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Original "MegoCon 2004" video...

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  • Galactifan
    New Member
    • Sep 14, 2007
    • 33

    Original "MegoCon 2004" video...

    Here's the original "MegoCon 2004" video...enjoy!

    MegoCon (2004). Event held on June 11, 12, & 13, 2004 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City, NY. TOPICS; Footage of dealers room products, custom contes...
  • johnmiic
    • Sep 6, 2002
    • 8427

    Thanks for putting this up. Can you break it up into some smaller segments?

    When I video taped the event I, (foolishly), didn't use microphones on the people speaking, (and should've used some more lighting). There's a definite difference in sound quality from speaker to speaker. I send much thanks to DaveMC who took on the task of Editor and assembled the footage for a coherent release on DVD and even added a music soundtrack to some parts. He did a great job with my pitifully under-lit footage.

    My apologies for not taping the world class Micronauts display we had. I thought I had more time to video it and it was gone before I could get there on the last day. I was really stretching myself as the only person video taping the event. I wanted more sleep and missed out. If I could do it again I would've opted to lose more sleep. Everyone misses out by not seeing the display that was there and I apologize to you all for not video taping it.

    Ray Miller gave an excellent lecture on all things Micronauts and it really suffers from not having a Mic on him, (as well as the NYFD parking outside under the window in the room he gave the lecture). I have pestered Ray into writing a Micronauts Book based on his lecture. I'm sure Twomorrows Publishing would be very willing to follow up the World's Greatest Toys Book with his Micronauts material. It's way past due!

    Also I would be remiss if I didn't doff my cap at Austin Hough for acting as a moderator at the Q & A portion of the gathering. He really stepped up to bat and hit it out of the park. He was a real natural taking people's questions and presenting them to the speakers. If you were there it was a real indicator of how nice people were and the magic of the event. It also was a good preview of how well the MegoMeet gatherings were going to be and have been since then.

    Alas you can see how many people have moved on from our little gatherings since then. They are very much missed!


    • Galactifan
      New Member
      • Sep 14, 2007
      • 33

      Originally posted by johnmiic
      Thanks for putting this up. Can you break it up into some smaller segments?
      Great idea! I updated and added clickable times in the description of the video link, so you can instantly jump to each segment. Enjoy!


      • palitoy
        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
        • Jun 16, 2001
        • 59367

        I look 12.
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