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Captains Catch

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  • Captain
    Fighting the good fight!
    • Jun 17, 2001
    • 6031

    He waits patiently for the darkness, for when night falls, his prey appears. Tonight he hunts...the BAT!

    Last edited by Captain; Jun 25, '10, 10:54 PM.
    "Crayons taste like purple!"


    • Captain
      Fighting the good fight!
      • Jun 17, 2001
      • 6031

      Copperhead at his ghost town hideout.

      This is another one of those "my take on..." customs. In my DC Universe, Copperhead is a hitman for hire. Instead of bullets, he uses a high powered air rifle that fires his own noxious venom concoction. Like those bitten by a real copperhead snake, Copperheads victims die a slow agonizing death.
      He is part Apache, and as such usually hides out in old ghost towns or caves in the West Texas Desert.

      Last edited by Captain; Jun 25, '10, 10:53 PM.
      "Crayons taste like purple!"


      • MegoAddict
        Official Mego Sniffer
        • May 16, 2010
        • 326

        very cool
        I LIVE for the "attic smell" of Mego's!!!


        • Meule
          Verbose Member
          • Nov 14, 2004
          • 28720

          Wow, pretty cool take on Copperhead
          "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


          • Captain
            Fighting the good fight!
            • Jun 17, 2001
            • 6031

            Scotty....beam me up.

            "Crayons taste like purple!"


            • Captain
              Fighting the good fight!
              • Jun 17, 2001
              • 6031

              "Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them." ~Dion Boucicault

              Rex Tyler had retired like the others, back when they tried to take his mask, and call him a Red. Hell, they all had. Rex actually welcomed being free from all the cloak and dagger stuff. He had overcome his addiction to the very miracle which gave him his powers. He had married, and had a son.

              He was living the American dream!

              ...Then, in 1954, things changed. A Russian madman known as the Red Menace had begun kidnapping paranormals....and then Rex's own son. They wanted the secret to his wonder drug Miraclo, or the boy would die. Rex decided to give it to them......To shove it right down their commie throats live and in person as the HOURMAN!

              (Got to have a story ;D)

              "Crayons taste like purple!"


              • Meule
                Verbose Member
                • Nov 14, 2004
                • 28720

                Hourman looks cool, great background too
                "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                • Captain
                  Fighting the good fight!
                  • Jun 17, 2001
                  • 6031

                  From the secret files of US Military Intelligence and the CIA


                  President Eisenhower


                  CIA Director Allen Dulles


                  Sub topic: Project SuperSoldier:


                  Over the years the Soviet Red Army had been decimated by war and civil conflict and Stalin, always in fear of losing power, needed strong and healthy soldiers. Add to that the fact that Stalin's aim and that of the Soviet Politburo, was to control the world and the spread of communism. So in 1926 they requested that the Academy of Science build a "living war machine".

                  According to Russian newspapers Stalin' stated, "I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."

                  In answer to Stalin's request, top Soviet scientists attempted to build a hybrid human by cross breeding humans with the great apes. This experiment resulted in a few living subjects (see photo A and photo B below), but none could be considered a super soldier. Born with several birth defects, and retarded mental and physical capabilities, the program was considered a failure, the subjects were killed, and the program was ended.

                  In 1945, several reports of a "Gorilla-Man" spread across the Russian/German front. At first dismissed, these reports grew in number leading Allied scientists to revisit the possibility that Stalin's program may have worked.

                  Photo C is an infra red picture taken of a Russian Tank column moving in on Berlin near the end of the war. Clearly seen leading the way is a man like ape ( or ape like man).This is the only confirmed photo of the creature.

                  A group of US troops, under the command of a Sgt. Frank Rock actually came across this beast while storming Hitlers bunker in Berlin. The Sgts report listed the 'creature" as around 6 feet tall, incredibly strong, and extremely viscous. This creature didn't use a gun, instead preferring to leap, ape like, into crowds of German troops, and then (in the Sgts words) "rip and tear his way through the Krauts, turning them into a big ol' mess of blood and guts!". It should be also noted that the Sgt. clearly heard the beast speak in fluent Russian, and appeared to be leading the assault.

                  Current intelligence seems to confirm this creature is still alive, and a high ranking member of the Soviet military. While it has not been confirmed this creature is a result of Stalin's Super Soldier Program from the 1920's, the beasts ape like countenance leads one to assume this is the case.

                  It is also believed this beast may be the Russian agent code named Red Menace, and is responsible for the disappearance of several paranormal beings, also referred to as Mystery Men, Super Hero's, and Super Villains.

                  (See old OSS "All Star Squadron" file for references)

                  It is the suggestion of our top intelligence agents, that the soviets may be attempting to harness the abilities of these paranormals to build a new Super army.

                  Further, it is suggested all attempts be made to contact the former members of the group known as the Justice Society. Apologies should be made (in private) for any accusations made linking their members to the Communist party, and they should be re-activated and put on this case immediately.

                  Photo A:

                  Photo B:

                  Photo C:
                  "Crayons taste like purple!"


                  • Captain
                    Fighting the good fight!
                    • Jun 17, 2001
                    • 6031

                    The above is a little blurb I made for the Red Menace character I threw into my hourman story. I decided to make a Red Menace figure, and use him as the focal villian for my Atomic Age Justice Society figures.

                    Of some interest.... The Russian Super Soldier project, including the cross breeding with apes, and the first two pictures are all true!!

                    Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction....and sometimes its just really flipping weird!!!
                    "Crayons taste like purple!"


                    • Meule
                      Verbose Member
                      • Nov 14, 2004
                      • 28720

                      Cool story
                      "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                      • Captain
                        Fighting the good fight!
                        • Jun 17, 2001
                        • 6031

                        From the secret files of US Military Intelligence and the CIA


                        President Eisenhower


                        CIA Director Allen Dulles


                        Sub topic: Project SuperSoldier:Part II


                        In continuance of our surveillance on the Russian Mystery Man known as "the Red Menace", we have turned up new developments.

                        First, Red Menace is no longer operating alone. He was recently photographed in Alberta Canada on some form of covert operation with two companions. Two of our agents (Starman and Hourman) managed to stop them before they could do whatever it was they had planned. Its possible they were looking for meteor fragments from a recent meteor shower, but we have not yet confirmed this.


                        Further investigation has revealed the two companions as Yuri Vetaczech, a member of the Soviet Air Force, and suspected member of their space program. Details are sketchy, but reports indicate a failed Soviet rocket test converted Vetaczech into some kind of super powered monster of incredible strength. He is now called "Cosmonaut".

                        No information about the other characters identity can be confirmed. Reports say he was a Soviet prisoner, forced to perform slave labor in their Siberian waste lands. Somehow he has acquired atomic powered super strength and invulnerability. He goes under the code name "Atomic Comrade", or conversely "Comrade Atomic".

                        ****UP DATE****

                        A recent report from one of our newly instated agents (ref: Starman/All Star Squadron file #8978956687) explains how the Atomic Comrade gained his powers. Soviet forces kidnapped Ivy College professor Al Pratt, who apparrently once operated as the mystery man called the Atom (ref: Atom/Cyclotron--respective All Star Squadron files). A unidentified Soviet scientist has developed a means of "leeching" super powers from an individual, and transferring them to another. Pratt had his powers stripped and they were transferred into the man now known as Atomic Comrade.

                        Photo of Pratt in the machine: (caution..not for the weak of stomache)

                        Starman, with the assistance of fellow mystery man the Hourman, was able to retrieve Pratt from the Soviets. Pratt has since recovered and offered his services to stop the Soviet plan. Pratt has also confirmed that the Soviets are intent on building their own league of super beings (referred to as the RED STAR SQUADRON) in an attempt to match what they perceive as the abundance of American controlled super team once known as the ALL STAR SQUADRON. Mr. Pratt has also confirmed this mystery Soviet scientist is indeed in charge of this project.

                        It appears, Mr. President, that a new arms race has opened up.

                        Once again, it is urged we do everything in our power to reconvene the mystery men (and women) formerly known as the Justice Society. I have taken the steps of writing a formal apology to all such individuals who we mistakenly accused of colluding with the Reds. All that is needed is for you and congress to sign off on it, and I will have the apology submitted to all the national newspapers and radio stations.
                        "Crayons taste like purple!"


                        • Meule
                          Verbose Member
                          • Nov 14, 2004
                          • 28720

                          Cool story and pics
                          "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                          • Captain
                            Fighting the good fight!
                            • Jun 17, 2001
                            • 6031

                            JSA Assemble!!

                            "Crayons taste like purple!"


                            • Captain
                              Fighting the good fight!
                              • Jun 17, 2001
                              • 6031

                              The senses stunning secret revealed!! The brains, the real leader behind the Red Star Squadron is none other than ....... ULTRA_HUMANITE!!!

                              (Boo Haa!!)

                              "Crayons taste like purple!"


                              • Meule
                                Verbose Member
                                • Nov 14, 2004
                                • 28720

                                Originally posted by Captain
                                The senses stunning secret revealed!! The brains, the real leader behind the Red Star Squadron is none other than ....... ULTRA_HUMANITE!!!

                                (Boo Haa!!)

                                He came from the future by any chance?
                                "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe

