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Price Check on Pocket Heroes...

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  • vintage spideyfan
    Web Wobbler
    • May 12, 2007
    • 1526

    Price Check on Pocket Heroes...

    White Carded:
    Green Goblin

    Denim Card:
    Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
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  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    I sold my denim Cards Hulk and Batman last year for about $350 the pair,hope that helps
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • vintage spideyfan
      Web Wobbler
      • May 12, 2007
      • 1526

      Originally posted by toys2cool
      I sold my denim Cards Hulk and Batman last year for about $350 the pair,hope that helps

      Yes it does, Thanks!! I am, first and foremost, interested in the spider-man figures. It seems like I remember a denim card Spidey selling for $800 plus, three or four years ago. Does anyone remember that? I know Spidey is tough to find on both the denim and white cards. The only white carded spidey I've seen sell, just went for under $200.

      I'd really love a Denim Card collection, but think it may be out of my league right now.
      Last edited by vintage spideyfan; Mar 14, '09, 11:50 AM.
      Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
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      • Drain
        megos are yummy
        • Jun 10, 2007
        • 659

        Well is if have Spidey and Batman, that half the set. I believe they only released four on Denim Cards; Spidey, Hulk, Batman & Supes.
        Mego Nudists Fish Nude Show Off your Rod.


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59606

          Originally posted by vintage spideyfan
          Yes it does, Thanks!! I am, first and foremost, interested in the spider-man figures. It seems like I remember a denim card Spidey selling for $800 plus, three or four years ago. Does anyone remember that? I know Spidey is tough to find on both the denim and white cards. The only white carded spidey I've seen sell, just went for under $200.

          I'd really love a Denim Card collection, but think it may be out of my league right now.
          Heh, I was that guy with the denim Spidey, although it's probably because they are a really happy child hood memory.

          I sold my second Spidey for $600 two years back.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


          • vintage spideyfan
            Web Wobbler
            • May 12, 2007
            • 1526

            Originally posted by palitoy
            Heh, I was that guy with the denim Spidey, although it's probably because they are a really happy child hood memory.

            I sold my second Spidey for $600 two years back.
            Some day I'll own the denim. I have the red card, the Harbert red card, and a white denim's next.
            Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
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            • toys2cool
              Ultimate Mego Warrior
              • Nov 27, 2006
              • 28605

              Originally posted by vintage spideyfan
              Some day I'll own the denim. I have the red card, the Harbert red card, and a white denim's next.
              maybe you'll get lucky like me,I got the Hulk and Batman both buy it now for $9.99
              "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

              My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


              • vintage spideyfan
                Web Wobbler
                • May 12, 2007
                • 1526

                Nice!! I find the occassional deal, but I'm never that lucky.
                Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
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                • Marvelmania
                  A Ray of Sunshine
                  • Jun 17, 2001
                  • 10392

                  Good luck on that denim card Chris. If I find one I'll be sure to let you know.


                  • vintage spideyfan
                    Web Wobbler
                    • May 12, 2007
                    • 1526

                    Thanks Tim!!
                    Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
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                    • luey
                      Treasure Hunter
                      • Jun 17, 2001
                      • 2631

                      The white carded Spidey and GG are nornmally in the $300-400 range on mint cards, have seem them a little higher on eBay... I comic book store here has the Goblin for $450 on a mint card...
                      Greg Mason The Vintage Toy Picker from Knoxville, TN


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59606

                        Originally posted by vintage spideyfan
                        Some day I'll own the denim. I have the red card, the Harbert red card, and a white denim's next.
                        I'm sure you'll get it and for a lot cheaper, I've noticed PH decline a lot when more turn up, the first go real high but by the third, they're sometimes 50% less.

                        I always had to be the impatient guy with that line.

                        A good place to check for denims is, Spider-Man didn't see release there in that packaging but Batman and Superman did.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • vintage spideyfan
                          Web Wobbler
                          • May 12, 2007
                          • 1526

                          Originally posted by palitoy
                          A good place to check for denims is, Spider-Man didn't see release there in that packaging but Batman and Superman did.

                          Thanks!! I just purchased a Harbert Red Carded PH Spidey indirectly of I had purchased another item from an Italian seller and he offered me the Harbert card for $40 U.S. in addition to what I was purchasing. Kind of ignited this whole Pocket Hero frenzy I'm currently in the midst of...
                          Looking for MOC Pocket Super Heroes...
                          Good Trader List

