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YONDU: Guardians of the Galaxy

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  • BlackKnight
    The DarkSide Customizer
    • Apr 16, 2005
    • 14622

    YONDU: Guardians of the Galaxy

    Hey Guys,

    Just finally got around to finishing this up. Head is a Namor head from Russ,.. Sanded off his Hair, & added a fin. Small toro, arms, hands & bootfeet from Russ. Doc mego Legs & Trunks. Box from Toyroom. Hand sewn suit,Made the Belts & his quiver & all the Extras found at the Craft Store.

    BTW } The Bow is also real working.

    ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

    always trading for Hot Toys Figures .
  • JDeRouen
    Author of Small Things
    • Jun 14, 2001
    • 16568

    I don't really know who he is, but he looks great!
    Order Small Things, my contemporary fantasy novel featuring Megos, at


    • Customslab

      looking good j


      • Meule
        Verbose Member
        • Nov 14, 2004
        • 28720

        I have no idea who that is, but I do know a fantastic custom when I see one. The suit is way cool and great job getting all the details right
        "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


        • Wee67
          Museum Correspondent
          • Apr 2, 2002
          • 10599

          Impressive! I remember him from my Avengers books.
          WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


          • Marvelmania
            A Ray of Sunshine
            • Jun 17, 2001
            • 10392

            I remember him from an early Marvel Two-In-One issue. Dead on and perfect! Very impressive indeed!


            • thunderbolt
              Hi Ernie!!!
              • Feb 15, 2004
              • 34211

              Nice one, BK!!!
              You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


              • The Bat
                Batman Fanatic
                • Jul 14, 2002
                • 13412

                Just INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!


                • REMOVED
                  • Jul 27, 2024
                  • 0



                  • Hulk
                    Mayor of Megoville
                    • May 10, 2003
                    • 16007

                    Very cool. Not familiar with the character though. Does the Blue spandex represent his skin (like a Tarzan bodysuit) or is the outfit two toned?

                    Nice work on the Bow and arrows.


                    • SlipperyLilSuckers
                      • May 14, 2003
                      • 9031

                      I don't know him either, but he looks fantastic!


                      • Agent of SHIELD
                        • May 10, 2007
                        • 54

                        Stunning! A great choice of head & I love all the details, especially the fin.


                        • Dave Mc
                          • Oct 20, 2002
                          • 17827

                          Great detail! Love the fin and the quiver and arrows. Sweet!


                          • The Toyroom
                            The Packaging King
                            • Dec 31, 2004
                            • 16653

                            Another great the detail! Can't wait to see the rest of this group from you (you are gonna make them, aren't you?)!

                            For those unfamiliar with Yondu, he's one of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy (the others are Vance Astro, Nikki, Charlie-27, Martinex, Starhawk) and they're from a future timeline in the Marvel Universe. They had their own book in the 90s but have also had decent appearances in the Avengers (during the Korvac Saga) and Marvel Super-Heroes.
                            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                            • Megospidey
                              Museum Webslinger
                              • Jul 26, 2006
                              • 5305

                              Super as always BK!

