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The Future of Mego is it in jeopardy ?

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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59278

    You know I really hate this debate but I saw something interesting and had to pipe in. Last month a MIB Captain Action Green Hornet costume went for $4,000 at a small auction house, not even ebay.

    On any given day, a very nice reproduction of that item can be bought for like $20. Captain Action collecting has dwindled in recent years but that might be more of a demographic thing.

    I also don't think any one thing is keeping mego "alive", it all plays a part, people upgrading packaged pieces creates turn over and gateway pieces for starter collections, repros attract newbies, customs attract people, media exposure helps, it's all playing a part.
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47244

      Originally posted by palitoy

      I also don't think any one thing is keeping mego "alive",............
      Gotta disagree with you there, Brain

      This is no joke ------ YOU are keeping Mego alive.

      I don't think there's any real Megoman out there that doesn't think of THAT GUY "Palitoy" ..... when he thinks of Mego's.

      Never underestimate your place in the NEW-Mego world, B

      Mego Top Dog


      • Hulk
        Mayor of Megoville
        • May 10, 2003
        • 16007

        it all plays a part, people upgrading packaged pieces creates turn over and gateway pieces for starter collections, repros attract newbies, customs attract people, media exposure helps, it's all playing a part.
        Can I hear an Amen brothers and sisters! That is why these threads suck, its all part of the big picture. Sometimes those parts clash a bit, the community is better as a whole versus being broken apart (or seperating) into subgroups. I know packaged collectors who admire customs in the same way that I admire cards and boxes. Might not be the focus of my collection, but I appreciate their collections, knowledge and passion.


        • JDeRouen
          Author of Small Things
          • Jun 14, 2001
          • 16562

          If everyone's interest in Megos evaporated tomorrow, I'd still love my collection.
          Order Small Things, my contemporary fantasy novel featuring Megos, at


          • kingdom warrior
            OH JES!!
            • Jul 21, 2005
            • 12478

            It's not enough to have them in a store it's promo promo promo Mego was very good at it in the 70's...Kids Today love their toys attached to a show or movie. It was the formula in the 80's and it still works today.

            CTVT toys never got into major toystores God knows they may have done better if they did.
            Instead of reproing old Mego lines How about doing new stuff in the Mego style...I would have loved to have Pirates of the Caribbean Megolike figures


            • vietnambob
              New Member
              • Jun 4, 2007
              • 9

              I am glad that so many of you have responded to what I consider a threat to mego, and my value is not of monetary, but of all the memories and the fight to get what is needed in my collection.

              I am a single parent my wife died giving birth to my Daughter, and I have tendencies of holding onto memories, and mego always had a place in my home,and the few I couldn't afford I can actually now, and that to me is a sign of achievement.

              I am a die hard Star Trek Fan (Trekker) and I went crazy buying up the complete set of Star Trek upon its release, and I just dont get that same feeling about the "NEW" ones maybe thats what bothers me the most, but again Thank you all for taking the time to type, and to answer questions, and the great welcomes, so now can someone sell me a Damn Set of Original Kid Flash Gloves Sheeeesh ...God Bless

              Just a quick note: If the figures got the nod from the Original owner of Mego why doesn't someone if not all of us help mego get back on its feet? Because we'd be our own best customers thats why. Have a great one guys.


              • VintageMike
                Permanent Member
                • Dec 16, 2004
                • 3378

                Originally posted by vietnambob
                I am glad that so many of you have responded to what I consider a threat to mego, and my value is not of monetary, but of all the memories and the fight to get what is needed in my collection.

                I am a single parent my wife died giving birth to my Daughter, and I have tendencies of holding onto memories, and mego always had a place in my home,and the few I couldn't afford I can actually now, and that to me is a sign of achievement.

                I am a die hard Star Trek Fan (Trekker) and I went crazy buying up the complete set of Star Trek upon its release, and I just dont get that same feeling about the "NEW" ones maybe thats what bothers me the most, but again Thank you all for taking the time to type, and to answer questions, and the great welcomes, so now can someone sell me a Damn Set of Original Kid Flash Gloves Sheeeesh ...God Bless

                Just a quick note: If the figures got the nod from the Original owner of Mego why doesn't someone if not all of us help mego get back on its feet? Because we'd be our own best customers thats why. Have a great one guys.

                Read few of the and rather than rehash anything will add this.

                Unless I am mistaken these are not going to be sold at major chains, just specialty shops and online. While they look similar overall, if put to side by side the differences are easy to spot.
                This is as close to Mego will get to re-starting. It has been tried and Lego has succesfully blocked it in court stating there would be confusion in the marketplace. The fact that is pronounced differently was brought up but it was succesfully argued that the general public would not know that.
                Now, here's something that believe it or not has never been brought up before! If Mego was still around they would have evolved like every other toy company. Just the like Star Wars figures you see today differ from the original ones, so would a modern Mego product. If they overcame the legal thing, came back tomorrow and re-issued their old figures they's still be seen as repros as and the 70's versions would still be "original".
                The only other thing I will repeat is that whether someone should buy repros or not is a personal choice. If someone is uncomfortable with them, that's their business and vice versa. Remember, anyone who puts out the money to put out Mego style product on even a semi-large scale is putting up a great deal of money based on the faith thaty have in the Mego style figure. That at least is commendable in my book, even if you hate everything elase about reproducrion items.


                • vietnambob
                  New Member
                  • Jun 4, 2007
                  • 9

                  WOW !!!!!!!! I am still very much on the fence. I dont want unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of NEW Mego fans, and I also did not know that they are NOT going to be available in Toys R Us etc...This has been a very useful thread and I want to thank everyone again for there input...


                  • Merlyn1976
                    Fist of Khonshu
                    • Mar 29, 2005
                    • 6042

                    Originally posted by vietnambob
                    I dont want unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of NEW Mego fans
                    Thats the reason the accessory check was started....
                    "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

                    In the Southeast Pacific, lies the sunken city of R'Leyh. There lies C'thulhu waits to return to our world with the other Great Old Ones. A hideous creature of enormous size and alien power, it waits for it's time to return patiently. For it has all the time in the world while it waits for the stars.


                    • vietnambob
                      New Member
                      • Jun 4, 2007
                      • 9

                      I actually stumbled on that thats how I found out the boots on my Kid Flash were original. This Site is a GOD Send


                      • MIB41
                        Eloquent Member
                        • Sep 25, 2005
                        • 15631

                        Re-releases like Star Trek demonstrate the lasting success of Mego. I believe the new Trek figures will only increase the value of the originals. I love it and I'm very glad it's happening. I also LOVE the reproduction cards and boxes out there. My collection of vintage figures look so much better in those packages and I tip hat to all of those who are in that business. They do all collectors a great service!


                        • grayhank
                          That Fisher Price Guy
                          • Feb 9, 2007
                          • 1134

                          I once again have to put in my thoughts on this subject. This time I'm going to try a different approach.

                          Suppose you greatly admired the works of Picasso would you shell out the millions to buy an original? More than likely you would buy a litho printing or reproduction. It doesn't make Picasso's work any less valuable by buying a reproduction. If you appreciate or admire something it really depends on what you are willing to pay for that item because of how it makes you feel. Do what makes you happy but not at the expense of someone else's happiness.

                          There are basically two types of people when it comes to toys. There are Toy Collectors and there are Toy Sellers. They are Ying and Yang. Neither is good or bad because they both have a role to play to keep the hobby alive. Once you have spent money on something there is no use griping about it and then worrying that somebody else might not pay as much as you did. I don't think Toys were ever meant to be investments, it's just something that happened along the way as we grew older.

                          When somebody comes over to my house and sees my "toy room" I don't point out that I paid so much for this or that. I want them to see my collection as fun or interesting or nostalgic or whatever. My collection isn't technically worth anything to anyone else but to me it's priceless and isn't that what really matters?
                          Last edited by grayhank; Aug 1, '07, 5:52 PM. Reason: add text
                          Scott D Thompson | Facebook


                          • jemboy2004
                            Persistent Member
                            • Aug 14, 2005
                            • 1703

                            Well I disagree with the idea that once the people who grew up with megos are all gone mego t will no longer be collectiable.

                            Think about this antique toys still have good value, even the ones from 200 years ago! The people who loved them are all gone but still people collect those items.

                            Mego has alot of things going for it. One they have characters that IMO will last as long as man is around. Icons, like superman, wonder woman, spiderman. These characters will bring in collectors and they then may find interest in the other megos. At least I think so.

                            As far as repros go. I think that they can bring the value down at first but that is sometimes in part due to those who sell their stuff when they think, Oh I better get what I can now they are doing repros but once those are all gone it calms down some.

                            Captain Action is one that some will point too but I also think that ebay became big at about the time the repros were made so I think that ebay had more to do with CA going down. They were just easier for collectors to get due to ebay. I could be wrong but the repros don't sell for much on ebay with the exception of a repro of action boy which is worth a little.


                            • Bat Hero
                              • Aug 6, 2007
                              • 0

                              I really don't see anything wrong with faithful reproductions. Some of us collectors really don't care about originals as much as we do owning the figure. Just my two cents...

                              I also hope that it does poke a hole in the Mego values... Some of the prices are just insane!

