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My MM2015 Review

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  • ScottA
    Original Member
    • Jun 25, 2001
    • 12264

    My MM2015 Review

    Whew. I finally have time to catch up and jot something down about MM2015. I said on FB that we had outgrown Wheeling. We just couldn't get another table in that basement. So I knew it was going to move, I just didn't know where to. Then came the announcement about Skokie. I do a quick mapquest search and find out it's the same distance for me as Wheeling (12 1/2 hours each way), just go left instead of right. So the planning begins and I am able to make it (8 in a row now). We had a few growing pains this year (as to be expected) but we learned some things we can use for next year and will.

    Some PROS for me:
    Expanded dealers room. Love that we actually had elbow room to move around.
    New vendors. You can never have enough with vintage toys.
    Show at hotel. No driving back and forth.
    Downtown Skokie. Loved going to Aw Yeah Comics and Quakes.
    Portillos. What hasn't been said about this place? Yum.
    IHOP across the street. Yeah, service was not fast but the company was perfect (as was the food).

    Breakfast in the hotel not free. Really?
    Temperature knob missing from AC unit. Couldn't adjust it up or down.
    Expanded dealers room. Only because we were not all together.

    Pros outweigh the cons I'd say.

    Now to the real reason I go. It's to see dear friends. Plain and simple. While the toys are great it's the friendships I've built over the years that make Mego Meet what it is. When I went to my first one 8 years ago I was scared to death. I didn't know a soul except for a select few in CA because of work. But as soon as I walked into the Mego Suite that changed and I've never looked back. I now have brothers (and a few sisters) from damn near every state and region and even Canada and now Puerto Rico. How can that not be a good thing? For those who think a 5 or 6 hour drive is to far you are missing the point of MM. We can type on a keyboard for 51 weeks out the year. But the 4 days we are together are indescribable.

    Just some quick shout outs:

    Toyman - Thank you for driving me all over Chicago. And for your words of wisdom and encouragement.
    Art - Thank you for keeping my boy safe and putting him to work. He really enjoyed his time with you as did I. Let me tell you guys there is nothing like going to Target with Art. Hug Rose for me.
    Austin - You are the man my friend. Loved seeing the process.
    Steve - You made the Meet happen. I wish I could do more to ease it for you. If I can, let me know.
    Berto & Tom - You guys..... Nothing but love. The Meet is nothing without you both. You are extended family for sure.
    Derek - Thank you for the toy deals and for being my friend.
    Paul @ Lasermego - The exclusive would not have been as cool without your help. And thank you in advance for your help on next years. And for the pin.
    Anthony - Thank you for your ReMego love. Great deals at your table and I took a few things home from it.
    Paul 1 & Paul 2 - Thank you for being you. You both help make the Meet what it is.
    Axe - Your customs are inspiring as is your friendship.
    Brian & Ed - Thank you for making the trek each year and bringing Captain Canuck to the 8" world.
    Mike - Thank you for your love of Mego (and the framed Robin print).
    All the Scott(s) - We have enough Scotts at the museum we could have a meet of just us, lol. You all rock.
    Kevin & his Clan - I'll have some serious Mego next year. Just giving you a heads up.
    Ariel - A new face that fit right in. Your enthusiasm was contagious.
    Roberto - To finally put a face with the name after all these years was worth the drive. I'm just sorry I missed seeing the Batmobile.
    All the new faces - Thank you all for making the trip, no matter how far you have to travel. I hope it was worth it and you all keep coming back.
    Old Friends who couldn't make it - know you were all missed.

    I'm sure I'm leaving some out and I do apologize. I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep. I will say I can tell we are getting older. In Wheeling the Mego Suite didn't close until at least 4am. In Skokie we were done by 1:30am Saturday night, lol. Priceless.

    I will never complain that the drive is 12 1/2 hours long. To me it's worth every minute on the road and I would do it again next weekend (ok, maybe the weekend after next, lol). It's a small price to pay to see each one of you in person, shake your hand and give you a hug. You are all like family, really. While I love that we moved I hope we don't get too big too fast. Wheeling had a lot of charm and a closeness that we all felt there. I don't want us to loose that in a bigger venue. But we have smart people here so I feel pretty good about keeping that aspect of what makes Mego Meet what it is. See you all next year in 2016.
    sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH
  • Mego Milk
    Custom Mego Maker
    • Jun 3, 2007
    • 2843

    aw yeah man.


    • rche
      channeling Bob Wills
      • Mar 26, 2008
      • 7389

      ^^ Seconded


      • samurainoir
        Eloquent Member
        • Dec 26, 2006
        • 18758

        You captured it perfectly Scott... walking into the Mego Suite on Thursday night and seeing you and the rest of the early-bird gang once again was the most comforting feeling in the world. It was just like Wheeling, and in classier digs too.

        This year's Super Soldier was very likely my favourite of all the Official Mego Meet Exclusives. Anyone who wasn't at the Meet to get one, had better snap up one now. This really was a winner.
        My store in the MEGO MALL!



        • trekman101
          Persistent Member
          • Feb 6, 2009
          • 1432

          I feel the the way was a 12 1/2 hour drive for me as well but worth it..I'm glad I was able to spread the re mego love
          "Thats the ticket laddie"


          • megowgsh
            Customego HoF Curator
            • Nov 19, 2003
            • 7420

            Scott you have been one of my best friends for close to two decades now. Nothing but love big guy.
            Check out ALL my customs at


            • noelani72
              • Jun 25, 2002
              • 4609

              couldn’t have summed it up better myself. Always a pleasure bro.


              • VintageMike
                Permanent Member
                • Dec 16, 2004
                • 3380

                Always great seeing you Scott, and glad I could give you the Robin print. I'm sure everyone here will agree there's no home where it will be more loved.


                • Bronxboykev
                  Permanent Member
                  • Mar 7, 2011
                  • 3013

                  Sorry we did not get to spend more time together this trip My AJ Brother :( but you stated it perfectly... Wheeling was A 7 hour ride for us Skokie was 12 but I didn't care... It's not for the stuff you bring home its for the 3-4 days you get to spend with MAGNIFICENT people who share a common interest... Best 4 days of my year


                  • Toyman_Chris
                    70's Era Pimp
                    • Sep 7, 2011
                    • 3010

                    We had a blast as usual amigo! It is never enough time


                    • Cornelius POTA
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jul 19, 2011
                      • 1003

                      Just read the entire post ScottA

                      Very well said.

                      I'm seriously considering going to Skokie in 2016 because of your post. Going to start a Mego Meet 2016 fund.

                      Hope I'm welcome , but eh, love MEGO and like to laugh. Thanks for the Mego shirts you sold me over the years.

                      Cornelius POTA sigpic MEGO of the Planet Of The Apes :ape:
                      :smiley13: Cornelius is home.
                      I'm in a groove and on the move collecting Mego POTA figures. PM me anytime.


                      • Boywonder0
                        Persistent Member
                        • Dec 29, 2007
                        • 2411

                        Scott it was a blessing meeting you, your kid and my other Mego brothas! Hopefully one day, our dream of seeing a well made Mego-Like Robin figure will come true!

