Custom Head Archive
by Scott Metzger and Matt Jaycox

Hey there everyone. Scott Metzger and I have have put together something people have been asking about for a long time. This is an exhaustive archive of all the existing Mego heads that can be used to create other custom heads.

Now the way Scott and I approach customizing heads is obviously different. Scott tends to alter actual heads with a product called "fantastic plastic, " whereas I make replicas of the heads in epoxy, then alter them, with filing and additions of sculpey. For a perfect example of this, see my article on Namor or the Green Lantern.

Nevertheless, the principle was the same in choosing these heads. You may notice that some characters can be derived from more than one Mego head (i.e., Dr. Strange). Whichever you use is solely up to your own taste.

For all of the heads mentioned here, you should be able to find examples for about 95% of the characters listed by visiting either Scott's or my pages in the Customego section of the mego museum.

Now there are times when Scott and I have differing opinions on what heads would be good for which character, but to quote film director Christian Nyby when discussing just how much of a hand Howard Hawks had in directing The Thing, "when you're taking painting lessons from Van Gogh, you don't take the brush out of the master's hands."

Both Scott and I can be reached via e-mail for questions, simply reference the customizer contact page for our e-mail addresses.

A few comments on the organization of this list. I have arranged this list not by the type of character from which the source figure comes, but rather the type of character it can give rise to.

For instance, Captain Kirk being used to make a Green Lantern custom would be listed under "Superhero," since Green Lantern is a superhero. Though Kirk being used to give rise to another Trek character would also be listed under "Star Trek." Get it?

To date, this list only includes Star Trek and Superhero customs. I will update it with a miscellaneous section and a section on monsters.

For those of you whop want to try something more adventurous, head on over to my article on "Sculpting Your Own Heads from Scratch."


Note: * - indicates customs I have made myself using this head as a base (Matt's edits)

t - indicates heads which Dr. Mego repros for this very purpose. (

@ - indicates hair re-sculpt required (Scott's edits)

# - indicates head is re-sculpted except for face (Scott's edits)

Superhero: (Give rise to Superheroes)

Iron Man

-Dr. Doom

Reed Richards

-Batman #

-Brainiac 5 @

-Cable @#

-Commissioner Gordon


-Dr. Strange @

-Golden Age Flash

-Green Lantern (silver age)

-Guy Gardner @

-Hawkman #

-Highfather @

-Iceman #

-Nick Fury (add a patch)

-Orion @

-Snake Plisken (alter the hair, add a patch)

-Steppenwolf #

-Two-Face (re-sculpt left side)@

-Wolverine @

Captain Kirk

-The Angel

-Golden Age Green Lantern*

-Green Hornet

-Johnny Quick

-Lead (Metal Men) #

-Lightning Lad


-Silver age Green Lantern

-Strong Guy #

-Timber Wolf @

Mr. Spock

-Amazo (12" version)

-Chameleon Boy

-Loki (file off ears, make a head piece from Brass Ring and Horns from a toybiz Loki)

-Namor (alter hairline per my article)


-Spectre #

-Vision #

Hutch (of S+H)

-Greatest American hero (see article)

-Ozymandias (of Watchmen)


-Cyborg (Victor Stone)(re-sculpt left side)

-Cyclops @# (modern version)

-Dr. Strange*

-Eradicator #

-Firestorm #


-Gold (Metal Men) #

-Green Lantern

-Green Hornet

-Hugh Hefner

-Johnny Storm @

-Jor-El (white hair)

-Nightwing @

-Starman (Will Payton) @

-Ultra Boy @

-Valor (Mon-El) @

Robin Hood

-Tony Stark (Paint the head and mustache Black)

Will Scarlet/Sir Galahad/Zorro (note: this head is the same for all three and works well for many a custom)

-Bruce Banner (see Phil Nobile's)

-Green Lantern* (see article)

-Matt Murdock (in progress)

-Namor (see article)*

-Phantom Stranger*


-The Shadow*

Thor (another very versatile head) Try and get your hands on a loose naked one, give him a hair cut and make a mold:

-Blue Beetle

-Braniac (see Scott Metzger's)

-Cyclops (make a visor out of Sculpey or just wait till Famous Covers makes one)

-Daredevil (add some horns, lose the ears)

-Flash (loose the ears and add some wings cast from a kid flash)

-Lex Luthor

-Martian Manhunter (add a Beetle Brow with Super Sculpey)

-Mister Miracle

-The Phantom, the ghost who walks

-Punisher @ (add hair)

-Silver Surfer


Painted Mask Robin

-RM Robin/ Dick Grayson (well, duh!) (see article)

The Hulk

-Doctor Octopus (add shades)

-Kalibak (see Scott Metzger's)

-Solomon Grundy (put on large body with Mad Monster Frankenstein attire)

-Toad (put on a Lion Rock Body)


-Aqualad (8") @

-Chekov (change hairline) (see Scott Metzger's)

-Cosmic Boy @

-Green Lantern (once used him, but have now switched)

-Jimmy Olsen @

-Peter Parker*


-David Banner (TV show)

-Quicksilver (see Charlee Flatt's)

Green Arrow

-Looks pretty medieval. Woodsman?

-Sir Francis Drake

Grandma Walton

-Aunt May


-Dr. Strange

-Kraven the Hunter

-La Tarantula (make a pull-over Spandex mask)*


-Sinestro @ (partial re-sculpt to remove beard, add Spock ears)

-Samurai @

Boss Hogg

-Alfred the Butler

-King Tut (add Egyptian beard)

-Mr. Freeze*

-Oberon (on a Lion Rock body) @

The Riddler

-Captain Cold (see Scott Metzger's)

-The Trickster

The Wizard of Oz

-Mr Freeze (see opening to J. Bonavita's book)


-Adam Strange #

-Archangel @

-Bouncing Boy @

-Element Lad @

-Golden Age Green Lantern @

-Kid Flash (8") @#

-Lightray @

-Metron #

-Nightcrawler @

-Shining Knight #

John Boy Walton

-Speedy (8") Just add a mask and a yellow GA hat.


-R.J. Brande (add mustache)

-The Shadow


-Savage Orion @

-Savage Wolverine @

Luke Duke

-Captain Atom (paint him silver)

Luke Duke (Vance version)

-Captain Cold

Bo Duke (Coy version)

-The Crumbler


-Jason Blood @


Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)

Davey Crockett

-Jericho @

Little John

- Vandal Savage

Invisible Girl

-Raven @


-Katma Tui (Green Lantern Corps) (remove hair and sculpt new hairstyle)

Real Men Cheerleader

-Starfire @

Real Men Skateboarder

-Bruce Wayne (70's likeness)

Daddy Warbucks (Annie 6") (needs some re-sculpt on the neck to work)

-Charles Xavier

-Lex Luthor


-The Creeper @ (a little facial re-sculpt on the jaw-line is needed)

Star Trek:

Kirk (see Super hero). Can also become evil goateed Kirk

-Kirk as a Romulan (add Spock's ears) (Heard about someone doing this one).

Spock (see Super hero). Can Also become evil goateed Spock

Klingon (see Super hero)

Boss Hogg (see also Super  hero)

-Harry Mudd (see Scott Metzger's)

John Boy Walton

-Chekov* (inspired by Phil Nobile)


-Corrected Mugato ( make a one-piece body suit using fake fur) (coming soon)


-Sarek (see Scott Metzger's)

The Lizard

-The Gorn


-Saavick (ears from Aquaman) @