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Do you believe in an afterlife?

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  • Mr.Marion
    Permanent Member
    • Sep 15, 2014
    • 2733

    Do you believe in an afterlife?

    Hopefully this thread doesn't infringe on the no religion guidelines.

    I had a dream last night where I saw Grandparents the way they were 20 years ago and it got thinking.

    My other Papa long pasted I had a dream about about a year ago where we were walking through his field and I asked him why my teenage years were so tough and he said with your attitude it couldn't have gone any other way.

    Anyway to me the afterlife would be seeing loved ones and reflecting on life with better understanding. Maybe it would revisiting your favorite toy store as a kid, maybe it is painting a shed with dad but it circles back to simpler or happier days.
  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47253

    I think mentally and spiritually when you're gone you're gone

    People ask, doesn't it bother you thinking there is no afterlife ?

    My reply is nahhh … Energy can't be destroyed, it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.

    Maybe someday in the distant future part of me will be a mouse fart --- I'd like that


    • Nostalgiabuff
      Muddling through
      • Oct 4, 2008
      • 11361

      no, I do not believe in it either. when you're gone you're gone. I appreciate the comfort it brings people to believe though


      • Brown Bear
        Still Old School
        • Feb 14, 2008
        • 7058

        This thread is timely for me as an old friend passed away on Wednesday and I've been sort of struggling with my own mortality as this is the third friend I've lost in recent years. Any notion of "that could never happen to me" is gone and I've made changes in my life.

        I absolutely believe there is an afterlife. There has to be something more than just science to explain our existence and purpose. Knowing my old friend is going to a better place rather than just rotting in the dirt makes this horrible news a little easier to swallow.

        That said, when it comes to religion and politics, to each their own. I don't knock anyone for believing differently nor do I push my own on them.
        Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


        • Hedji
          Citizen of Gotham
          • Nov 17, 2012
          • 7246

          Man, I don't know. Sometimes I get cosmic thoughts about what my consciousness really is. Is life just a dream within a dream, and that sort of thing.

          It's weird, when I was younger, my answer would be "Yes"
          As I get older and more cynical, my answer is "Probably No"

          I bet when I'm on my death bed, my answer will be "Hallelujah Yes!"


          • Makernaut
            Persistent Member
            • Jul 22, 2015
            • 1556

            I only know how to answer that question one way: "I don't know".

            The only thing I am sure of right now (regarding that question) is that either way, it has no effect on my feelings about the apple I am enjoying in my very quiet office at the moment. (on a Friday!, no less)


            • YoungOnce
              Career Member
              • Aug 29, 2007
              • 966

              Do I believe in an afterlife?

              That is something that seems to change throughout the chapters of my life. I can say that I WISH and HOPE that there is more than this, not that I’ve had a bad life (I haven’t), but just the desire that the soul goes on.

              Nobody knows for sure what waits for a person when the last breath is taken. When I look at it with nothing but pure logic, it seems like this was all an accident, we gained knowledge enough to be self-aware and then religion was off to the races to explain it all. And then, when I settle in to believing, “yeah... that’s all we are”, I keep getting a nagging feeling that there is more. Then I begin to wonder, “where is that nagging feeling coming from?”


              • danadoll
                Micronaut Nut!
                • Apr 11, 2005
                • 1840

                I don't think so. My scientific mind believes (as Mikey suggested) our energy can't be destroyed (the electrical impulses our brains creates/the electrical field our body generates), yet I'm not in the least religious (used to be, not anymore, though) or a believer in spirituality, etc... That energy must go somewhere. I'm perfectly fine with the idea that my energy might just float out into the atmosphere or space or whatever.

                I don't believe in any kind of Heavens or Hells, however...I believe those are all manmade concepts.

                Perhaps there is an afterlife (or perhaps not), but do I believe it's as Christianity or Islam or the ancient Greeks, Aztecs or Egyptians described it? No...not at all.

                Last edited by danadoll; Feb 21, '20, 6:09 PM.
                "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                • Hedji
                  Citizen of Gotham
                  • Nov 17, 2012
                  • 7246

                  Originally posted by YoungOnce
                  Do I believe in an afterlife?

                  That is something that seems to change throughout the chapters of my life. I can say that I WISH and HOPE that there is more than this, not that I’ve had a bad life (I haven’t), but just the desire that the soul goes on.

                  Nobody knows for sure what waits for a person when the last breath is taken. When I look at it with nothing but pure logic, it seems like this was all an accident, we gained knowledge enough to be self-aware and then religion was off to the races to explain it all. And then, when I settle in to believing, “yeah... that’s all we are”, I keep getting a nagging feeling that there is more. Then I begin to wonder, “where is that nagging feeling coming from?”

                  Yes, this is my sentiment exactly.


                  • Mikey
                    Verbose Member
                    • Aug 9, 2001
                    • 47253

                    Some people would say when you die where do you go ? … Your spirit of being alive … You must be somewhere

                    I would best describe being dead like getting an operation at the hospital ….. They knock you out and suddenly you're waking up hours later … Where was your "spirit" during this time ? … Were you floating around in some other world or even dreaming ? … Not me, when I was knocked out I was nowhere - no existent

                    Imagine being knocked out like that forever

                    As far as the Universe being "perfect" and this is why it must have been created, I would counter the Universe is only perfect compared to what we know of … actually EVERYTHING can only be compared to things we know of

                    I love this talk but I have a feeling this thread is going to wink out of this Universe soon


                    • TrekStar
                      Trek or Treat
                      • Jan 20, 2011
                      • 8440

                      Well good news everyone, we're all gonna find out someday, but for now I'm in no rush.

                      Right now spring training games have begun, so I'm going to sit back and enjoy the upcoming season
                      and not think about death and what comes after, it's depressing so why bother thinking about it.

                      Enjoy life,family and friends, diet, exercise, vitamins, look both ways before crossing and enjoy playing
                      with your megos.


                      • B-Lister
                        Eccentric Weirdo
                        • Mar 19, 2010
                        • 3014

                        I've no memory of existence prior to birth, and have no reason to believe in it after death.

                        The way I look at it is this: Either I won't know I'm dead, or I'll be surprised.
                        Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                        • Mikey
                          Verbose Member
                          • Aug 9, 2001
                          • 47253

                          Speaking of death and an afterlife, what was up with The Funky Phantom having the same voice as Snagglepuss ?


                          • Werewolf
                            • Jul 14, 2003
                            • 14663

                            Originally posted by Mikey
                            Speaking of death and an afterlife, what was up with The Funky Phantom having the same voice as Snagglepuss ?
                            That's just one of those unexplainable mysteries of the universe. Some things mortals are just not meant to know.
                            You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47253

                              Life after death seems appealing until you really think about it …

                              Wouldn't it get CRAZY boring ?

