Hi there again. This isn't so much a second customizing article as it is a quick tutorial on repairing your Megos. In particular, how to restring them. I've seen so many e-mails about this lately that I just got sick of responding to them and decided to write this up.

So here you go: How to restring a type II male and female body. When restringing, I NEVER use rubberbands. They suck. Plain and simple. Since I am not using them, I simply discard all that metal hook crap from inside the bodies since I won't be using rubberbands. Instead, I restring my bodies using flat band elastic. There is a common misconception that this somehow removes some of the posability.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It fact... it fits so nice and tight that posability is actually increased. However, always use FLAT elastic, not ROUND like Mego did, since this wears out faster for some reason, and does not give as tight a fit. So let's go...

Restringing a Male Type II Body

- You will only need one long piece of elastic for this. Start by discarding all of the metal brackets and hooks that were used to hold the rubberbands in place.

- Tie one end of the elastic to a pencil so it will not pull into the body cavity as you are threading the elastic.

A) Start by feeding the other free end through the neck hole, out through the right arm socket, through the hole in the right arm's shoulder, and back into the body. (You may find it helpful to use a forceps (tweezers) to thread the elastic through tight spaces your finger won't fit. Or, simply attach the elastic to a thread with a needle on it.

B) Feed through the waist and down through the pelvis, out through the right hip pin hole.

C) Make a loop and hook this over the end of the hip pin. Feed the elastic back through pin hole.

D) Now thread it back up through the pelvis, over the top of the pelvic post, and then out through the left leg hole, out through the left leg hip pin hole.

E) Loop the elastic over the hook of the hip pin and feed back through the hip of the leg back to the pelvis.

F) Feed the elastic up through the torso and out through the left arm socket. Pass it through the hole of the left arm and back through into the torso.

G) Now bring it out through the neck hole. Gather the two free ends and pull them tightly until the body comes together snugly. Now tie them off in a few knots and cut off the excess. Replace the head.

Restringing a Female Body

This is a little more difficult than restringing a male body since it requires THREE pieces of elastic as opposed to one. One to attach the head to the pelvis, Another to attach the arms, and One more for the Legs. I've conveniently color coded these for you in the illustration.

A) Take one piece of elastic (Shown as green in the illustration) and loop it over the swivel pin of the hip of one leg.

B) Pass it through the pelvis and over the swivel pin of the other leg.

C) Tie off the two free ends tightly. Now, to keep the elastic from sliding around, center the elastic on the pins of each leg and tape them in place with a small strip of electrical tape

D) Pop the head off of the neck stump. Thread another piece of elastic (colored purple in the illustration) around the underside of the post that passes through the pelvis. Feed both free ends up through neck hole of the torso and up through the bottom of the neck stump till they come out through the top hole of the neck stump (an area that's normally concealed by the head). Pull on the ends until the neck stump pulls against the body and the body pulls together snugly. Tie off the two free ends tightly. Fit the head back on the neck.

E) Thread a  third and final piece of elastic through the torso over the pins of both arms (red elastic in the illustration). Tie this off tightly and your female body is now restrung!