Table of Contents

 History & Reference

 AJ thru Our Gang

 POTA thru WOZ

 WGSH thru Pirates

Accessories & Packaging


 Repair & Customizing

I. General Information

1. Mego Company History - The Action Figure Era

Mego (pronounced Mee-Go) began as a small toy manufacturer in the 1950's, but didn't get into the Action Figure market until 1971. They tapped into the market trying to cash in on the success of Hasbro's GI Joe. They opted for a smaller, less expensive toy. They settled on a new design, the result was 8" of drastic plastic: Action Jackson! Soon after, Mego licensed the rights to various comic book, television, and movie characters, all to varying degrees of success. Their largest mistake, however, came from not licensing a property. In 1977, they were offered toy rights to a little known film called "Star Wars." Kenner Toys ultimately got the rights, and a toy legend was thus created. Mego continued on, and tried to copy the success of Kenner's Star Wars line by introducing figures in both the 3 3/4" scale and the 12" size. None of this seemed to matter, however, and Mego eventually went bankrupt in 1982.


Mego's legacy, however, remains as a symbol of a once dominating toy company. Any child who came of age in the 1970's will remember owning a Mego or two, and if not, then they certainly had friends who did. There's no way to know for sure how many Megos were made, but the number must be staggering. Some estimates put peak annual production at 12 million units. Even halving that number is astounding, considering the 8" figures were in production for over 10 years. That 60 million Megos.


So where the hell are they?

2. Resources Available to Collectors

On-Line Reference


Mego Mailing List

The best resource for news about Mego action figures is the Mego E-mail Forum. This is a group of collectors sharing information, helpful hints, and resources for Mego collectors. Every Wednesday is Flea Market day, when buying, trading, and selling of Mego toys occurs. This list is exclusively for Mego toys.


To SUBSCRIBE: E-mail [email protected], with 'SUBSCRIBE' in the body


Mego Web Sites

a) Scott Carroll's Mego Museum - The best and only all Mego web site.
You are here.


Toy Sites with Mego Section - Classified Ads

Don Thompson's "The Big Red Toybox"


Tomart's Action Figure Digest Index


Other On-Line Sources

The Raving Toy Maniac Page by Eric G. Myers


EBAY On-Line Auctions



Reference Books


Mego Action Figure Toys with Values

Written by John Bonavita. $19.95 ©1996

This well researched book has history, stories, photos and values for all Mego action figures. It covers rumored product lines, as well as never produced prototypes. This is the #1 book available for Mego collectors. It is available through Old Forest Press, Inc. Autographed copies are only $20.

Write to:
Old Forest Press, Inc.
223 Wall Street
Huntington, New York 11743


Mego Toys - An Illustrated Value Guide

Written by Wallace M. Chrouch $15.95 ©1995

This is a smaller volume than the Bonavita book, with fewer photos, most taken from Mego catalogs.


Published by Collectors Books

P.O. Box 3009

Paducah, KY 42002-3009



GI JOE and Other Backyard Heroes

Written by John Marshall

A nice book that covers many toy line, including our beloved Megos. Good photos, helpful text.


Magazines and Periodicals

These magazines may not always feature articles on Mego toys, but most will have ads that do. Always examine a sample issue or two before subscribing.


Toy Shop Magazine
Toy Shop
700 E. State St.
Iola, WI 54990-0001


A bi-monthly newspaper that is, essentially all classified ads. This is the #1 source for buying and selling toys, including Megos. Ranging from the big dealers, to individuals, there are deals to be found in every issue. Alternating issue contains articles.


Collecting Toys
21027 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612


Tomarts Action Figure Digest
Tomart Publications
3300 Encrete Lane,
Dayton, OH 45439-1944


A slick, glossy magazine that focuses largely on new collectible toy, as well as the requisite ads from all the big dealers. Past issues have dealt with Megos, including #5 (Batman); #9 (Alter Egos); #12 (Teen Titans); #14 (Wizard of Oz); #17 (Mego Super Heroes); #18 (Star Trek)

Tomart's also publishes a number of collectors books, including their 3 volume Encyclopedia and Price Guide to Action Figure Collectibles that lists all the Mego lines.


Toy Trader Magazine

100 Bryant St.
Dubuque, Iowa 52003


Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review

556 Monroe Turnpike
Monroe, CT 06468
(203) 452-7286


Another slick magazine that features a price guide each month. The price guide, however, is updated from dealers, who have everything to gain from inflated prices. Be very wary of using this as your sole price reference. Notable back issues include: #2 (Star Trek & Micronauts); #4 (Super Heroes); #23 (Buck Rogers and The Black Hole); #35 (Superman)


They also published a Guide to Collecting Loose Figures. Volume 2 photographically shows the entire Teen Titan and Super Hero Lines, and the accessories that should be with each figure.


Wizard's Toyfare
Subscription Dept.
P.O. Box 658
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598


Toyfare also publishes a price guide, so comparison is recommended. Toyfare tends to take a lighter approach to toy collecting, and offer such features as "Twisted Mego Theater" and Mego Customization articles.


Other sources


Old Forest Press sells video tapes of old Mego commercials. There are currently 2 volumes available.

Vol. 1 focuses on 1972- 1978, and includes Action Jackson, Super Heroes, Star Trek and more.
Vol. 2 focuses on 1979-1982, and deals extensively with Micronauts, Star Trek the Motion Picture, Buck Rogers, and more.


Old Forest Press, Inc.
223 Wall Street
Huntington, New York 11743
Price is $10.00 each (postage paid).
Make sure to specify "Mego Tape # 1" or "Mego Tape #2".


 Table of Contents

 History & Reference

 AJ thru Our Gang

 POTA thru WOZ

 WGSH thru Pirates

Accessories & Packaging


 Repair & Customizing