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Green Lantern: The Animated Series premiere

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32564

    Green Lantern: The Animated Series premiere

    Just watched it, and I really enjoyed it. It hit all the right beats, and was a nice set up for the series. Interesting that they went with this theme, and not just a generic GL series, but maybe they didn't want to step on the toes of the movie franchise (should it continue).

    I wasn't sure how I would take to the Timm style in 3D, but it worked really well. I should have known better than to question anything the man would put his name on. Even on his off days his stuff is better than about anyone. After only the first few minutes I kind of forgot I was even watching a CGI toon, and just a GL TV show. Voice casting was dead on, and I feel they nailed the Jordan character. His similarities to Captain Kirk seemed even more apparent with him in that starship!


    My only minor gripe was the ending. I guess the GLs couldn't remove the bomb with their rings due to the Red Lantern energy, but why not just move the whole mountain and fling it out in space somewhere? I know they had to lose the planet and it's Lantern to show that these RLs mean business and to set up the possible redemption of the RL who is now their prisoner, but still...

  • Random Axe
    The Voice of Reason
    • Apr 16, 2008
    • 4518

    My DVR did not record this for some reason. Does anyone know when this will hit again or am I just SOL?
    I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

    If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


    • emeraldknight47
      Talkative Member
      • Jun 20, 2011
      • 5212

      I did a check through my DVR for "Upcoming Episodes" and came up nada, zero, zilch. Hopefully, they'll show it again before the actual series starts. I'm already looking forward to the inevitable toy line!
      sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


      • bleit1701
        Career Member
        • Jan 1, 2009
        • 837

        I enjoyed it too. There's a lot of stories in the GL mythos to play with. I'd love to see an Alan Scott story.
        I'm sure they'll air the show again. They did the same thing with Young Justice last year by airing the first ep a month or so before the show started.


        GL looked a little shiney and Kilowog seemed a bit top heavy but it didn't spoil it at all. He also had his white gloves back while to others had green.

        Also liked the bit about his mask.

        I did notice a couple classic Trek sounds from thier ship. When they arrived in the outer sector and activated a holo screen thing there was a bridge sound and when they accelerated through the asteroid field it was same as the Enterprise going to warp.
        Better late than never.....


        • bleit1701
          Career Member
          • Jan 1, 2009
          • 837

          Extra spoilers:

          I thought they should've done something about the bomb but they did mention something about it being the size of a fortress and it was only a colony and not a planet full of beings.

          And why didn't they make sure their rings were fully charged before they arrived
          Better late than never.....


          • thunderbolt
            Hi Ernie!!!
            • Feb 15, 2004
            • 34211

            Really well done, much better than the movie. Actually gave me a little interest in the Red Lanterns, which the comic never did. I hope this doesn't end up being a rainbow Lantern storyline and keeps it limited to the Reds. Bruce Timm needs to be put in the driver's seat for the movies from DC. He seems to be the only one outside of Nolan that gets it.
            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


            • ctc
              Fear the monkeybat!
              • Aug 16, 2001
              • 11183

              >I wasn't sure how I would take to the Timm style in 3D, but it worked really well.

              Hmmmm.... I think this is where I differ the most with a lot of folks. I don't care for Timm's designs at all: they seem too featureless and flat to me. I don't think the CGI helped here, they went with a cheaper process and it made things look kinda plastic. People seemed to move weird too, especially the humans. (Hal's girlfriend at the beginning was a notable example.)

              >Voice casting was dead on,

              Yeah. It's nice to see cartoon voice actors that are ACTING and not verbally mugging for the camera. The only thing that threw me was the Bothan-looking outlander GL. I was expecting him to call someone a "dumbass" at some point.

              >I feel they nailed the Jordan character.

              They did a nice bit of work with that one. I think one of the probalems with a GL film/tv show/whatever is that Hal has a tough personality to peg down. For a long time he was just another generic hero kind of guy. The newer incarnations seem to be appropriating the devil-may-care adventurer flyboy mold; but thus far have met with mixed results.

              SPOILERS BELOW:

              >why not just move the whole mountain and fling it out in space somewhere?

              This is the sort of thing that comes up a lot in superhero stories: they need a situation like this to demonstate exactly the story themes you mentioned, but it's real tough to come up with insurmountable threats when your hero has near unlimited power. So you get weird half-concieved scenes like this. The IDEA is there, but the execution doesn't hold true.

              >why didn't they make sure their rings were fully charged before they arrived

              That's another one. The rings seem to have the additional ability of "conk out when called for." But for a superhero story you kinda need stuff like that to keep the challenge high.

              >Actually gave me a little interest in the Red Lanterns

              I liked the evil Pac-Man lookin' guy. (Maybe MODOK's taken a second job?)

              Don C.


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32564

                From what I understand, the Red Lanterns are the main villains of the series. At least for the first season. Maybe there's a season per color?

                I liked the evil Pac-Man lookin' guy. (Maybe MODOK's taken a second job?)
                I made the same crack to my son! There was a GL from that species, right? I recall him from the comics. He was even on the Justice League toon.



                • madmarva
                  Talkative Member
                  • Jul 7, 2007
                  • 6445

                  I liked the show, but would have preferred it have been done in regular animation. I did like some of the effects on the costumes that would have been more difficult in traditional animation.

                  When I heard Hal and Kilowog would have a starship, I didn't like the idea, but now that I saw it, it kind of works. Better than Hal being given a talking dog like would have happened in the 70s.

                  All around pretty good stuff. Can't wait until Timm and his staff really get cooking with the character.

                  I've read that other members of the Color Corps show up in the first season, although Sinestro was taboo because of where the movie sequel was supposed to go. Unfortunately, that sequel is probably dead.


                  • Figuremod73
                    That 80's guy
                    • Jul 27, 2011
                    • 3017

                    I forgot this came on, ill have to watch out for a repeat.


                    • thunderbolt
                      Hi Ernie!!!
                      • Feb 15, 2004
                      • 34211

                      Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                      From what I understand, the Red Lanterns are the main villains of the series. At least for the first season. Maybe there's a season per color?

                      I made the same crack to my son! There was a GL from that species, right? I recall him from the comics. He was even on the Justice League toon.

                      Yeah, Gallus Zed was his name.
                      You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                      • kingdom warrior
                        OH JES!!
                        • Jul 21, 2005
                        • 12478

                        I thought it was great.....


                        • Earth 2 Chris
                          Verbose Member
                          • Mar 7, 2004
                          • 32564

                          The DC Nation promos were interesting too. Looks like they brought back Teen Titans for shorts, at least in their super-deformed modes. The claymation short was cute, but I don't think I want to watch a whole series of those.

                          Looks like they are going to air the Blue Beetle live-action test footage. I wonder if they'll actually do something with that as a series, or just show the one promo piece?

                          Should be interesting. I would love to see B&B continue on as shorts, like the openings of each episode, but that probably makes WAY too much sense for CN.



                          • wilbs518
                            Mego Collector
                            • Jul 25, 2009
                            • 2808

                            My daughter and I loved it!


                            • Nostalgiabuff
                              Muddling through
                              • Oct 4, 2008
                              • 11315

                              i really liked it. has a great sense of fun and adventure.

                              did not care for the CGI animation though but I suppose it will grow on me. I just felt the movement was not quite right, they drew Hal and Killiwog with the upper body too disporoportionate to the lower.

                              since the show obviously deals with people getting killed, it would be really cool if they did a big blackest night story arc and include the other hero characters from the DCU

