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Another Meet is done and it was awesome!

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  • VintageMike
    Permanent Member
    • Dec 16, 2004
    • 3380

    Another Meet is done and it was awesome!

    Figured I'd do this now, before I go back to the real world and things get crazy. Another Meet is in the books and and this point it's no shocker it went in the blink of an eye. I'll try to recap some stuff without going on forever.

    Flying vs. driving: Outside of a few glitches involving airport transportation, this was a big "win". Everything went smoothly and instead of an endless 2-day drive, I listened to some stuff on my MP3 player and before I knew it I was there. Also measured my carry-ons so no luggage was checked. That has always been my biggest fear with flying: them losing my stuff.

    Old Friends: It's a bit surreal to say this, but this was actually my 10th Mego Meet! Always great to see Brian H., The Gordys, Charlie, Brue, Art B., Tom & Berto, Scott A, Scott P., Brue, Kevin & Scott, Chris H., Ed L. and I'm probably forgetting people. Great to see Dave back of course, which I'm sure will be echoed by others. No Mego Suite Thusday? No problem, a few us just congrated in the lobby! If I forgot anyone, I'm still not at 100% capacity so accept my apologies.

    New Friends: Made a few and that's always great. One of the special things about this event with folks: Since we all share a common bond of some sort, there's an instant comfort zone. In day to day life, how often does that happen for any of us? You can bsacialy jump in a car with people you've just met it's totally cool for everyone.

    Missing faces: Rob T., Jason Y, Chuck, Derek R who were missed along with many others. I probably don't have to say this, but I will anyway whether you missed this or have yet to go. Do everything in your power to attend. There are unavoidable things (family, situations that would your job in jeopardy) but beyond that the specialness of this week cannot be matched. It will also give you a "recharge" to deal with things.

    Merch: Lot of great stuff this year. Fortunate to pick up the exclusive Electra Woman and so happy for Scott A, it was sell out! Of course, I'm always looking for that special vintage piece. There were a few there thanks to Mark Huckabone but upon seeing one of my grail items, a carded Catwoman, I had to have it. It was not without complications on my part. My budget while substantial was not a big as the last two years and I had spent some on day 1. There would have have been no way for me to meet the initial price I was quoted. Thankfully a mutual friend was around to help bring the price down to where it would be in my ballpark. I still had to make a somewhat embarrasing call home, but at the end of the day the deal got done. 10 years after seeing Dan's awesome carded display after my first Meet and dreaming, I now have a carded collection I am really proud of.

    The food: Skokie, I'll miss you! Portillo's, Lou Malnati's. If I lived in this area, my eating routine would be in a big, big trouble!

    I'll wrap up saying it says a lot that I walked away from this, just happy about the weekend. Many years I've been angry afterward wondering why day to day life is so radically different from this. Now and hopefully in the future, I was just happy to have this special time with people who I consider good friends.
    Last edited by VintageMike; Jun 19, '17, 5:44 PM.
  • Bronxboykev
    Permanent Member
    • Mar 7, 2011
    • 3013

    Great seeing you again Mike... and you are sooo right about the Diet habits lol... always awesome to see someone be able to add a grail piece!!! Enjoy!!! Eternal con next??? Then Mego 2018!!! Lol


    • VintageMike
      Permanent Member
      • Dec 16, 2004
      • 3380

      Originally posted by Bronxboykev
      Great seeing you again Mike... and you are sooo right about the Diet habits lol... always awesome to see someone be able to add a grail piece!!! Enjoy!!! Eternal con next??? Then Mego 2018!!! Lol
      Next, I rebuild my bank account and take care of finances, lol! I think EC is too soon. I could have picked a lesser piece and come home with $, but that was one of the tough choices I faced, wiping my events slate clean for the next month or so to make this happen.


      • noelani72
        • Jun 25, 2002
        • 4609

        great seeing you Mike, we have a great group of folks. it's always neat seeing how excited you get when a grail goes home with you lol.


        • ScottA
          Original Member
          • Jun 25, 2001
          • 12264

          My pleasure as always my man. Congrats on the Catwoman. I am jealous. And thanks. I'm glad they sold out as well.
          sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


          • The Re-Rooter
            Veteran Member
            • Jul 13, 2016
            • 297

            It was great meeting all of you! <3
            I wish I had had the chance to talk to more of you and somehow managed to talk to Kevin hardly at all (?!) but did get to know his awesome wife better!
            Hopefully next year I will be in better health and not have to sleep so much!
            And all of you were so nice to Seth, he's obviously the charming half of us!



            • samurainoir
              Eloquent Member
              • Dec 26, 2006
              • 18758

              You looked even happier to pick up the Catwoman this year than you did after the Supergirl last year. Delighted your travels were so much smoother this year as well. (and deep apologies for being such a klutz and kicking your phone like that, I'm an idiot).
              My store in the MEGO MALL!



              • Toyman_Chris
                70's Era Pimp
                • Sep 7, 2011
                • 3010

       will simply need to come back to Chicago so we can just hang out!


                • VintageMike
                  Permanent Member
                  • Dec 16, 2004
                  • 3380

                  Originally posted by Toyman_Chris
         will simply need to come back to Chicago so we can just hang out!
                  You never know! I can honestly say while the Meet may be moving this will not be my last time in Chicago. Just such a great place to be I am already thinking of possible reasons to return. Got my eye on a couple of things.


                  • Toyman_Chris
                    70's Era Pimp
                    • Sep 7, 2011
                    • 3010

                    Originally posted by VintageMike
                    You never know! I can honestly say while the Meet may be moving this will not be my last time in Chicago. Just such a great place to be I am already thinking of possible reasons to return. Got my eye on a couple of things.


                    • LuckySeven
                      New Member
                      • Jun 6, 2017
                      • 2

                      Hopefully 2018 will be my first Mego Meet! Hopefully I'll be able to have enough cash to actually start a collection, lol.

