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Super7 Mechagodzilla Shogun sized!

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  • drquest
    • Apr 17, 2012
    • 3778

    Super7 Mechagodzilla Shogun sized!

    Holy crap I didn't know Super7 was making a Mattel Godzilla Shogun sized Mechagodzilla!

    Standing 20” tall, Super7’s Super Shoguns are the next evolution of the Jumbo-scale toys popular in the 1970s and 80s. Here to do battle with your vintage Godzilla, this Toho Super Shogun Mechagodzilla features three missile-firing fingers on each hand (six total!) with the iconic original red missiles, movable arms, l
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  • B-Lister
    Eccentric Weirdo
    • Mar 19, 2010
    • 2989

    I love everything about the figure.

    except the priice.

    it seems companies that make Jumbo styled figures have latched onto the idea that $300 is what we'll pay for one of these things, based on sales of vintage ones, all the while forgetting that we pay that much BECAUSE they're vintage.

    This is a $100 toy at most. And at that price I would've bought one. But this? For $300+? This is highway robbery.
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    • shaunaconda
      Veteran Member
      • Mar 29, 2020
      • 258

      I love Shogun Warriors! So I had to get one of these. Here it is pictured with a custom I got a few years ago.


      • drquest
        • Apr 17, 2012
        • 3778

        Had a seen this before it sold out I would have considered it, but I would have been happier with maybe a $200-$250 price range. The secondary market on this is just out of my price range, so I'll have a Mechagodzilla sized hole on the shelf I guess :(

        Shaunaconda, thanks for posting yours up! It really looks cool as does your custom there!
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        • RandalSun
          New Member
          • May 31, 2023
          • 11

          I love it.


          • The Batman Professor
            Veteran Member
            • Jul 15, 2010
            • 365

            Just got mine on Tuesday - ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT
            Last edited by The Batman Professor; Dec 9, '23, 9:52 PM.
            sigpicSWEAR TO ME!


            • The Batman Professor
              Veteran Member
              • Jul 15, 2010
              • 365


              So awesome
              Last edited by The Batman Professor; Dec 9, '23, 9:48 PM.
              sigpicSWEAR TO ME!

