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Another one in the books.

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  • megocrazy
    Museum Trouble Maker
    • Feb 18, 2007
    • 3718

    Another one in the books.

    So my 36 hour non sleep regiment has been negated. It was tough, but well worth it.

    It never gets easy to say farewell after the Meet. It's only 84 hours from start to finish and there's very little sleep involved. We truly try to squeeze in as much as we can in the short time we have. While I love seeing everyone, there are a few of us that have become close and are spread out across the country. The Meet is the one place we get to see each other face to face throughout the year. It goes far deeper than toys. It's much more like a family reunion. I'm pretty sure I'm the psychotic cousin. We're all different, yet after a while you realize not as much as it seems. We all have lives with ups and downs and sometimes knowing you're not the only one makes it easier. Sometimes you lean and sometimes you get leaned on. When one has issues we all feel it. Hope to see you all next year.

    Enough of the mushy on to toys.

    It's come to my attention that there are some pretty talented figure designers at the Meet. To see the custom auction bidding was truly like going to a prize fight. Aggression, trash talking, cheering, jeering, it was all present. The prizes were well worth it. The MM we all know and love was the financial benefactor. Win-win in my book.

    You could easily go to the Meet and drop 4 figures on nothing but custom figures, and still not own all that you would like to. The selection and styles are simply incredible. Each has their own style and character selection. Some mainstream comic, some historic, some fantasy, but all simply amazing. When you see two customizers trading their figures it's what I consider the ultimate compliment. Saying "I'm a customizer but would really cherish the opportunity to own yours". Each walk away feeling they got the better end of the deal. It's simply one artists respect of anothers talents. You see it regularly at the Meet. Jimmy and Chad opened a new aspect, with the packaging/presentation side of it. I can't wait to see how that evolves. Not sure the standard Megoesque card/box is gonna hold up. The bar may have been raised.

    Jimmy went even further with his rack toys. When you look back it truly is a part of Mego style history that predates their intervention into the figure market. The Mego name was found on peg hooks long before they started doing action figures. I know I will never look at a bow and arrow set the same way again.

    The custom figure contest is just as competitive. The results are incredible. You can't bring what you need, you have only the resources available at the Meet for a source of items. It's like crossing an artist and MacGyver. I need to get this done but only have this available to me. Keep that in mind when you look at the finished results. They are simply amazing. I'm glad I'm not a judge. Their job is very difficult. We've seen some long time creators and some new blood run neck and neck for a couple of years now. It's as good as any of the reality TV shows you see, except we get to experience it live.

    There's always a new face or two each year though few make the splash Toyman Chris did. He and his wife Stacey laid out an impressive display of vintage items and very few if any left without buying something from his assortment. Perhaps some of us more than others. It was a pleasure to meet you both and I'm sure I'll see you at many future Meets. Welcome to the Museum community.

    As always the toys are just a small part of Mego Meet. The Suite still outshines it all. Just sitting and hanging with friends that share a similar interest makes it all worth while. Rapping with people you may talk/type with regularly, is always better face to face. Chances are your significant others or co workers have no idea when you're giddy over finding some child like item at a yard sale, thrift store, or hidden ebay auction. In the Suite they understand. For 362 days a year, you probably can't vent over a missed auction or aggravation of not being able to locate that one missing item in your collection. They understand in the Suite. It's pure toy geek camaraderie. Only we who are reading this would truly understand. We've all been there.

    Again a fantastic Meet as always and already looking forward to the next. Time to start searching for flights.
    It's not a doll it's an action figure.
  • megojim
    Permanent Member
    • Oct 13, 2001
    • 3630


    the pleasure's all on this side of the table!!
    My Custom Figures

    1 Corinthians 9:24 - Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!


    • Toyman_Chris
      70's Era Pimp
      • Sep 7, 2011
      • 3010

      Originally posted by megocrazy

      There's always a new face or two each year though few make the splash Toyman Chris did. He and his wife Stacey laid out an impressive display of vintage items and very few if any left without buying something from his assortment. Perhaps some of us more than others. It was a pleasure to meet you both and I'm sure I'll see you at many future Meets. Welcome to the Museum community.
      It was definitely a great time for both of us. Everyone, yourself included, were so welcoming. A weekend to remember & now a weekend to look forward too!


      • VintageMike
        Permanent Member
        • Dec 16, 2004
        • 3378

        Always good to see you, Chuck. Next year I'm sure we'll be talking about whether "Ted" has as hilarious as the trailer looks or totally awful.


        • noelani72
          • Jun 25, 2002
          • 4609

          well said brother.
          It's so hard to put into words what someone walks away with after attending the Meet.
          I can never thank you enough for inspiring Sean's imagination the way you do.
          We're family forever.


          • megocrazy
            Museum Trouble Maker
            • Feb 18, 2007
            • 3718

            Never a problem Chad. I enjoy watching him create and piece together the stuff I throw at him. I usually try to give him a couple of ideas so the final decision on how it looks is ultimately his. He's put some pretty good customs out there over the past two years. To run neck and neck with Jim and Chris is a pretty good accomplishment and he's done it two years in a row.
            It's not a doll it's an action figure.


            • noelani72
              • Jun 25, 2002
              • 4609

              He's wanting to photograph all his customs and post em in the forum.
              I picked up some discarded, studio-quality light fixtures from a school renovation and we'll be working on the light box tonite probably.
              He already had an offer on the Hellboy while at the meet lol

