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Ok, how about worst superhero casting?

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  • Hulk
    Mayor of Megoville
    • May 10, 2003
    • 16007

    Dean Cain as Superman. Not that I didn't watch the series, he just never filled the boots for me as Supes.

    Halle Barry as Catwoman. Just bad casting, on top of a horrible script.

    And finally...


    • MIB41
      Eloquent Member
      • Sep 25, 2005
      • 15631

      How about Ronny Cox as Captain America in that dreadful, straight to video, embarrassment? And to make matters worse it had our beloved Darren McGavin (Kolchak - The night Stalker) in one of his last roles before he died. Now if that isn't the death of TWO icons, I don't know what is.


      • kinostadt
        Veteran Member
        • Jul 14, 2004
        • 431

        Originally posted by MIB41
        How about Ronny Cox as Captain America in that dreadful, straight to video, embarrassment? And to make matters worse it had our beloved Darren McGavin (Kolchak - The night Stalker) in one of his last roles before he died. Now if that isn't the death of TWO icons, I don't know what is.
        Wow. Now that really would have been bad casting. Ronny Cox, who was 52 years old at the time, actually played the President in that 1990 film. Captain America was played by the much younger Matt Salinger (J.D.'s son)

        I really hate to sound like I'm busting your chops, but I also have to point out that McGavin just died last year. He appeared in dozens of productions after Captain America.


        Reb Brown


        • Brue
          User without title
          • Sep 29, 2005
          • 4243

          Last post signed 'Reb Brown'!
          An ill fated tv movie but reb himself wasn't terrible.

          I actuallly like the 90's Cap. except the girfriend who was a hoorible actress.
          MIB41 - you may need to watch it before you judge it
          Last edited by Brue; Jul 5, '07, 1:38 PM.


          • MIB41
            Eloquent Member
            • Sep 25, 2005
            • 15631

            Originally posted by kinostadt
            Wow. Now that really would have been bad casting. Ronny Cox, who was 52 years old at the time, actually played the President in that 1990 film. Captain America was played by the much younger Matt Salinger (J.D.'s son)

            I really hate to sound like I'm busting your chops, but I also have to point out that McGavin just died last year. He appeared in dozens of productions after Captain America.


            Reb Brown
            Thanks Reb! I stand corrected. And uh.. unfortunately I own it because I bought it prior to ever seeing it so I know all too well what it is. Just got my credits crossed. To each his own though.
            Last edited by MIB41; Jul 8, '07, 6:40 PM.


            • The Bat
              Batman Fanatic
              • Jul 14, 2002
              • 13412

              For one will ever top Tim Burton for WORST Casting...for casting Keaton as Batman!


              • goldenryan
                coy member
                • Jul 13, 2007
                • 1467

                arnold as mr. freeze "let's kick some ice" nuff said


                • Raydeen1
                  Persistent Member
                  • May 23, 2008
                  • 1036

                  The entire cast of the Spiderman movies with the exception of Toby McGuire, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Doc Ock, Sandman and JJJ. What's her name that played MJ Watson. The woman is supposed to be beautfiul, I mean drop dead gorgeous. Aside from that, she whined and was just overall unbearable to watch. And Spidey's organic web shooters. Again, changing things because they feel they have to or something.


                  Nick Cage as Ghost Rider. I liked the movie when he was GR but I'd rather eat razorblades than watch him.

                  Rogue from Xmen. *** were they thinking?? She did a fine job acting and I liked her but she was in NO way Rogue.

                  Magot Kidder as Lois. I couldn't stand her. She played the part ok but I just had no feeling of her BEING Lois. Chris Reeve will always be Superman.

                  I won't say Dark Knight or Begins were miscast because I'm sure they are cast fine, the characters are not correct to begin with.

                  EVERYONE with the exception of Commisioner Gordon and Alfred from the last Batfilm. The one with Ahnold as Freeze.

                  Dr.Doom. Miscast or just horribly written? the character just totally stunk. The old FF film that's around, that guy was waaaaaaaay better as Doom.

                  On another note...
                  Jack Nicholson IS the Joker. Nobody will ever play him better. I'm sure Health Ledger is scary and so on but he's also not playing THE Joker. He's playing A Joker.
                  Last edited by Raydeen1; Jul 19, '08, 4:01 PM. Reason: typo


                  • kept back
                    Persistent Member
                    • Aug 2, 2002
                    • 1203

                    People like realness not fakeness.
                    WOW! I couldn't disagree more. People love fakeness. As long as they are led to believe it's real. I think the ratings for "reality TV" shows prove that.

                    As for bad casting, well...

                    I gotta go with Shaq as Steel. John Henry Irons is supposed to be a brilliant scientist. When I think of brilliant scientists, Shaq does not come to mind.

                    I actually loved the idea of Halle Berry as Catwoman. There is nothing in the bat mythos to contradict the notion of Catwoman being African-America. Unfortunately the movie absolutely sucked.

                    Didn't really care for Jack as Jack dressed as the Joker either. The reason I immediately loved the notion of Ledger as the Joker is we had no real preconceived notion of what we were going to get. It was chaotic and unpredictable. Just as the Joker should be. With Jack, it was essentially the same character that he's been playing for the better part of the last 30 years.

                    Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock/Daredevil. How wrong was this? I was hoping to get Matt Damon who is a professed Daredevil freak. And after seeing the Bourne movies, I'm convinced he would have been a better DD. Bottom line; I didn't for one second believe that Affleck was blind.

                    Entire cast of Fantastic Four(minus Evans and Chiklis). I've always thought of Sue Storm as more of the mother of the Marvel U. I really don't have any motherly thoughts when I look at Jessica Alba. Ion Gruffaud as Reed Richards had a real screen absence and the only threat that Julian McMahon is capable of inducing is a level 5 smug alert.

                    Arnold as Freeze. Good lord do I even need to explain this one?

                    While I'm at it, I'll just add every cast member from every Batman movie prior to 2005 except Michael Keaton who I actually enjoyed in the role and MIchelle Pfeiffer who was brilliant at whatever she was playing. Sure as hell wasn't Catwoman, but she was awesome at it.

                    Uhmmm...Kristen Dunst as Mary Jane Watson. MJ is a bombshell hottie. Kristen is mildly cute on her best day.

                    Garner as Elektra. Not really her fault as much as everyone else's

                    I just realized this list is potentially endless so I'm just gonna leave it at this
                    Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


                    • Raydeen1
                      Persistent Member
                      • May 23, 2008
                      • 1036

                      Originally posted by Hulk
                      Dean Cain as Superman. Not that I didn't watch the series, he just never filled the boots for me as Supes.

                      Halle Barry as Catwoman. Just bad casting, on top of a horrible script.

                      And finally...

                      Hahahahaha! My kids liked that movie alot but you're right. That AIN'T Underdog.


                      • kingdom warrior
                        OH JES!!
                        • Jul 21, 2005
                        • 12478

                        Originally posted by The Bat
                        For one will ever top Tim Burton for WORST Casting...for casting Keaton as Batman!
                        Keaton was the right man at the right time. There was no one at the time who could have pulled it off like Keaton did.....I understand that it's your Opinion and how you feel....but That movie was the best from that series of movies....and for many kids from that time Keaton is their Batman.


                        • Bizarro Amy
                          Formerly known as Del
                          • Dec 12, 2004
                          • 3336

                          Halle Berry as Catwoman. George Clooney as Batman. Chris ODonnel as Robin.
                          Hey! Where's the waiter with the water for my daughter?

                          Check out my customs!


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32564

                            Dean Cain as Superman. I give him points for playing Clark pretty well, and that's what the series concentrated on, but his Superman was horrid. He seemed completely self-conscious in the suit.

                            John Haynes Newton as Superboy. He looked the part more than Gerard Christopher, but his acting sills were pretty stiff.

                            The guy who played Lex in the first season of Superboy wasn't even an actor I don't think.

                            I don't think the cast of Batman and Robin was miscast (except maybe Ah-nuld). But they were given a horrible script and direction. Under other cicumstances, Clooney would have been the best Batman of the Keaton/Kilmer/Clooney period. Same for Jones as Two-Face. He was directed to play it broad and campy, and in interviews referred to it as a cartoon. So no chance of getting a deep portrayl of comics most tragic villain.



                            • kingdom warrior
                              OH JES!!
                              • Jul 21, 2005
                              • 12478

                              1.Dolph Lundren as the Punisher horrible movie horrible actor...
                              2.Dean Cain as Superman- Horrible actor he looked like a dork in the suit.
                              3.Tommy lee Jones- annoying as hell his pepto bismal look was horrible.
                              4.Val Kilmer-Batman, sorry but he i can't stand him.
                              5.Kate Bosworth- Her Lois was the worst ever.....
                              6.Talisa Soto- as Vampirella dear god who was the idiot who cast her for the role.
                              7.Charlize Theron- Aeon Flux Pretty on the eyes but she sucked ...wait that whole movie was a giant turd!


                              • Raydeen1
                                Persistent Member
                                • May 23, 2008
                                • 1036

                                Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                                I don't think the cast of Batman and Robin was miscast (except maybe Ah-nuld). But they were given a horrible script and direction. Under other cicumstances, Clooney would have been the best Batman of the Keaton/Kilmer/Clooney period. Same for Jones as Two-Face. He was directed to play it broad and campy, and in interviews referred to it as a cartoon. So no chance of getting a deep portrayl of comics most tragic villain.


                                Really? Man George Clooney was horrible. No amount of good writing could have made him a good Batman. That twitch when he talks..... Nope. Gotta disagrre with you there. ;P

