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New 8" Body Teaser Pic

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  • ZICA
    Persistent Member
    • May 7, 2006
    • 2330

    Originally posted by raider5gt
    Just wanted to say i am looking forward to this line of figures also,your going to make alot of people very happy.

    Wish you all the best in this venture and hope there is more to come?

    Battle of the Planets maybe?
    Thanks, and giving Battle of the Planets the 1/9 scale treatment sounds like a good idea.

    Originally posted by JediJaida
    The Type "Z" body? I like that! It's got a certain 'zip' to it!

    The flexibility I was referring to was the flexibility of the joints.

    Will they stand up to the inevitable wear and tear that these figures will be put through, especially if they are given to little kids for Christmas presents?

    Will the shoulder joints rotate easily, and the hips?

    As to Gil Gerard not being that buff; he was more buff then than he is now. The poor guy has been through hell recently because of his weight gain.

    When are you going to have teaser pics of the heads?
    Without actually having a production piece in hand there's a lot of questions I can't answer in regards to issues like flexibility and joint movement but being a collector myself there's no way I would approve the body if there were problems with any of the things you've mentioned. As for how well they'll hold up with kids, I've got two small boys and the last thing I need is for them giving me a hard time over broken toys so I'll do my best to see that the bodies are durable.

    The heads won't be shown again until I get final approval on all of them which I haven't gotten as of yet.

    Originally posted by thunderbolt
    Demand will be huge for the bodies from just the customizers here. Great work, and can't wait to see the gal.
    Thanks! I've already got some really good reference material for a female body so I feel like I can come up with a design that most people will like.

    Originally posted by The Bat
    Ok...I assume you're looking for total honesty & feedback here right?

    Over all...I like it!! I hate the Hands though...they remind me too much of Playmates 9" Star Trek Figures. The Biceps look good...but I wish the Shoulders were a bit bigger.

    But FANTASTIC Work my Brother! My Hat's off to you!
    With something like this it's difficult to find a good balance with the design but overall I'm happy with it. Thanks for your honest feedback though and that's definitely what I want.


    • Jerry68
      Persistent Member
      • Feb 12, 2008
      • 1039

      Originally posted by The Bat
      Ok...I assume you're looking for total honesty & feedback here right?

      Over all...I like it!! I hate the Hands though...they remind me too much of Playmates 9" Star Trek Figures. The Biceps look good...but I wish the Shoulders were a bit bigger.

      But FANTASTIC Work my Brother! My Hat's off to you!
      I agree with the Bat. I mean no disrespect but your figure would benefit from larger shoulders and traps. The hands seem too big. I hope you take this as good feedback. I would like to buy a lot of them when they are released.


      • ZICA
        Persistent Member
        • May 7, 2006
        • 2330

        Originally posted by Jerry68
        I agree with the Bat. I mean no disrespect but your figure would benefit from larger shoulders and traps. The hands seem too big. I hope you take this as good feedback. I would like to buy a lot of them when they are released.

        None taken. In regards to the hands they might actually be slightly smaller on the production pieces but I can't say for sure. Everything on the sample pic is made from the same hard material, including the hands. The hands on the production pieces will be made of a softer material that might have a greater degree of shrink than the harder plastic being used for the rest of the body.


        • JediJaida
          Talkative Member
          • Jun 14, 2008
          • 5671

          When you finally get your hands on one of them, let us know what it's like. I'm sure that it will be brilliant.


          • SlipperyLilSuckers
            • May 14, 2003
            • 9031

            Originally posted by raider5gt
            Wish you all the best in this venture and hope there is more to come?

            Battle of the Planets maybe?
            Yes, what he said.


            • Brown Bear
              Still Old School
              • Feb 14, 2008
              • 7058

              Looks like an 8" GI Joe.....very VERY cool!
              Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


              • Meule
                Verbose Member
                • Nov 14, 2004
                • 28720

                Type Z body, eh? Well, I'm not too crazy about the pelvis, but that won't be visible on customs, so I can live with that. I can definitely see this body being used quite a lot for superheroes with that bigger chest and the more muscular arms.
                If Mego, CTVT, Castaway, EMCE and Doc Mego hands fit on those forearms you really have a winner
                "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                • Megospidey
                  Museum Webslinger
                  • Jul 26, 2006
                  • 5305


                  It will be great to have another Mego scale body to work with for customizing...and also pre-made figures to collect. This is for sure very different than the Doc Mego or Castaway body, so it provides us with a different body "type" to work with.


                  I was not a big fan of the new Action Jackson bodies, and this looks somewhat like it. I will have to handle it and see how it articulates before I reserve final judgment though. The legs look a tad long to me, and the torso a tad short. I too wish the pelvis swiveled more than just side to side, but that's just me. And the hands...well enough has been said there.

                  Overall...I'm excited to see something new in Mego scale. I know this is just a rough proto-type and that changes will be made. I look forward to making a custom on it!


                  • AJ Collector
                    The Biggest Little Man!
                    • Aug 24, 2008
                    • 2148

                    I think they look great, kudos on you design!


                    • Boris71
                      GeekBot' For Life
                      • May 13, 2007
                      • 712

                      Have you thought of selling these likw BBI did with thier body builder figure, in a box or blister with a generic head?
                      Check out my Electronic Mag here Psycho Styrene Modeling Magazine


                      • 60'schild
                        Silver Haired Silver Ager
                        • Mar 27, 2009
                        • 0

                        Thinking about this further ....

                        With the "slight" similarity to the Joe CC body, you do have to be careful about the size of the hands.. Having several 12" joes for customs I can personally attest to the "issues" with fitting material (even spandex) over the larger hands (especially if sleeves are tight).

                        I'd hate to have hordes of otherwise happy customizer/ customers content until they attempted to get their custom sleeves over an over-sized gorilla hand...

                        Otherwise, the body is perfect and I would love to see Zicatoys pursue some superhero licenses .... THUNDER AGENTS anyone (Dynamo, No-Man etc..), ex-Valiant characters like Dr. Solar and Magnus Robot Fighter, and any others that aren't already secured by "the big two"...


                        • blastphemey
                          Persistent Member
                          • Jun 11, 2008
                          • 1114

                          perhaps with the hands situation you could make interchangable hands and sell em, like fists. justa thought


                          • 60'schild
                            Silver Haired Silver Ager
                            • Mar 27, 2009
                            • 0

                            And with luck, they will be a LOT easier to swap than 12" CC Joe hands! (Even with pliers, those can be tough!)


                            • ZICA
                              Persistent Member
                              • May 7, 2006
                              • 2330

                              Originally posted by Boris71
                              Have you thought of selling these likw BBI did with thier body builder figure, in a box or blister with a generic head?
                              The bodies will be sold loose and come with the standard grip hands shown in the picture. There are no plans to offer them with a generic head but at some point the heads could be sold separately.

                              Originally posted by 60'schild
                              Thinking about this further ....

                              With the "slight" similarity to the Joe CC body, you do have to be careful about the size of the hands.. Having several 12" joes for customs I can personally attest to the "issues" with fitting material (even spandex) over the larger hands (especially if sleeves are tight).

                              I'd hate to have hordes of otherwise happy customizer/ customers content until they attempted to get their custom sleeves over an over-sized gorilla hand...

                              Otherwise, the body is perfect and I would love to see Zicatoys pursue some superhero licenses .... THUNDER AGENTS anyone (Dynamo, No-Man etc..), ex-Valiant characters like Dr. Solar and Magnus Robot Fighter, and any others that aren't already secured by "the big two"...
                              The hands will be easy to remove so getting tight fitting clothing over them won't be a problem. You'll simply pull off the hands, slip the suit over the arms and pop the hands back in. You won't have to use tools or boil anything in water to remove the hands.

                              Originally posted by swoyerjay
                              perhaps with the hands situation you could make interchangable hands and sell em, like fists. justa thought
                              That's been the plan all along.


                              • JediJaida
                                Talkative Member
                                • Jun 14, 2008
                                • 5671

                                If and when you do the female figures, could you please make sure that the hands aren't the teensy little appendages that they are on vintage Megos?

                                Hands and feet should be proportionate to each other, without looking humongous.

                                Also, watch out for the size of the head. The current heads, while very cute, are too large for the body.

