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Post MegoMeet 2011 Wrap Up

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  • Chris DVM
    Veterinarian Member
    • Jun 18, 2001
    • 2577

    Post MegoMeet 2011 Wrap Up

    Two realities of my age are becoming very apparent - enjoyable times go by much quicker and my bedtime gets much earlier!!
    Once again, a great weekend. I cannot tell which is more fun - seeing the regulars once again or meeting the newbies for the first time. This year I was more involved in the mechanics of the meet than before, but I do have a little experience in convention set up and running, so it in no way took away from the weekend.
    Couple of thanks to go out:
    1) Steve M - you made the show for me. For those who are not in the know, Steve was completely in charge of not only getting everyone's custom in and displayed, but also in charge of the Custom Auction. He worked with Chris Noon, an auctioneer, and the two of them were responsible for raising over $1000 for the MegoMuseum.
    Well, OK, the customizers were really responsible for it, but they facilitated this great take for the museum. Thanks to those who contributed - my gratitude cannot be expressed enough.
    2) Allen and Jimmy at the Museum - Allen, as always, makes us feel as at home and as comfortable as possible, and has a venue that is perfect for what we need - large enough to accommodate, but small enough that everyone can feel close to everyone else and not exiled to some far off corner. Jimmy is the curator of the Museum since last July, and was amazing in making suggestions, helping with ideas and being more than willing to make sure every aspect of the building and it's resources were available to us whenever we needed. After the meet, we spent some time discussing how it went, and he is already making suggestions as to how next years can be even more improved.
    3) Dr. Mego - as always, a solid rock to support our great community. Not only has he been the central figure in the resurgence of the 8" Mego type figure back into circulation, but has always supported both the Museum and the MegoMeet both emotionally as well as financially. Because of him, I have decided to embark on accepting his life philosophy of FYPM. And if you don't like it, GFY.
    4) David & Jason of Cast-A-Way - their suggestion and continual support of the Custom KitBash Contest has grown a life of itself that has really enhanced and improved the child-like fun of the Meet. We so often forget that these are toys, so it is nice to be reminded. For those who weren't there, there were more kid entries this year than adult, which was great to see. We had two categories - over 15 and under 15, with prizes in each. Jim, I'm sorry you could not be there this year, but that was your only chance to win - I'm back next year, and bud, it's on!!!
    5) MegoCrazy and Hulk - two rocks of the community and two guys that are instrumental in making one of the best aspects of this show come to life - the MegoSuite. Hulk was the original overseer of the suite, sacrificing his own sleep for all of our enjoyment. MegoCrazy has taken up the mantle and has run with it. To both of you, I tip my silly hat to you.
    6) Dave Mc - another pillar in the temple that is MegoMeet. Dave, up to this year, was THE MAN when it came to MegoMeet - the organizer, the director, the collection agent, the BMOM (Big Man of Meet). Dave had to take a step back this year, but whenever I needed something, he was the first I went to and the first to agree to help out. Your presence and assistance was much needed and even more appreciated.
    7) Austin, Derek, Scott, Ed - I cannot tell you how much I dropped on my knees and thanked God you were willing to step up and help out with the morning Custom Discussion. Austin, as always, your discussion kept everyone riveted for almost two hours. Outside of me worrying that you were going to dehydrate up there (and making sure there was a dry towel ready for you if you needed it), I think everyone loved the talk. Ed, Scott and Derek - I appreciate your willingness to step up at the last moment and talk not only to the crowd but also to the camera. Cannot wait for your stuff to get up on line.
    8) Bob and Dave, James - I appreciate you all being willing to sacrifice some of your time at the meet to help us document the people and experiences of the members there. Please let us know when it all goes up so we can all benefit from the collective knowledge that you collected.
    9) The MegoMeet Exclusive Construction Crew - every year it gets bigger, with this year the biggest, especially since not only did I do my usual procrastination (it's just not a MegoMeet without Johnson finishing working on the exclusive in the last 12 hours before sale!!), but I was joined by Stabilio who made me feel better by having even less done with his than myself. Seriously, I know I talk for both of us when I thank everyone involved for helping to make these figures a reality before the Meet was over!
    10) Art and Rose - Art, your generosity and graciousness to everyone regardless of age is a breath of fresh air in a very cynical world. I appreciate everything you did, from the logo to the willingness to draw for everyone and anyone who approached you to your help with the contest. And Rose, your co-hosting the aftermeet Mego Races has, for the last two years, put a perfect end to a great weekend. Next year, I will actually participate.
    And finally a big thanks to everyone that showed up. I hope you had as good of a time as I always have, and I hope you will join us again next year and all the years to come.
    Now I sleep.
    Chris DVM
    "The more I get to know people, the better I like my dog." - Mark Twain
  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    The addition of the extra room in the back really worked out terrifically! I know there was some trepidation that the back room wouldn't be as trafficked, but I think it worked out really quite well in giving even more space for dealers/displays to set up shop. I know I found myself spending much time in the back room given all the custom goodies that were to be had from everyone in there. I also appreciated that there was a bit more room to mill about in the aisles.

    Did anyone get Austin's resin casting/pressure pot/re-scaling demo on video? It would totally be worth sharing with the museum members that didn't get to go. It was as slick and entertaining as a Ronco infomercial!

    I spent a couple of hours just sitting next to Scott and watching him work his magic on the Abomination, Hal Jordan, and Solomon Grundy heads. The man is incredibly talented with a paintbrush and it was a pleasure to be at the custom table again with him, del, and all the others... especially the kids.

    I enjoyed the customs focus of this meet a great deal! Although I do wish I had spent more time meeting people I hadn't previously met, since I didn't stay for dinner/Mego Suite that night.

    It was also really cool watching Art B paint the little canvases with Super Pets for prizes to give to the kids for the customs contest.

    Sorry I missed the Mego Racing this year as well. Hopefully they will post the video!
    My store in the MEGO MALL!



    • Type3Toys
      Home Of The Type3 Body
      • Jan 18, 2005
      • 627

      It was really great being there again. My hat is off to all the folks who helped make this possible. I have been 5 years and this is the first time I went all out with the total experiance, the mego suite, dinner with the gang, the whole trip! Already looking forward to next year!
      Action Figure Design & Prototypes
      For Samples See Home -Type 3 Body & Spiderman
      To Contact: [email protected]


      • noelani72
        • Jun 25, 2002
        • 4609

        Thanks to you chris and everyone for putting this together.
        Sean is already planning for next year.


        • mego maniac mark
          Career Member
          • Aug 3, 2010
          • 922

          I'd like to take a moment to share my first mego meet.
          First, a huge thanks to all the members who I met. These are some of the nicest folks you can ever meet. They are warm, friendly, and genuine. I had one of the best times of my life. You guys rock!
          Not only is there tons of mego goodness, there is such a positive vibe from all.
          Hanging out in the mego suite each night was so much fun. Although my entry got run off the track in seconds, Participating in the race was so cool! Great event that was a pleasant surprise!

          Special thanks to Chris, Austin,Berto, Brian,Dave and Doc for all the great items I picked up from your tables. I can't wait to start my custom projects.

          Big special thanks to Jimi for making the trip with me. Mego Meet fist pump!

          For those who haven't got a chance to go before, you need to go. You will not regret it. I can't wait till next year!

          Thanks to all,
          mego's befo ho's


          • AcroRay
            Persistent Member
            • Apr 17, 2005
            • 1010

            MegoMeet has become the only regular fannish gathering my family makes it to unfailingly every year, and it is always a wonderful experience.

            Collette said she felt incredibly welcome this year, very much among friends.

            MegoMeet with all you guys and gals is becoming like a regular family reunion, but better!

            To everyone who works so hard to organize it every year - Thank you!
            Micronauts Collector, Historian, Consultant
            AcroRay's Laboratory - My Micronauts Blog
            The Micropolis Embassy - My Micronauts Group
            Rockets, Robots & Dinosaurs - My Blog for Other Interests


            • VintageMike
              Permanent Member
              • Dec 16, 2004
              • 3383

              Thanks for putting it together this year, you did an awesome job!


              • trekman101
                Persistent Member
                • Feb 6, 2009
                • 1432

                Chris the meet was awesome!!!!!!
                My son had a blast .....Austin's customizing session kept his attention the whole time....even when I had to leave the room he paid close attention and wants to try casting big success
                Helping you put the Mudd figure together was my pleasure....I'll be there next year to help
                The kit bash contest for the kids was the best ever....this is what keeps this hobby creating there visions of cool characters
                The meet is always worth the trip.....thanks
                "Thats the ticket laddie"


                • Wee67
                  Museum Correspondent
                  • Apr 2, 2002
                  • 10601

                  Just a quick thanks to you Chris, for keeping this alive and giving one more year of Mego goodness.
                  WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


                  • Brue
                    User without title
                    • Sep 29, 2005
                    • 4245

                    very good to see you sir - thanks for your efforts to help pull this thing off.


                    • Godzilla
                      Permanent Member
                      • Nov 3, 2002
                      • 3009

                      The Godzilla family had a great time and my kids loved the kitbash. It was the 5th meet for my 7 year old and he's still talking about the Megos he wants to make next. I loved the number of kids entries in the kitbash as well.

                      Thanks to everyone for making this happen.
                      Mortui Vivos Docent
                      The Dead Teach the Living


                      • burgerzking
                        Veteran Member
                        • Jan 16, 2003
                        • 489

                        Originally posted by AcroRay
                        MegoMeet has become the only regular fannish gathering my family makes it to unfailingly every year, and it is always a wonderful experience.

                        Collette said she felt incredibly welcome this year, very much among friends.

                        MegoMeet with all you guys and gals is becoming like a regular family reunion, but better!

                        To everyone who works so hard to organize it every year - Thank you!
                        Your wife was really cool Ray, hope she's feeling better.


                        • Electric Rose
                          New Member
                          • Jun 8, 2009
                          • 3

                          The whole weekend was so much fun and I look forward to next year's meet!


                          • Hulk
                            Mayor of Megoville
                            • May 10, 2003
                            • 16007

                            Bill!!! I am so sorry I missed you again this year. You really need to come find me next time. You are one of the early highlights of Mego Meet and a friendship I cherish. Glad you got to make it for a bit this year.


                            • stabilio
                              Persistent Member
                              • Feb 10, 2002
                              • 1025

                              Originally posted by Hulk
                              Bill!!! I am so sorry I missed you again this year. You really need to come find me next time. You are one of the early highlights of Mego Meet and a friendship I cherish. Glad you got to make it for a bit this year.
                              That sounds like a 2012 commitment to me...

