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Star Wars The Last Jedi Discussion

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  • The Bat
    Batman Fanatic
    • Jul 14, 2002
    • 13412

    I can tell, they're going to kill off Luke Skywalker...then I'll have no desire to see episode 9. Hell...I'm not certain I want to see this one now.


    • Orion1
      • Apr 7, 2010
      • 57

      Originally posted by The Bat
      I can tell, they're going to kill off Luke Skywalker...then I'll have no desire to see episode 9. Hell...I'm not certain I want to see this one now.
      If you are going in to see this movie expecting a typical STAR WARS movie where you can bring your entire family and leave the theater feeling happy and in a good mood - be prepared to be disappointed. This is NOT a feel good movie - it is a Violent and Depressing cartoon of a film. I have already cancelled further viewings of this film with my family and friends. I am even returning all merchandise I had already purchased from this film.


      • Orion1
        • Apr 7, 2010
        • 57

        Lucas is NO savior. Remember the prequels, Jar Jar Binks, and Howard the Duck. I'll admit THX1138 was good though. He sold out to DISNEY and I really liked Disney's ROGUE ONE.
        Last edited by Orion1; Dec 13, '17, 8:33 PM.


        • jwyblejr
          galactic yo-yo
          • Apr 6, 2006
          • 11147

          I can understand why they backed away. I don't think it has anything to do with the Prequels. Imagine the uproar from fans if they did go the route George wanted them to. They would be saying Disney is just turning Star Wars into one of their teen sitcoms they have on Disney Channel.


          • JRT!
            Museum Super Collector
            • Sep 6, 2015
            • 153

            I was bored. WAY too long,and what they did to certain characters was just lame. And if Phasma comes back YET AGAIN!!....well,they've certainly got some explaining to do. lol! Some ok bits,smiled twice,but that was it. If I ever see it again at home,it'll take me fifteen-twenty minutes. lol!


            • Bionicfanboy66
              Career Member
              • Jul 30, 2012
              • 872

              Tonight at 6PM.


              • Bruce Banner
                HULK SMASH!
                • Apr 3, 2010
                • 4335

                Saw it earlier today.
                Sure, it's thrilling, emotional, spectacular, etc...
                But I have very mixed feelings about it... primarily about a particular direction the story took towards the end.
                I won't post spoilers, but those who have seen it will know what I mean.
                PUNY HUMANS!


                • emeraldknight47
                  Talkative Member
                  • Jun 20, 2011
                  • 5212

                  I never saw TFA and am not planning on seeing TLJ, but I gotta say, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any SW film get such mixed reactions and I’ve been reading reviews and opinions since the original SW back in ‘77. TLJ seems to be easily as divisive as TPM was back in ‘99...
                  sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                  • Hedji
                    Citizen of Gotham
                    • Nov 17, 2012
                    • 7246

                    I saw it.

                    I loved it.

                    Absolutely loved it to death.

                    It's a miracle this film exists. Everyone complained TFA was too much of the same. Now people are saying it's too different. No pleasing some people.

                    I like the unpredictability of it. It's also very emotionally powerful.


                    • drquest
                      • Apr 17, 2012
                      • 3811

                      I just got back from the movie. I'm having a very difficult time putting my feelings into words. I liked the movie overall, but I loved every scene with Mark Hamill. As expected, the Carrier Fisher scenes are very bittersweet. I'm old school Star Wars as a lot of us on here are, watched the original in the theater as many times as my parents would take me. With that baggage in mind, I really enjoyed the Force Awakens and embraced the "new crew". There's a lot of that in the Last Jedi, with enough old school Star Wars to keep me happy as well. Im not going to spoil anything, but there's some parts I'm having some difficulty making peace with and I'm sure others will too.

                      Overall it moves the trilogy forward, and does it beautifully.
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                      • Makernaut
                        Persistent Member
                        • Jul 22, 2015
                        • 1556

                        There was a discussion in the thread about the "Justice League" movie that had several responses regarding how critics were trashing that particular movie (40%) and the audience rating was showing that the audience opinion was decidedly in the "Like" category (80%). Most of these numbers were coming from Rotten Tomatoes and the general opinion seemed to be that the site's reporting was a little biased.


                        I bring that up because it was recent and as it pertains to "The Last Jedi", I find it interesting that the opposite is in play. While the critics seems to gush about this movie (93%), the Audience rating (57%) is waaaaaayyyy below what one would expect for a "Star Wars" flick ESPECIALLY as it is opening weekend.


                        Thought it was an interesting comparison.

                        (Those numbers for "The Last Jedi" were as of my writing...obviously, it will move one way or the other)
                        Last edited by Makernaut; Dec 15, '17, 5:13 PM.


                        • Makernaut
                          Persistent Member
                          • Jul 22, 2015
                          • 1556

                          Also, in comparing "Apples to Apples", the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes for "The Force Awakens" and "Rogue One" were pretty close for either between Critics and Audience.




                          • phil
                            Persistent Member
                            • May 11, 2007
                            • 2081

                            I liked it far more than I did The Force Awakens the first time I saw that. I did think it was too long though.


                            • Nostalgiabuff
                              Muddling through
                              • Oct 4, 2008
                              • 11361

                              I will try and see it this weekend. please don't post any spoilers for at least a week, LOL


                              • enyawd72
                                Maker of Monsters!
                                • Oct 1, 2009
                                • 7904

                                I loved it!

                                It felt strangely familiar to me for some reason and halfway through it hit me. It felt EXACTLY like watching an old Marvel Star Wars comic.
                                The dialogue, the humor, the action...yep, it was live action classic Marvel Star Wars, and I'm totally fine with that.

                                I'll be seeing it again for sure.

