010
            • 4335

            I am eternally grateful that film never got made.
            Burton was totally the wrong choice as director, and Cage would have been one of the most colossal examples of miscasting ever.
            PUNY HUMANS!


            • SeattleEd
              SynthoRes Transmigrator
              • Oct 24, 2007
              • 4351

              Being a huge Nick Cage since the beginning of his career(One of my top ten fav movies of all time is Valley Girl and love Fast Times at Ridgemont High), I have to wholeheartedly agree with you. He presence does not lend itself to the action oriented genre. I still watch his movies because I admire him as an actor and being a fan, I've cringed as of lately with his choice in roles. I do miss the days of his acting such as Birdy, Rumble Fish, Moonstruck, Racing With The Moon, Raising Arizona, Vampire's Kiss, Wild At Heart and Leaving Las Vegas. Ever since The Rock he just went down hill but yet he still great in Matchstick Men and The Weather Man. I still watch his movies, just like I do with all John Cusack movies.
              I too am happy he did not do Superman and I did like the treatment Burton came up with for Superman(The pariah seeking his way to fit in the world) but I will say I'm not a fan of the 1989 Batman as much due to miscasting and dark camp feel. So based on Burton's track record at the time, I don't think Superman would have turned out well compared to the recent Man Of Steel trailers.
              I like the outfit in the Cage version aforementioned but not so much the Man Of Steel armor suit, which is an oxymoron in itself.

              Originally posted by MIB41
              As long as I live, I will NEVER understand why studios have put this guy in hero-oriented films. He doesn't have the presence, personality, or acting chops that suggest a role in this genre. And none of these recent hero/action films have earned a dime. With regards to the Superman premise, all I can say is thank GOD that never happened. He looks like a Green Acres outcast on Halloween night.


              • Cosmicman
                Permanent Member
                • Jul 12, 2005
                • 4794

                What is really interesting about those pictures. Knowing how Tim Burton's previous films are. Those black and white pictures of Nicholas Cage in the Superman test costume may be actually black and dark red colors. Meaning; Burton probably changed Superman's blue to a dark black and the red to an almost tolerable dark red color with a gold metallic belt color.
                Burton has a way of taking something colorful and making it dark and depressing. His movies are great if you are in that mood.

                Take another close look...
                Last edited by Cosmicman; Jan 29, '13, 12:49 PM.
                More custom Mego madness on Facebook right here...


                • kingdom warrior
                  OH JES!!
                  • Jul 21, 2005
                  • 12478

                  Looks like a left over Batman costume modified, Cage was a miscast for the part but Burton beats to his own drum when it
                  comes to casting parts. Glad this was never made But that would be a cool Halloween


                  • Figuremod73
                    That 80's guy
                    • Jul 27, 2011
                    • 3017

                    I've lost interest in Burton over the last decade, he really wasnt even the right director for Batman, IMO. Other than Mars Attacks, Beetlejuice, and Pee-wee's Big Adventure I really have never warmed up to his style. I dont understand why he doesnt try to branch out from his "normal".

                    Cage wasnt even the right choice for Ghost Rider.


                    • jds1911a1
                      Alan Scott is the best GL
                      • Aug 8, 2007
                      • 3556

                      Originally posted by Figuremod73
                      Cage wasnt even the right choice for Ghost Rider.
                      True but I thunk Cage helped fund it because he is a fan of the character


                      • torgospizza
                        Theocrat of Pan Tang
                        • Aug 19, 2010
                        • 2747

                        Cage had a great line in Honeymoon in Vegas: "I'm everyman." And he really is. Superman, by his very nature, isn't.


                        • hedrap
                          Permanent Member
                          • Feb 10, 2009
                          • 4825

                          Originally posted by MIB41
                          As long as I live, I will NEVER understand why studios have put this guy in hero-oriented films. He doesn't have the presence, personality, or acting chops that suggest a role in this genre. And none of these recent hero/action films have earned a dime. With regards to the Superman premise, all I can say is thank GOD that never happened. He looks like a Green Acres outcast on Halloween night.
                          It's got very little to do with who is right for the part, but who the agents can sell as hot for one reason as another. Cage was nuclear in the 90's, so he could attach himself to whatever role he wanted. The problem for him, is he was never realistic about how he looked. He could have been almost any character who wears a mask, but not the one guy who doesn't. Cage would have been a great Daredevil, or even Banner. In the end, he only took Ghost Rider because no one else was left.

                          That's why RDJ was such a fluke; he wasn't on fire but still got the part mainly because his agent is a monster. Maguire was in a similar position, except his benefactor was his girlfriend/wife whose dad was the former studio head.


                          • enyawd72
                            Maker of Monsters!
                            • Oct 1, 2009
                            • 7904

                            I don't know...I think Tim Burton is some kind of crazy genius when it comes to casting. Nobody thought Mr. Mom could play Batman, but there you go. Burton saw some quality there that nobody else saw. I still think Keaton is the only person who got the "crazy" aspect of Batman's personality. I mean, Batman is clearly nuts. There are so many more effective ways Bruce Wayne could fight crime besides dressing up like a bat. In fact, when you think about it, his whole gimmick was originally to convince people he was in fact a giant bat, and not a human being. Once everyone in Gotham realizes this is just a guy in a bat suit, the suit itself should become more of a hindrance than anything, yet Batman continues to pretend he's some sort of supernatural creature. This is the very definition of insanity.
                            Imagine some guy dressed up in a gorilla suit pretending to be Bigfoot. He jumps out and scares a bunch of campers, who quickly realize it's just a guy in a gorilla suit, but the guy keeps acting like he's really Bigfoot. It goes from scary, to funny, to disturbing REAL quick.
                            Last edited by enyawd72; Feb 1, '13, 4:11 AM.


                            • Earth 2 Chris
                              Verbose Member
                              • Mar 7, 2004
                              • 32582

                              I mean, Batman is clearly nuts.
                              In the real world, maybe. But in the world of fantasy, it's just the thing to do. From the Scarlet Pimpernel and Zorro to the Phantom, then Batman and so on.

                              I think Keaton did a great job, despite all the uproar over his casting. He worked for Tim Burton's Batman films. It was a combination of the right director and right actor making it work. Had Keaton been cast by someone else, and the movie not have that quirky Burton quality, I don't know if audiences would have bought it.


