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Vintage Halloween Pics Round up

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    Museum Robot
    • May 9, 2007
    • 5810

    Vintage Halloween Pics Round up

    At the beginning of October I put out the call for your vintage Halloween costume photos and brother, did you respond with your wood paneled goodness like this photo from Jason above.

    To be honest, putting them all together became a daunting task, however, that's a good problem to have. An incredible vintage costume explosion awaits after the jump.

    Here is young Jason as Caspar, a Halloween staple for decades.

    Here's Arthur as Dr. Cornelius from Planet of the Apes or is that Galen? I can never tell those two apart. I'm digging the giant TV in the background....

    Here is Steve and his brother rocking their homemade Star Wars costumes in 1977. Does it get better than stuff like this?

    Tim Baron sent in this awesome trifecta of Yoda, Dracula and Storm Trooper. The Yoda robes are far better than my smock and sweater combo.

    Here's JB rocking the Collegeville Hot Wheels driver costume.

    Here's Trilkhai as a toddler version of Holly Hobby in 1978. Adorable!

    Here is David and his nephew in 1962, man Casper had some longevity didn't he?

    The above three all come from Jamie who mentions that the Superman costume are actually his pajamas. I have to wonder why Superman was marketed in the late 70s with a lone ranger mask.

    James and Joseph were Snoopy and Charlie Brown in 1975.

    Brian Writes "Attached is a photo of me (the sad clown), my brother (the hobo), and our neighbor (the Bionic Woman) taken on Halloween night 1977. I honestly don’t know what my parents were thinking."

    Here is Michael's first Halloween, I don't think I was born yet.

    Andrew writes about this photo: "7th grade in Overland Park, Kansas 1985 with homemade costumes. My friend dressed as Leatherface was actually wearing my face. My brother made the Freddy glove and the plaster cast I used to sculpt my latex mask.

    Matt submitted this through our facebook page and writes: "Halloween 1982, when Rubik's Cube mania was in full force, and my mom made a Rubik's Cube costume for me (cardboaord bix and construction paper) while my brother went dressed as Dracula"

    Michele sent in this awesome double shot of TV magic people "Not sure of the year.. 1974 or 75.. I am Jeannie and my friend is Witchiepoo..the closing credits of I Dream of Jeannie is on the tv too."

    Eric sent in this show of him as Q-Bert! I had no idea "This picture was taken in Montreal in 1983, when I was 5 years old. I'm standing in front of my daycare centre, and I'm wearing the Collegeville Q*Bert costume (with makeup replacing the mask, probably out of concern that I couldn't see well with the mask on)."

    Matt sent in this Halloween parade shot from 1980.

    Above is a double shot from Garth, hje's Batman in both a store bought and home made version.

    Here's Mikey rocking a homemade Devil costume!

    Mikey as Dracula in the mid 1970s, those aren't photoshopped flames, it's just decay sadly....

    Erin's preschool in 1979, she's in the cat costume.

    Scott writes "Halloween 1976: I am the lion, my brother is the pirate, my cousin is Mickey Mouse and a friend is John Wayne from The Shootist."

    Here's Andy rocking a clown. A great deal of we Canadians know the "Multiple layers under your costume" trip....

    Karl and his bro in 1970ish.

    Liz's first Halloween! Digging that carpet!

    Deann as Batgirl, I'm so happy to see a Batgirl in this mix.

    Here's Dusty as Batman in 1989, when he went from blue and grey to black.

    Jason's storm trooper costume is a cut above mine as a kid but isn't that Han's gun?

    Speaking of Star Wars, he's Kevin as Vader. Imagine if David Prowse wore this ensemble in the movie.....

    Dan as Frankenstein writes "This has the Hippy Frankenstein jointed Die Cut I have spent my whole life unsuccessfully looking for!"

    Tony in 1976 mentioned that King Kong was a really big deal for him.

    Jonathan as Superman (date unknown)

    An early 80s Halloween shot from David!

    Some 70s goodness from Dave.

    Thanks everybody for embracing the spirit of this and sharing your happy memories with the world. It brought me no end of joy to see my inbox crammed with these treasures.

    For more Fashion Mockery and 70's toy love visit us at Plaid

  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32567

    Great photos guys! I haven't run across any new ones after sending in that batch in previous years. Thanks for doing this Brian.



    • Hedji
      Citizen of Gotham
      • Nov 17, 2012
      • 7246

      These are magical. Each picture is really cool and deserving of attention. I have to go through my mom's old photos. As the last of 4 kids, they sort of took fewer pictures by the time I came around, but there are some amazing ones of my siblings too. Next year maybe I'll be ready to send them.


      • Brown Bear
        Still Old School
        • Feb 14, 2008
        • 7058

        Seeing these made my day. Wish I had pics of my own childhood to share.
        Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


        • Makernaut
          Persistent Member
          • Jul 22, 2015
          • 1552

          Love seeing these!


          • tay666
            Career Member
            • Dec 27, 2008
            • 755

            Great stuff.
            Thanks everyone for sharing them.

            Sadly, I still haven't found any old pics of me dressed up :(
            One of these days.


            • Confessional
              Maker & Whatnot
              • Aug 8, 2012
              • 3413

              Yes, these are much appreciated! Dan's Franky & Vampira pic is particularly spooktalucar!

