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Wadja Get This Week? What do you recommend?

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  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    Wadja Get This Week? What do you recommend?

    I picked up...

    The Ultimate #1
    FF #8
    Kick *** 2 #3
    Punisher #2
    Wolverine #14
    Batman Inc #8
    Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #13

    Flipped through some of the DC titles ending. Lots of them have kind of Meta Commentary about their ends. Looks like they killed off Alan Scott in JSA.

    Couldn't wait to read FF and Ultimates by Hickman. After the Black Bolt fill in, it was great to get back into the meat of the story. Favourite moment was Valeria getting grounded for releasing the evil otherdimensional Reeds. Terrific HERBIE moment. Even will all the high stakes drama, some really laugh out loud moments that are completely in character and not JLI type schtick. Spider-man definitely gets the best lines. The Villains are terrific as well, and Hickman is obviously having a blast writing their interactions. Sue gets to shine this issue as she calls out Nathanial Richard's and his machinations.

    Ultimate is off to a great start. Favourite moment involves Asgardians getting drunk with a bear and then into a bar fight with Captain Britain. This is definitely not the slow build Mark Millar/Bryan Hitch Ultimates. Explosive action right out of the starting gate with high stakes.

    Kick *** seems to be getting quite a bit of mileage off the Real Life Superhero movement. I"m actually kind of shocked that this is the first to really capitalize on it.
    My store in the MEGO MALL!

  • ctc
    Fear the monkeybat!
    • Aug 16, 2001
    • 11183


    Picked up the last couple of Usagi Yojimbo stories.... with the end of the "Red Scorpion" story. As for what I recommend:

    Digital Comic Museum

    ....SOOOOOOO many Archie clones, so little time.

    Don C.


    • VintageMike
      Permanent Member
      • Dec 16, 2004
      • 3383

      Just finished reading my weekly books yesterday and have to second a recommendation for FF. I was really hesitant to pick up this title when it came outbut have been enjoying thoroughly.


      • BlackKnight
        The DarkSide Customizer
        • Apr 16, 2005
        • 14622

        I haven't boughten any books for 3weeks ....
        Probably gonna get Whatever this week sometime..., then save them for school the week after.
        ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

        always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


        • samurainoir
          Eloquent Member
          • Dec 26, 2006
          • 18758

          Really disappointed by Emerald Warriors... Particularly in light of so many successful revisitations to the JLI era lately.

          this one tries doesn't even try to evoke the antagonism that Batman and Guy feel towards each other. Even the Brave and Bod cartoon was able to capture it with less.

          Feels like a weak inventory story just tossed in before the reboot.

          Punisher has the feel of Garth Ennis' Max Punisher, which unfortunately completely deflates after two issues of careful build-up by what feels like a shoe horning in of A revamped Vulture, just to remind you this new series takes place in the Marvel U.

          I'm honestly prefering Jason Aaron's PunisherMax at this point.
          My store in the MEGO MALL!



          • BlackKnight
            The DarkSide Customizer
            • Apr 16, 2005
            • 14622

            The previous single issues of Emerald Warrior after War of Green Lanterns, were very good imo.
            ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

            always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


            • madmarva
              Talkative Member
              • Jul 7, 2007
              • 6445

              Yeah, I actually read three issues of Emerald Warrior this weekend to catch up and I liked the previous two better than the Batman team-up.

              I get the notion that they felt like fill-in issues, and it's pretty obvious that the series was all but put on hold until the relaunch, but I also think the fill-in feel stems partly from the fact that the only chance we get to read done-in-one stories any more are fill-in issues. I actually enjoyed getting a complete story in one comic. I understand DC is going to do more of that to court the digital audience and I'm for it.

              I don't mind 3- or 6- or even 12- or more-part stories when warranted, but I also like a single issues that tell a complete story and possibly advance subplots. This is a lost art in comics today, IMO.

              I also caught up on JSA, too. Man, that series really lost its way once Johns left. Hope Robinson can do something good or fun with it in the relaunch.

