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Doc Mego Heads

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  • gootie29
    • Mar 8, 2010
    • 56

    Doc Mego Heads

    Hello! I am a new Mego customizer but a long time Mego appreciator. I just received my Doc Mego heads in the mail and I am very pleased and totally psyched to get to work on them. I just have one question... How do I get them on the bodies? These heads are harder than the original ones and I don't think I can just pop 'em into the bodies. Should I boil them a bit, or boil the bodies? I have been customing other toys for a while but these are my first Megos so any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Boywonder0
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 29, 2007
    • 2411

    Originally posted by gootie29
    Hello! I am a new Mego customizer but a long time Mego appreciator. I just received my Doc Mego heads in the mail and I am very pleased and totally psyched to get to work on them. I just have one question... How do I get them on the bodies? These heads are harder than the original ones and I don't think I can just pop 'em into the bodies. Should I boil them a bit, or boil the bodies? I have been customing other toys for a while but these are my first Megos so any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    It depends on what body you are inserting it to... There are CTVT, Cast-A-Way and EMCE bodies. It should be 100% compatible to EMCE bodies. On the other bodies you may help yourself by making the hole a bit bigger with a Dremmel or Rotary tool. You can also use a dab of baby oil lotion to facilitate the insertion...


    • spotter
      Veteran Member
      • Apr 6, 2008
      • 322

      I have seen some of Doc's head where a prior owner has "flattened" or carved away one side of the neck plug, allowing you top place the side with the "rim"into the body and spin the rest in place.

      If using classic Mego bodies and you get it warm. again place part of the neck plug rim into the hole you can gently flex it into place ( this is a one time assembly) once in the head is there untill you crack the torso.
      Looking for t1 LIZARD


      • boynightwing
        That Carl Guy
        • Apr 24, 2002
        • 3382

        I was wondering the same thing but with resin heads. I was going to dremel it down a bit till it fits.


        • megowgsh
          Customego HoF Curator
          • Nov 19, 2003
          • 7420

          if the neck plug on the head is too wide you need to sand or Dremel it down. If the neck plug on the head is too narrow I recommend you wrap the plug with masking tape until you get a snug fit.
          Check out ALL my customs at


          • Ivaniski
            Persistent Member
            • Jun 24, 2007
            • 1411

            Doc Mego Heads

            With Resin heads i Dremel the sides until i get perfect fit, and with Rotocast (rubbery heads), I'd go with the the same procedure or just cut off some of the side of the plug at 360 angle , then push into the neck hole (from the side) with a small flat screw driver.
            Last edited by Ivaniski; Mar 31, '10, 2:26 PM.


            • megocrazy
              Museum Trouble Maker
              • Feb 18, 2007
              • 3718

              Just soak it in some hot water and it will push into the DM or CAW body as well as an original of course. A CTVT will probably need to be opened up a bit.
              It's not a doll it's an action figure.


              • gootie29
                • Mar 8, 2010
                • 56

                Thanks for all the info! I'm using Cast-Away bodies with Doc Mego resin heads. At least I think they're resin. They certainly aren't vinyl. I tried soaking the heads but it didn't have much effect. I will try hotter water for a longer time. If that fails I will dremel. Thanks again.


                • AAAAA
                  Permanent Member
                  • Oct 28, 2005
                  • 2505

                  sand some of the neck stem off and spray the neck hole with silicone lube .


                  • galaxyexplorer42
                    • Mar 3, 2010
                    • 780

                    Doc Mego heads

                    Hey- I just placed my second order with Doc Mego. The first time was for a NoTLD Zombie and a ST alien. This time I got 3 bodies, 3 heads and some cloths. (I'm new at this too..) I understand your question perfectly! When my order got to my house, I thought, "how in the world do you get these heads into the bodies?" There's absolutely no way they're gonna go in! The bodies will crack at the seams! I even wondered if the heads he sends you are the kind that you have to use to make you own "rubbery" ones. I thought, do I have to order the chemicals and make my own rubbery ones? What The Heck!!! So I e-mailed him- (he's really cool, and responded really quickly-)
                    Here's what he said-
                    "Using an exacto knife, scrape the shiny finish from the ring in the neck hole so that the torso plastic will rub against the head plastic.Then whittle down the excess neck plug to get it to fit onto the body."
                    So I whittled the neck plug and eventually got the head to fit into the body, but the body DID crack at the shoulders, but not too much... Some of you customizers on here correct me if i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that no matter how much heat you add to these heads (eg-boiling) they are NOT going to get any more pliable...(they'll probably melt before they get pliable-this kind of plastic probably has a low melting point) so I didn't want to risk that...
                    Anyway, hello everyone- this is actually my first posting of ANY kind on the Mego Museum- so here's a question- CAN i actually use Dr. MEGO heads instead of sculpting my own to make the "rubbery" ones? Excuse my ignorance, as again, I'm new at this- Thanks!
                    Galaxy Explorer


                    • megocrazy
                      Museum Trouble Maker
                      • Feb 18, 2007
                      • 3718

                      Originally posted by gootie29
                      Thanks for all the info! I'm using Cast-Away bodies with Doc Mego resin heads. At least I think they're resin. They certainly aren't vinyl. I tried soaking the heads but it didn't have much effect.
                      If they aren't rubber then soaking won't work. Sorry thought you were meaning his rubber heads.
                      It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                      • galaxyexplorer42
                        • Mar 3, 2010
                        • 780

                        Can you get Doc Mego "Rubbery" heads?- When I ordered, I assumed that's the kind of heads that I was getting.......I didn't know I was gonna hafta carve & whittle.....Actually I didn't even know there were ANY other different "Mego style" heads.....I just assumed that they were ALL the kind that you can squish together to put them into the bodies....
                        Galaxy Explorer


                        • boynightwing
                          That Carl Guy
                          • Apr 24, 2002
                          • 3382

                          I used a file to carve down the plug when I did it today. It worked out well and maybe took 5 minutes. I'm thinking the heads not coming back out but I'm not too worried about that.


                          • Ivaniski
                            Persistent Member
                            • Jun 24, 2007
                            • 1411

                            Doc Mego Heads

                            Originally posted by galaxyexplorer42
                            Hey- I just placed my second order with Doc Mego. The first time was for a NoTLD Zombie and a ST alien. This time I got 3 bodies, 3 heads and some cloths. (I'm new at this too..) I understand your question perfectly! When my order got to my house, I thought, "how in the world do you get these heads into the bodies?" There's absolutely no way they're gonna go in! The bodies will crack at the seams! I even wondered if the heads he sends you are the kind that you have to use to make you own "rubbery" ones. I thought, do I have to order the chemicals and make my own rubbery ones? What The Heck!!! So I e-mailed him- (he's really cool, and responded really quickly-)
                            Here's what he said-
                            "Using an exacto knife, scrape the shiny finish from the ring in the neck hole so that the torso plastic will rub against the head plastic.Then whittle down the excess neck plug to get it to fit onto the body."
                            So I whittled the neck plug and eventually got the head to fit into the body, but the body DID crack at the shoulders, but not too much... Some of you customizers on here correct me if i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that no matter how much heat you add to these heads (eg-boiling) they are NOT going to get any more pliable...(they'll probably melt before they get pliable-this kind of plastic probably has a low melting point) so I didn't want to risk that...
                            Anyway, hello everyone- this is actually my first posting of ANY kind on the Mego Museum- so here's a question- CAN i actually use Dr. MEGO heads instead of sculpting my own to make the "rubbery" ones? Excuse my ignorance, as again, I'm new at this- Thanks!
                            I always Rim the torso neck a little to open up that area and prepare it for the insertion of either a Doc Mego rotocast (rubbery head) or a Resin head.
                            Last edited by Ivaniski; Apr 1, '10, 6:43 AM.


                            • Ivaniski
                              Persistent Member
                              • Jun 24, 2007
                              • 1411

                              Here's an example of a Rotocast (Rubbery) Mego Superman head, into a Doc Mego Body.....I never boil them. However, depending on my mood, i'll either slightly cut or dremel around the lower neck plug base. In either case i "Always" Rim along the torso neck hole a bit with my small scissors. Hence, the "ROM" Range of motion on the arms of the Doc Mego bodies in both pics......I re-string them for the purpose of "total articulation".

                              And here's a Resin Superman head (Non-rubbery) into a Doc Mego body.....; Just carefully Dremel along the lower neck plug....Constantly checking to see if perfect fit has been accomplished by placing head into torso neck hole. Also, Rim neck torso area a bit to allow for head placement.

                              Last edited by Ivaniski; Apr 1, '10, 7:11 AM.

