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Mego Meet 2012 - Clash of the Titans' Calibos

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  • noelani72
    • Jun 25, 2002
    • 4609

    Originally posted by megowgsh
    looking good! I want a pair of those legs for a custom Gorgon from the Inhumans.
    Sean has already told me I need to build a left leg to go with it.
    He has a figuree he wants to build when I get it done.

    I've been asked about kits or individual parts...pondering ideas.

    Originally posted by captact
    That is sooooooo AWESOME!!!! Will you also be making Perseus? If so,..I'LL WANT BOTH!
    It has crossed my mind eventually...but not in the near future. I've been on this project for years


    • noelani72
      • Jun 25, 2002
      • 4609

      Thanks again everyone for the comments and interest.

      I mentioned how I was brainstorming on a few packaging ideas.
      Since my original vision was the acrylic display case; I wanted to create something that wouldn't overbear the figure.

      I ruled out everything I was trying to decide on- chose my design...molding it right now.

      remember in the 1980's movie....Zeus had that really cool plaster looking wall where he kept the statues of humans? One of my visions was to build something roman-looking like that, but didn't know what.

      I visited a shop with my wife, and another smack-me-in-the-face idea.
      Wedding Cake decorations.

      I found just the right Roman-looking pillar. I didn't like the idea of using a plainjane doll stand for the figure. I wanted to build something to support the figure and look cool.

      I broke out the clay, worked up a cobblestone-type area and mounted the pillar to it. Decided on figure pose and made the indentations. the cobblestone stuff will just be cast in white to match the pillar. It will be clean and pure; letting Calibos stand out.

      Since the pillar is off to one side by design, I plan on doing some sort of art, perhaps in a roman-style picture frame, and place it in the empty space.

      Ohh, and a side note...I had to make the clay base twice.
      Umm yea...the first clay I used was not oven-safe....10 minutes at 250 degrees left me a puddle of goo on the cake pan. yea....not good

      Mold is done and pulled my first casting of the base.
      I also cooked up the bracelet that will eventually be his trident hand. Jury is still out if I like where the hand is heading...time will tell.

      Also, his left foot shoe. I have to decide yet how to build it since it's sorta like the shoes Isis wears.

      Too bad these pics don't show the base detail better, but you get the point.

      Last edited by noelani72; Jan 29, '12, 9:18 PM.


      • noelani72
        • Jun 25, 2002
        • 4609

        Finished up bases since my last post.
        Just couldn't put the tools down...kept at it.

        I took a fork in the road with my removeable hand gimmick.
        I mixed brown into my resin.
        At the 10min mark, the resin has kicked enough, allowing me to remove it from my mold (carefully, since it is not quite done cooking yet).

        I use a dummy arm to start laying the bracelet over, shaping it.
        I get an effect in which I tried to sculpt, but failed....the edges look like folded over leather.
        From the stress of shaping the resin bracelet, I get some interesting wrinkles.
        Takes me about 10 minutes to mod the arm & hand...10 minutes to cook the bracelet...another 10 to shape it.

        I hotglue the modded hand in place...but careful not to go too far into the bracelet. If I go too far in, I lose vaulable real estate for my magnet system.

        Interesting how the CTVT arm is built. Others may be the same; but I haven't went cutting them up to find out

        I cut off about 1/8th inch off the forearm. There's already a nice void in the arm for the wristpin...I just drill into it and deepen the void a bit more.I then countersink the hole to fit my flathead machine screw.

        With the hand hotglued in place, I squirt a little hotglue down inside the far end of the bracelet. I take my magnet and shove it down into the center; keeping it aligned until the glue cools a bit.

        Seems to be a nifty quick-release system to swap the hands out.
        I will use the same method once I get the trident thingie built and cast.

        Not sure on color scheme yet...but the bracelet will receive some detailing.
        I expect his belt to be made in a similar fashion.


        • Toyman_Chris
          70's Era Pimp
          • Sep 7, 2011
          • 3010

          Wow! Fantastic talent!


          • sprytel
            Talkative Member
            • Jun 26, 2009
            • 6556

            Wow, that is a thing of beauty... seriously.


            • stabilio
              Persistent Member
              • Feb 10, 2002
              • 1025

              Wow Chad, this is even more impressive now that I've sees all the photos. You really are going the extra mile on this. Can't wait to see this finished piece in person. Awesome.


              • spidey68
                Veteran Member
                • Jul 3, 2009
                • 275

                he looks great one hell of a job your doing


                • noelani72
                  • Jun 25, 2002
                  • 4609

                  Thanks guys!
                  It is hard to tell from the angle I took that last pic, but his removeable hand feature fits like a glove. The magnet is further down inside than it appears in the pic. By doing so, creates the illusion the hand, bracelet and arm are all one piece.


                  • Saroyan
                    Persistent Member
                    • Oct 4, 2011
                    • 1053

                    It just keeps getting better and better!! I hope you have a production plan of about 100!!


                    • noelani72
                      • Jun 25, 2002
                      • 4609

                      Originally posted by Saroyan
                      It just keeps getting better and better!! I hope you have a production plan of about 100!!
                      thanks! If I move 100 of these; I'll quit my day job


                      • Neutron X
                        Persistent Member
                        • Dec 22, 2007
                        • 1803

                        WOW! This figure is coming out great! Crazy Awesome!


                        • almitysufx
                          Persistent Member
                          • May 27, 2004
                          • 1290

                          I just revisited to see how things are going on this guy and I gotta say you are putting a ton of work into this figure and it's great that you have been able to post so many great pics to explain what you are doing. As i saw the newer pics the only thing that hit me as iffy was that shoe, only to read that you will be addressing that part soon. Keep up the great work. If you have enough space at your table this year maybe you could have a poster board showing how you did some of the work you did for this guy so those that aren't in the museum can see how much went into this guy. Can't wait to see the packaging you come up with!


                          • noelani72
                            • Jun 25, 2002
                            • 4609

                            thanks folks!

                            Ed- that is a great idea.
                            I could maybe set up an iPad doing a slideshow with cliff notes or something..

                            The shoe is still on my to-do list..not sure what I'm doing yet lol


                            • danadoll
                              Micronaut Nut!
                              • Apr 11, 2005
                              • 1840

                              Your Calibos is looking fantastic, Chad...Great work!

                              "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                              • Meule
                                Verbose Member
                                • Nov 14, 2004
                                • 28720

                                Wow, I'm already speechless and it isn't even finished yet
                                "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe

