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Marvel Zombies

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  • ScottA
    Original Member
    • Jun 25, 2001
    • 12264

    Marvel Zombies

    OK, can someone shed some light for me on this. What's the deal with the Marvel Zombies books? I've seen action figures, minimates, statues etc. Is this a type of elseworlds story or has the entire marvel universe become home of the undead?
    sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH
  • johnmiic
    • Sep 6, 2002
    • 8427

    It's an alternate reality and the storyline started in Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 (?). Reed contacts another realm which more resembles the FF and Marvel Universe of the 1960's. He is tricked into travelling there only to find that the world is dead and all the superheroes are ravenous, flesh craving zombies. Only a few survivors remain, including Black Panther, in an orbital space station. I have been reading most of them and have got more disgusted with this as it goes on. I think they really took it too far by merchandising it.


    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32646

      I have to agree, the merchandising is a bit much. I took my son into a new comic shop, and there was the Zombieized Spidey and MJ wedding statue in the case below the counter. Try explaining that to your 5-year-old son.

      The fact that Marvel is offering Marvel Zombies action figures and mini-mates is even more disturbing. These are the same characters they market on diapers. It just seems wrong, and "anything for a buck" to me. There is no line to cross anymore.



      • ScottA
        Original Member
        • Jun 25, 2001
        • 12264

        So the story and books just aren't that good? And if the heroes are all zombies why aren't they eating each other?
        sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


        • The Toyroom
          The Packaging King
          • Dec 31, 2004
          • 16653

          Something to do with the Zombie virus but they can't eat each other.

          I haven't been following the comics prior but just jumped on board with the 1st issue of Marvel Zombies 2. It was OK but it's not fantastic either. Not sure I get all of the hype and hoopla.
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          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59470

            I effing hate this series and all it's merchandising. Now I can't bring my kids into a comic store or show without him seeing his hero eating Mary Jame.

            Way to go Marvel, I can't wait for the "all the girl heroes make out" series. That'll be HUGE!
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            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32646

              I effing hate this series and all it's merchandising. Now I can't bring my kids into a comic store or show without him seeing his hero eating Mary Jame.

              Way to go Marvel, I can't wait for the "all the girl heroes make out" series. That'll be HUGE!
              Amen brother. Sure, the "collectibles" are marketed at adults, but obviously children are exposed to these. Its hard for 5 year olds to be able to distinguish Spidey and Friends, from Spidey EATING Friends. The child-like Mini-Mates are REAL disturbing, and are actually enticing to kids. As I said above, it's just wrong.

              I can't comment on the comic series. I understand it's very tounge-in-cheek, and not to be taken too seriously, but still the formerly heroic Marvel characters are portrayed as flesh-eating monsters. I don't think Marvel would have ever green-lit such a series under any of the former administrations.



              • kingdom warrior
                OH JES!!
                • Jul 21, 2005
                • 12478

                I liked It when The Zombie FF appeared in Ultimate Fantastic Four. It was a good story line....but I agree that the Merchandising has Gone way to far out.Especially with Children coming to Shops.What next Zombie Stan Lee........


                • The Sentry
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jun 3, 2007
                  • 1032

                  I thought the Marvel Zombies stories were great. The Black Panther story arc was amazing! Plus, the Arthur Suydam covers are awesome! Zombie Hulk is the tops for me! Although I agree that they shouldn't have that stuff out for kids to see. I used to work at a collectible store where my ***hole boss used to sell those porn star figures and put them right where little kids were all the time right by the Yu-Gi-Oh cards and I felt dirty and sickened so I would move them somewhere behind the counter and then get yelled at. I personally like the Marvel Zombies but I think they are for older eyes only.

                  Remember in the 90's when mutants and scantially clad women were everywhere? I was e"X"hausted with mutants and half-naked chicks. Zombies are something I can live with.


                  • BlackKnight
                    The DarkSide Customizer
                    • Apr 16, 2005
                    • 14622

                    I like the books quite a bit. The mechandise looks great too. I think it's neat that there is product out there. I have the Colonel America bust & it looks great, Hope they continue the bust line. I also hope to pick up the figures. My son , who is 8, Enjoys the idea of the Zombie relm as well, However he is kinda a big monster fan too. I think perhaps comicbook shops should not have the merchandise up in your face for the young Super Hero fans out there when you walk into the shop. But With all thing considered most readers of comicbooks are not young'ins & The Marvel Zombies are the hottest thing right now that Marvel has done in a very long time, judging by the sales & continue onslaught of more & more related product becomming avalible for the theme.
                    ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                    always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                    • ctc
                      Fear the monkeybat!
                      • Aug 16, 2001
                      • 11183

                      >What next Zombie Stan Lee

                      You mean he's NOT....?

                      >I don't think Marvel would have ever green-lit such a series under any of the former administrations.

                      I dunno. Even old school Marvel wasn't one to shy away from a trend. I'd suspected the Zombies books came out 'cos everyone was expecting the last sequel to "Night of the Living Dead" to be a big hit. A zombie Marvel world? Not a bad idea. Not sure how long you can do a series though. "Zombie shows up, they fight."

                      >My son , who is 8, Enjoys the idea of the Zombie relm as well, However he is kinda a big monster fan too.

                      I REALLY think this sort of thing depends on the kid. Marvel Zombies wouldn't have freaked me or any of my friends out when I was 8. Kids like monsters. Parents don't always like kids liking monsters though....

                      >Especially with Children coming to Shops.

                      DO kids go to comic shops any more? Ten years or so back when I worked at a comic shop we used to get a few kids, but most customers were 20+. Nowadays when I hit the shops I NEVER see kids.

                      I wonder about this, 'cos I read a good article about the big two and a half NOT bringing in new fans, and suffering reduced sasles because of their tendency to cater to the older "comic shop" collector crowd. I can see it.

                      Don C.


                      • brineb
                        Persistent Member
                        • Aug 26, 2006
                        • 1232

                        I can't stand any of the Marvel Zombie stuff. For some reason, I am not that big a zombie fan ... I much prefer Vampires and Werewolves, with the exception of the Goon series, but the zombies are just for beating up.
                        I also play with other dolls:


                        • samurainoir
                          Eloquent Member
                          • Dec 26, 2006
                          • 18758

                          Zombies are simply the New Vampires and Werewolves.

                          Given the popularity of Zombies these days, it makes a certain amount of sense that Marvel jumps on this band wagon.

                          Historically they are always quick to cash in on a trend, particularly when it comes to Monsters and the horror genre.

                          Added graphic-ness aside (which is no different in comics than television these days in terms of what is permited) I don't see this as any different than Vampire or Werewolf versions of Superheroes back in the day.

                          Keep in mind that in the Toy aisles, Marvel has been competing with MacFarlane (anyone see his latest Christmas line?) and the other niche toy companies that do horror oriented toys. It's nothing really new to the aisles of Toys R Us is it?
                          My store in the MEGO MALL!



                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32646

                            The difference is, Todd McFarlane's Twisted Oz isn't licensed on diapers and tricycles.



                            • palitoy
                              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                              • Jun 16, 2001
                              • 59470

                              The difference is, Todd McFarlane's Twisted Oz isn't licensed on diapers and tricycles
                              Exactly, These are characters my kids love and now, it keeps my comic reading children and me out of the stores that pimp the merchandise.

                              Oh and McFarlane's Christmas line is just weak. I am not outraged by it, it's just not very good.
                              Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                              Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:

