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Dave's Megomeet ramblings and Raffle/Auction results

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  • thomasjo_2093
    Veteran Member
    • Apr 13, 2009
    • 334

    Hey guys my box came today. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that made this possible. It sounds like you all had a blast at the meet, I hope that I can join in the fun next year. So once again, a big thanks to you all.



    • trekman101
      Persistent Member
      • Feb 6, 2009
      • 1432

      Great re-cap Dave When I went into the dealer room on friday there were only a few people around and I was a little anxious but everyone made me fell welcome.As the night went by I felt more comfortable and on saturday I fit right in.My son never has problems fitting in and had a great time.He's been playing every day with his new mego's and raffle stuff.Thanks to Lonny and every one who gave him extra stuff His kit bash "Joker" is on display in his curio cabinet(only his most treasured things get put in there )He already has a list of customs he wants us to make(Doc and Brian will be getting calls )When it was time to leave I felt like the meet went by to fast.I wanted to go back and sit with every one and create new mego's and MM card images I'm so glad I went and will be back for the next meet
      "Thats the ticket laddie"


      • jasonmego1277
        Persistent Member
        • Dec 9, 2008
        • 1741

        Dave, Congrats on scoring the Parker. I love hearing great stories like that !
        In The " Real World " Vampires Do Not Sparkle. They Burn In the Sun !


        • Hotfoot
          Dazed and Confused
          • Dec 30, 2007
          • 2564

          Originally posted by Dave Mc
          Poor Chris, we're pulling out lots and he's trying to type them all in on the fly, then we shout out a name, so he does the best he can to keep up. Then I take his list and copy and paste it into the post. So if there are typos and misspellings, don't be too hard on us!

          Wow, those just went out Tuesday. I packed up some more last night, and still have a few more to do, so the rest probably wont go out until Monday. I like to get all this stuff done ASAP, just so I can have my garage space back.
          My name too was misspelled but that is nothing new as no one ever gets it right!
          Too many toys. Not enough space!


          • jessica
            fortune favors the bold
            • Nov 5, 2007
            • 4590

            Say......where can a chimp get one of those mego-sized handcuffs, for sessions?
            Those who look outside dream. Those who look within awake.
            Samples of my work are found here: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

            To do list:
            1:6 boots for Mathilda, 1:1 Romulan Commander outfit, Ursus helmet; Cornelius appliance
            1:9 scale ape's new suit for Cornelius;


            • rchatlin
              Talkative Member
              • Jun 24, 2001
              • 5768

              Just got my prize in the mail - and I didn't even know I won.

              I must have missed this thread earlier, so it was truly a surprise as I sat opening a package without knowing what to expect.

              The good news - a box full of AJ stuff.

              Thanks for all the extra effort Dave.



              • LadyCommand
                New Member
                • Jun 13, 2009
                • 36

                Hey there! You did an amazing re-cap of everything!

                I remember sitting there during the raffle hoping for only 2 main items. When certain other things came up I would think 'well, that would be cool for {insert friend/relative here}' or 'I know {this person} wants that really bad if they don't get it I hope someone who might let them have it gets it'. And then the Spawn figures came up and I thought 'no way, oh please anyone else...' Then they pulled out my name to win them and out of my mouth came "You've got to be kidding me" and into my hands they were placed

                I have to pick a little For how hard my first name is to get you spelled that right and got my last name wrong! No worries! You have no idea how much I have to correct people (thanks Mom) on my first name and for some reason where I'm living NOone spells my last name right. You at least got it MUCh closer Just remember Bach (the composer) was nothing to LadyCommand She could kick his ash anyday (if anyone was lost on the analogy my last name is spelled Bachman)

                Thanks again for getting all of that typed up- it was madness during the raffle and you did a great job!!!
                Last edited by LadyCommand; Jun 26, '09, 12:48 PM.


                • Dave Mc
                  • Oct 20, 2002
                  • 17827

                  Congrats on the Spawn figures! Part of the fun of the raffle is not only some people scoring exactly what they were hoping for, but others scoring exactly what they were hoping not to get.


                  • DocDrako
                    Formerly Doc Drako
                    • Nov 11, 2004
                    • 2813

                    I love these post-meet posts. I missed another Mego Meet and if I don't make it next year, I gotta get out of this hobby! My wife looks at me like I'm from another planet (I actually am, but don't tell anybody) when I start spouting "Mego this" and "Mego Museum that". It would be nice to be around people who understand, even if only for a couple of days. I read these posts every year and they make me despise my lack of dedication toward being there. Next year for sure! Or it's all over for me!

                    "I prefer to remain an enigma."

                    DRAKO'S GOOD TRADERS LIST


                    • jayihdz
                      • Mar 6, 2007
                      • 808

                      Got my box today....thanks Dave.


                      • MIB41
                        Eloquent Member
                        • Sep 25, 2005
                        • 15632

                        I'm definitely coming next year!


                        • steshell
                          Museum Super Collector
                          • Jan 20, 2008
                          • 183

                          Received my prize today - Evil Knievel. Brilliant!!
                          Thanks to everyone involved.



                          • Meule
                            Verbose Member
                            • Nov 14, 2004
                            • 28720

                            Got my prize as well couple of days ago, thanks Dave
                            "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                            • sauce
                              • Jun 24, 2007
                              • 3491

                              Dave, you're a gem! Thanks for sending me my Raffle Goodies! And it was only one box this year!!

