I gave him **** at the show as his OWN toy show from last January was MOVED at the last moment and I couldn't go as I had it planned to go to the original location and head straight to work from there. I guess I was lucky he didn't slam me through a WALL! Hahahaha! At 7'2 he could do what he wants!!
No announcement yet.
Chicago Toy show Summer version July 28th (2024)
If you notice the FRANKENSTEIN JR. Funko bank-figure above, John wanted $300 for it, and he showed me various listing's on Ebay with bout the same prices. But recently there was one listed much much less then what he said. And no I didn't buy it. In fact i am not sure if I should show what I DID buy from this show or save it for this years TOYVEMBER. We are having a TOYVEMBER this year, right??
And... This is the latest the almost the end. Hahaha. I have 28 more shots to go and yes, all still from Big John's row of tables. I asked him if I could take pictures and he was Kool with it, but of course I dropped some ca$h on him, so that is always good! HAHAHA! Anyway, thanks for sticking around. Enjoy.
OKAY! The final round up, the last 28 shots and the last of BIG JOHN's Row of tables. This show was 56 days ago and it has been an albatross of sorts to me! I hope I am not boring you guys, but I know how much we all love vintage toys and I hope some of you are enjoying these shots. Anyway here I go.Comment
35 days until the fall Toy show!35! Can I take this much punishment????
Did I tell you guys JOhn's STEP-Daughter is hott!I always make it a point to chat her up at HIS toy shows, cause she is the ticket seller/collector!
Heh Heh.
Does anyone know if we are having Toyvember this year???
And FINALLY This is IT! I am beat! Sorry to give you guys the KREE-SKRULL WAR of Toy SHows!!! I am not gonna post what I bought and I will save that for Toyvember if we have it. And should I go ape$#1= for the next show and take Umpteeth photo shots or not???
ANy comments, concerns, used fivers gladly sent to
JG! c/o
Headley On The Grange
(That's Headly, NOT Hedy!!)
Liphook Road, Headley GU35 8NG
Thanks everyone!!!