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Dr Who figures

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  • ddgaff1132
    I came back and they loaded better. Yes the T.Baker is great. I'm trying to squeak by using a Starsky head for my Doc. Yours is far better. As for the soon tobe revealed. Couls the latest Dr. W be in. (Tennet I think is his name.)

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  • Other Dude
    I'll be showing a few more Who characters next month, including 3 more Doctors.

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  • ddgaff1132
    Wow!!! Those are great. I think The Dr. from the Fox TV Movie version is the real dead ringer.(I had high hopes for that.) The Tom Baker image (if it's him) Came across too fuzzy. Shame is He was The Doctor that started it for me. Your sculpts are it man. If you reproduce them. I'd be knocking on your door.

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  • SlipperyLilSuckers
    Awesome. I specially love Jon Pertwee's clothes. The Scraroth and Slitheen are really well done, they all are! Bravo.

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  • johnmiic
    Those are some really good customs.

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  • Tothiro
    Great Eccleston - he's my favorite Dr. Baker is my #2 but where is the poor man's scarf?

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  • DC_Guy
    Wow, those are great! Do you have any plans to do Tenth Doctor or Brigadier figures? Either or both would be cool...

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  • david_b
    I was working on my 9" Davison a few years back ~ I was just using a Playmates Tom Paris head, molding additional hair on top (the hat will also help..). Just needed a companion to my customized Deny's Tom Baker and Talking Cyberman. The Talking Cyberman looks ultra-cool next to the 8" line.

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  • bobws
    Those are all Unbelieveable WOW!!!! i wanted to make a set of Doctors and Companions, but now,GULP! do you sell any the heads? yours look near perfect. Fantastic job and i look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

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  • Meule
    Congrats on a more than deserved spotlight

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  • Cosmicman
    Damn. You must really like that show.
    I was never fan of it but you surely have captured it. Very talented! Makes me want to watch this show and try and learn it.

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    Originally posted by JediJaida
    Never mind the Ogron, where'd you get the cool Dalek from?
    They are made by Product Enterprise.

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  • david_b
    I definitely need the cloth pattern for the Davison coat. I have everything set but that..!


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  • JediJaida
    Dr. Who figures

    Never mind the Ogron, where'd you get the cool Dalek from?

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  • phil
    Great stuff. I particularly like the 5th and 9th Doctor figures.

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