Peacemaker is an upcoming American television series created by James Gunn for the streaming service HBO Max, based on the DC Comics character Peacemaker. It is a spin-off from the film The Suicide Squad (2021) and the first television series set in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The series is produced by DC Films, The Safran Company, Troll Court Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television.
An action-comedy that will explore the origins of John Cena’s character from The Suicide Squad (in theaters Aug. 6), Peacemaker follows “a man who believes in peace at any cost — no matter how many people he has to kill to get it.” The Suicide Squad writer/director James Gunn will pen all eight episodes and direct several installments of the companion series, including the series premiere. Cena will serve as a co-EP.
Peacemaker casting includes
Danielle Brooks (as Leota Adebayo)
Robert Patrick (as Auggie Smith)
Nhut Le (as Judomaster)
Freddie Stroma (Adrian Chase - Vigilante)
Steve Agee and Jennifer Holland will reprise their The Suicide Squad roles as Belle Reve Penitentiary warden John Economos and ARGUS agent Emilia Harcourt.
I like that DC Comics can now use more of there Charlton Heroes in movies with Peacemaker & Judomaster. Here is hoping we will get to see more of the original team!!
They just announced Freddie Stroma (Adrian Chase - Vigilante) so this must mean a showdown between the two...
Peacemaker is an upcoming American television series created by James Gunn for the streaming service HBO Max, based on the DC Comics character Peacemaker. It is a spin-off from the film The Suicide Squad (2021) and the first television series set in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The series is produced by DC Films, The Safran Company, Troll Court Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television.
An action-comedy that will explore the origins of John Cena’s character from The Suicide Squad (in theaters Aug. 6), Peacemaker follows “a man who believes in peace at any cost — no matter how many people he has to kill to get it.” The Suicide Squad writer/director James Gunn will pen all eight episodes and direct several installments of the companion series, including the series premiere. Cena will serve as a co-EP.
Peacemaker casting includes
Danielle Brooks (as Leota Adebayo)
Robert Patrick (as Auggie Smith)
Nhut Le (as Judomaster)
Freddie Stroma (Adrian Chase - Vigilante)
Steve Agee and Jennifer Holland will reprise their The Suicide Squad roles as Belle Reve Penitentiary warden John Economos and ARGUS agent Emilia Harcourt.
I like that DC Comics can now use more of there Charlton Heroes in movies with Peacemaker & Judomaster. Here is hoping we will get to see more of the original team!!
They just announced Freddie Stroma (Adrian Chase - Vigilante) so this must mean a showdown between the two...