The Ad Archive: Mego Ads and Articles from Trade Magazines and the Press

While most collectors are familiar with Mego advertising for children in the form of comic book ads, many would be surprised at the wealth of advertising Mego did within the toy industry itself. Enter collector Mike J with this extensive collection of Toy Industry Advertisements and articles that began the Mego Ad Archive. Since then we've had wonderful contributions from people such as Imp, Palitoy and others. Without this dedication and research many of these fascinating pieces would have been lost.

Advertising for Action Jackson
Action Jackson Scramble Cycle Article
Advertising for Action Jackson
Action Jackson Article
Advertising for Action Jackson
Action Jackson Outfit Article
Advertising for Action Jackson
Milton Berle Article
Advertising for Wee Woody's
Wee Woody's
1972 Marty Abrams Interview
Martin Abrams on imports
Great Ad for the Launch of Dinah Mite
Dinah Mite Ad (1973)
Action Jackson ad demenstrates that it's a TV item
Action Jackson Ad

Chris Kublan "Interview"
Mego WGSH insert featuring a prototype Superman
WGSH colour Insert featuring Prototype Superman
Mego WGSH ad
WGSH Ad for the original Four

Monster times article
Monster Times

Apes Store Appearance

Abrams presents Apes Royalty check
mego superfoes
Super Foes Ad
mego advertising article interview with Neal Saul
Mego Advertising Article
mego planet of the apes ad
Mego Planet of the Apes ad
 Macy's Parade FLoat of the Mego Planet of the APes
Macy's Parade Float

mego 1975 trade announcement of new toys
Mego Toy Fair

mego expands!
Mego Expands
Mego moves to the toy building in NY
Mego Moves

Mego VS AHI article
The original stars of Wizard of Oz meet with Martin Abrams
Wizard of Oz Stars at Mego Gala

fred pierce joins mego
Fred Pierce
Palitoy 1975 Ad
Palitoy 1975
Vintage Department Store
Vintage Department Store
Vintage Planet of the Apes store appearance
Apes Store Appearance
1976 Mego toyfair ad featuring the Comic Action Heroes, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek and Cher!
porno Toy fair ad
1976 Mego toyfair ad featuring the Comic Action Heroes, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek and Cher!

Part 2

ad for Mego Star Trek Role Play items
Back to school, Trekkers

DC comics Convention Ad

Article about Mego Launch of the Comic Action Heroes
3" Figure Article
Part 2 about the Mego Comic Action Heroes
Part 2

The Champ

1976 licensing Article

Marvel licensing ad

Mego buys LJN?

Mego Record Sales

Mego Ali Article

Mego Super Stars
1976 circus world
WGSH in Circus World
comic action heroes ad by neal adams
Comic Action Heroes
Vamp and The Champ
Vamp and the Champ
Vamp and The Champ
Phaser Battle
mego superheroes in a 1967 department store
WGSH in a department store

1977 Grand Toys All Stars Ad

Parkdale Novelty 1977 Toyfair ad

1977 Mego Sales

Micronauts Launch
Mego announces Logan's Run in the only known ad that mentions itLogans Run Ad
Fonzie Ad

Wonder Woman Ad

1977 Superhero Shop Ad

1977 Mego TV Commercials

Action Figure Article

Part 2

Mego Spring Sales Flier

Martin Abrams Ad

Article detailing the sales of the Micronauts, which were amazing for Mego

Micronauts Smash hit

Hulk Spidey TV ad

Wealth Toys

AirFix UK Ad

Top Ten Toys


Mr Abrams goes to Washington

Superman Ad

Superman ad

Grand Toys Showroom

1980 Mego Contest
 Mego Stretch Dolls Ad
Stretch Ad
Article about the launch of Fabuolous Fred
Fabulous Fred Launch
Article about Mego Licensing and the acquistion of the Black Hole
Licensing Article
Part 2 about the licensing industry and Mego
Licensing Part 2
Part 3 including the Mego VP interview
Licensing Part 3

Licensing Part 4
1980 Grand Toys sales piece
Grand Toys Sales piece
Marty Abrams Addresses the Amex club
Amex Club
Piece on the formation of MIRG
MIRG Article
Mego licensing news about the Black Hole deal
Black Hole Announcement

Unproduced Blimp
Mego 1980 TV schedule
Mego 1980 TV announcement

Pin Pin France Ad
1980 Gimbels store display
Gimbels Toy Department
1980 Gmego toy fair preview
Mego Outlook for 1980
1980 Mego Star Trek Ad
Star Trek Ad
1980 marvel merchandising ad
Marvel Merchandising
1980 Mego items
Mego's Big Ideas
1980 Mego Captain America
Mego 12" Captain America Ad
Mego dispute over Amex
Mego Amex Article
Mego Financing Article
Mego Financing Article (1981)
Dukes of Hazzard Store Appearance
Dukes Store Appearance

Debt Dispute
Mego dies, a report on how it happend from June 1982
Demise of Mego
Mego dies, a report on licensing in the toy industry
Licensing Article
Bad News for Mego
Bad News
PAC takes over for Mego
PAC article
Mego scene from the movie THE TOY
Scene from the Toy
Eagle Force Article
Eagle Force Launch Article