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Zack Snyder enjoys the taste of shoe leather

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32646

    Zack Snyder enjoys the taste of shoe leather

    This guy just can't quit:

    I'll say one thing. I'll say, thank God for Smallville. Smallville by itself, quietly has kept Superman in consciousness in a way that with out it my kids really would be like, 'Who the hell is Superman? I don't even know who the guy is!' I think that in that way Smallville has done an amazing job of just keeping that icon alive and breathing. He is on life support, but he is there. And I thank them for that.
    I'm sure the folks at Warners/DC are really happy to hear him say that. Pretty insulting to the folks who have worked on Superman in recent times. I doubt very seriously that kids know Superman from Smallville only (especially since they have yet to truly use that name on the show). Superman has a had a continuous media pressence since, well really, forever! Even since the Reeve movies ended, you had the Ruby Spears Superman series, Superboy, Lois & Clark, STAS, JL/JLU, Smallville, Superman Returns, Young Justice...?!?

    I'm not sure I can take this guy running his mouth for a year and a half before this movie comes out.

    The casting sounds great, but just by his comments alone I'm leary of what this guy is going to do to "save" Superman and get him off life support!

  • The Bat
    Batman Fanatic
    • Jul 14, 2002
    • 13412

    Well, knowing that Nolan is producing and co-wrote the script...makes me feel better about it. I'm sure Nolan can reign him in, if he starts to go too far off the Tracks.


    • Bizarro Amy
      Formerly known as Del
      • Dec 12, 2004
      • 3336

      Really? In that case, he should also be thanking rap culture, because that and the one basketball player is another reason so many people are walking around with Superman shirts and tattoos.
      Hey! Where's the waiter with the water for my daughter?

      Check out my customs!


      • UnderdogDJLSW
        To Fear is Not Logical...
        • Feb 17, 2008
        • 4891

        The casting sounds great, but just by his comments alone I'm leary of what this guy is going to do to "save" Superman and get him off life support!
        Yeah, I do not get a good vibe from him, but I liked Superman Returns, so what do I know?
        It's all good!


        • kingdom warrior
          OH JES!!
          • Jul 21, 2005
          • 12478

          Eh......I don't give two squats what he has to say, just stfup and make a good movie that has some hardcore action for once.......stop giving me a wussy Superman that wants to fly around metropolis with Lois. Freeking Crash through a wall,punch a few people and throw someone in the sun....


          • kennermike
            Permanent Member
            • Nov 4, 2007
            • 3367

            Personally I think Zack Snyder is wrong man for the Job!. I am glad Nolan helped write the script .I just dont like Snyders style of Directing.WB and Nolan should keep looking for a Director ? I like Bryan Singer but the Script for Superman Returns was garbage.I think The first 2 X Men films are better then anything Snyder has done to Date!


            • ctc
              Fear the monkeybat!
              • Aug 16, 2001
              • 11183

              >Freeking Crash through a wall,punch a few people and throw someone in the sun....

              ....after ducking a gun a badguy whips at you once the ammo's gone.

              Don C.


              • Brazoo
                Permanent Member
                • Feb 14, 2009
                • 4767

                Er - well as Kurosawa once said "A great script and a bad director can make a good movie, but even a great director can't make a good movie with a bad script"

                (Something like that anyway)

                At the end of the day I still think Snyder's the wrong guy. Superman is a classy character and I don't think he can make a classy movie.


                • Sandman9580
                  Career Member
                  • Feb 16, 2010
                  • 741

                  All I can say is, thank God for Zack Snyder. Thank God he's using his wonderful talent to keep an icon who's on life support from going the way of the dodo. I mean, this is the guy who reminded me that Watchmen exists. Until he'd made his movie, I completely forgot there was any such thing as "Watchmen". Bless you, Zack Snyder.


                  • Brazoo
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 14, 2009
                    • 4767

                    Me too! I also forgot the number "300" existed before he made that one.


                    • kingdom warrior
                      OH JES!!
                      • Jul 21, 2005
                      • 12478

                      Originally posted by ctc
                      >Freeking Crash through a wall,punch a few people and throw someone in the sun....

                      ....after ducking a gun a badguy whips at you once the ammo's gone.

                      Don C.
                      Just for the record,it was the stuntman that ducked.......

