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Rampart, This is Squad 51, we are now from Mego, not LJN

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  • mego73
    Printed paperboard Tiger
    • Aug 1, 2003
    • 6690

    Rampart, This is Squad 51, we are now from Mego, not LJN

    Mego 73 presents the Emergency action figures:

    Full size:

    Featuring the rescue team of Squad 51

    John Gage, the brave firefighter paramedic

    full size:

    Roy DeSoto, the equally brave other half of the Firefighter Paramedic team

    full size:

    Dr. Brackett, Squad 51's critical medical advisor

    full size:

    and the Rescue Patient, safe and grateful for Squad 51

    full size:

    Emergency action figures, complete with accessories shown, each sold seperataly, by Mego (73)

    Full size:

    Thanks to EmergencyIan, Laurie, Brian Leitner, Dr. Mego, CTVT for assitance. John and Roy wll be getting different shirts soon then the ones shown here (which were crudely shortened to short sleeve shirts by me. I digitally fixed up the short sleeves on some shots). I also digitally put the Walkie Talkie in both John and Roy's hands when I only have one. Anyone have an extra AJ Walkie Talkie?

    John and Roy will also be getting other helmets. Doc Mego molded the LJN helmet for me for the hats, but LJN's helmet wasn't so hot.

    Someone on Ebay is selling improved helmets for LJN figures, they came in today (pictures were taken last night).

    Here is the current card design (it might change and nothing has been done with the back yet)

    Last edited by mego73; May 29, '08, 5:17 PM.

    [email protected]
    Part-Time Timelord
    • Jan 9, 2006
    • 2209

    Nice set of figures.

    Do you have casts available of the Roy head?
    " But you can't kill me, i'm a Genius "


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47253

      They are FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Man, they look GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!

      BRAVO !!!!!!!!


      • toys2cool
        Ultimate Mego Warrior
        • Nov 27, 2006
        • 28605

        those are great man,nice job
        "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
        My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


        • megocrazy
          Museum Trouble Maker
          • Feb 18, 2007
          • 3718

          Excellent job.
          It's not a doll it's an action figure.


          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            Very cool group there!
            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


            • Mikey
              Verbose Member
              • Aug 9, 2001
              • 47253

              All the sculpts are terrific, but that Dr Brackett is DEAD ON perfect.

              Did Ian sculpt these ?


              • mego73
                Printed paperboard Tiger
                • Aug 1, 2003
                • 6690

                I did the heads by doing Sculpy work on resin heads:

                John started as a resin copy of Thor

                Roy started as a resin copy of Kirk

                Brackett started as Dave MC's "Pierce" resin head.

                and of course the rescue Patient is Doc Mego's Knight head.

                [email protected]


                • megoscott
                  Founding Partner
                  • Nov 17, 2006
                  • 8710

                  Brackett is exceptional. Well done.
                  This profile is no longer active.


                  • Seeker
                    Neptunians RULE!
                    • Feb 20, 2008
                    • 1954

                    Fantastic job. Thats dedication for you. From the sculpts to the uniforms down to the packaging.

                    Would love to see a med kit or in scale turnout gear.
                    Lo there do I see my Father.
                    Lo there do I see my Mother and my Sisters and my Brothers.
                    Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the begining.
                    Lo they do call me.
                    They bid me take my place among them.
                    In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever.


                    • Cosmicman
                      Permanent Member
                      • Jul 12, 2005
                      • 4794

                      Nice job! I used to have the originals back in the day. I chopped them up and used the parts for spare stuff. I didn't know anyone remembered this show. I thought I was the only one. LOL
                      More custom Mego madness on Facebook right here...


                      • garagesale
                        Dept. of Mego Studies
                        • Aug 8, 2006
                        • 1142

                        Those heads rule.





                        • Dave Mc
                          • Oct 20, 2002
                          • 17827

                          I love this. Major props on both the idea and execution. They all look great. I have to rank this as one of my favorite projects I've seen so far this year. Bravo!


                          • Mr Havoc
                            Veteran Member
                            • Mar 27, 2008
                            • 331

                            Nice work! brings back memories of watching that show with my dad.


                            • EMCE Hammer
                              Moderation Engineer
                              • Aug 14, 2003
                              • 25682

                              Simply spectacular. Just as clean as your TV Shazam. Well done!

