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MegOhio 2014

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  • Random Axe
    The Voice of Reason
    • Apr 16, 2008
    • 4518

    MegOhio 2014

    Hey, just throwing a date out there to see what anyone thinks. It might be too late to make plans accordingly, but I thought it best to feel it out. After the events of this past Mego Meet, it's obvious to me the need to interact with eachother more often. Being honest with ourselves, how many people can we actually share our geekiness with? Now you can hang for an afternoon and talk shop, comics or whatever. Our venue is pretty nice and free, so there's a plus. You guys can bring stuff to show off, customs, comics or pretty much anything you'd like. I really don't want to add commerce into the mix unless it's just trade and swap kinda stuff. This is a simple gathering of friends within a 100 mile radius of Cincinnati who'd like to spend an afternoon with like-minded people.

    So, if anyone has thoughts, ideas or wants to squash these plans, this is the thread to do it. I totally understand if this is too last minute, but I am going to be tied up BIG TIME in August and wouldn't be able to even entertain this till September week 2 or so. I'm looking forward to spending time with old friends and making new ones.
    I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

    If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.
  • EMCE Hammer
    Moderation Engineer
    • Aug 14, 2003
    • 25682

    July 5 works for me!


    • Random Axe
      The Voice of Reason
      • Apr 16, 2008
      • 4518

      Cmon down steve. We can see a movie. I guess I should have included a prposed date. As crazy as work is getting and will be it looks like the second Saturday of September unless anyone has other options or ideas. feedback needed
      I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

      If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


      • ubermanx
        Career Member
        • Jul 3, 2013
        • 946

        Ooooooo .... 925 km from my house. Help a Polish Canadian out with the metric to US conversion. That's about 100 miles isn't it?

        - Marty


        • Random Axe
          The Voice of Reason
          • Apr 16, 2008
          • 4518

          That's roughly 520 miles. That would be a haul
          I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

          If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


          • ubermanx
            Career Member
            • Jul 3, 2013
            • 946

            Be quicker if I take the company jet ...

            - Marty


            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32606

              Sept. 2 would be out for me, as that's Cindy's Birthday. But by no means change the date for me if it works for everyone else.



              • hedrap
                Permanent Member
                • Feb 10, 2009
                • 4825

                Falls right on Halloween...


                • Random Axe
                  The Voice of Reason
                  • Apr 16, 2008
                  • 4518

                  THe Wizard con sounds awesome. I had no idea that was coming close to here. There's supposed to be a couple of smaller cons here in Cincy this year, but that one looks like the big one. I'll have to keep checking the guest list for that and see who's coming. I haven't been to an actual con in over 15 years.
                  I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

                  If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


                  • megocrazy
                    Museum Trouble Maker
                    • Feb 18, 2007
                    • 3718

                    Hey Scott, your PM's are full.
                    It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                    • Godzilla
                      Permanent Member
                      • Nov 3, 2002
                      • 3008

                      The 2nd is a possibility for me. The 7th is a toy show here in Columbus.
                      Mortui Vivos Docent
                      The Dead Teach the Living


                      • Random Axe
                        The Voice of Reason
                        • Apr 16, 2008
                        • 4518

                        Originally posted by megocrazy
                        Hey Scott, your PM's are full.

                        Well, crap. Cleaned out now
                        I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

                        If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


                        • MIB41
                          Eloquent Member
                          • Sep 25, 2005
                          • 15632

                          I would be available in October, but I couldn't do it on Halloween. Sacred day for me and my grandson. He doesn't trick or treat without his "Doo Dah".


                          • durgos
                            • Apr 1, 2009
                            • 89

                            I've got a few things coming up, but would love to stop down in Cinci and see you and some of the others if I can.


                            • Brue
                              User without title
                              • Sep 29, 2005
                              • 4244

                              I can make it to Ohio on any date.

